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"You're going to face a choice in November. This is a choice between the policies that
got us into this mess in the first place and the policies that got us out of this mess –
and what the other side is counting on is people not having a good memory."
— President Barack Obama, 8 July 2010
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of U.S. Politics & Elections
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The U.S. Elections of 2010
         This page is begun in June 2009, which is much too early, but the national election cycle has been taken over by the media (owned, of course, by the very Oligarchs who seek to destroy the democratic process) and the longer the election cycle runs, the more profit the Oligarchs make.
         While the People did get Barack Obama elected as head of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch is still a problem. The Republican Party blocked the seating of Senator Al Franken from Minnesota (the election results have him winner by a mere 300 votes) thru July; and so the count was 57 Democrats, 40 Republicans, two independents, and one Senate seat vacant. The current alignment is 57 Democrats, 41 Republicans and 2 independents (who caucus with the Dems). Still, for many votes, just one 'Blue Dog' Democrat in the Senate can stall any and all legislation – with not enough votes to prevent The Party of No from threatening to use the filibuster.
         Meanwhile, the Republican Party is targeting various Congressional districts, and state governorships, and many local elections, because they must get back the positional Power that gives them access to destroying America's economy, taking away Constitutional rights, and profiting from bribery, treason and war crimes.
         Any U.S. citizen who does not/did not vote in the 2010 Primary and 2010 General Elections surrenders the right to call him-/herself an American.
Voter turnout of 42% (higher than 2006 midterms, but still lame) produced gains for the Republican Party. Senate election results were six seats switched to G.O.P., giving 47 Repub-licans, 2 independents, and 51 Democrats. In the House, Republicans had a net gain of 64 seats (of 435), handing control to the G.O.P. at 241-190 (with 4 unclear). The Republicans gained six net state governorships, giving 29 G.O.P., 20 Democrat, and 1 independent.
League of P*ssed Off Voters
Fighting Dems: Iraq War veterans running for Congress as Democrats
Sen. Feingold's Progressive Patriots Fund
Campaign Office hosting site
ActBlue - online clearing house for Democratic action {Federal PAC est. 6/2004}
'Smart Women Vote' non-partisan campaign
'She Should Run' Women's Campaign Forum
U.S. Elections Schedule for 2010
2010 U.S. Senate elections entry at Wikipedia
2010 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2010 gubernatorial elections in U.S. entry at Wikipedia
the next National Presidential Election is on 5 November 2012
selection of U.S. President & V.P. by the Electoral College system
President Barack Obama's second inaguration will take place on 20 January 2013
U.S. Presidents Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore
President Obama video "The Choice This November" {watch on YouTube}
Spanish-language "Voto 2010" video {watch on YouTube}
2010 U.S. Senate Races
One-third of the members in the Senate run for re-election in each 2-year cycle.
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
2010 U.S. Senate elections info at Wikipedia
U.S. Senate elections Class III list (34 Senators in 2010)
★ ★   Alabama   ★ ★
primary election June 1st {turnout = GOP 2:1 Dems}
Sen. Richard Shelby [GOP AL] is up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is attorney William G. Barnes:
campaign website
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Jeff Sessions [GOP AL] in 2014
★ ★   Alaska   ★ ★
primary election August 24th {turnout = GOP 3:1 Dems}
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [appointed 2002, re-elected 2004; GOP] is up for re-election in 2010
lost August primary to Joe Miller, doing write-in campaign in Nov 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Scott McAdams:
campaign website •
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Palin-approved Joe Miller
Sen. Mark Begich [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Arizona   ★ ★ primary election August 24th
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. John McCain [GOP AZ] in 2010
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Jon Kyl [GOP AZ] in 2012
★ ★   Arkansas   ★ ★
primary election May 18th, runoff election June 8th {turnout = Dems 2½:1 GOP}
Sen. Blanche Lincoln [since 1999; Dem] 2010 re-election campaign website
Lt. Gov. Bill Halter [since 2007; Dem] 2010 election campaign website
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. John Boozman
Sen. Mark Pryor [since 2003; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   California   ★ ★
primary election June 8th
Sen. Barbara Boxer [since 1993; Dem] 2010 re-election campaign website
Republican nominee Carly Fiorina 2010 campaign website
Fiorina's Demon Sheep ad backfired: rebuttal ad "Demon Sheep II"
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [since 1993; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
★ ★   Colorado   ★ ★
special primary August 10th, special election Nov 2nd
mid-term election for the Senate seat vacated by Ken Salazar
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Ken Buck
appointee Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet [sworn January 2009] 2010 re-election campaign website
Sen. Mark Udall [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Delaware   ★ ★
primary election Sept 14th, special election November 2nd
mid-term elections for the Senate seat vacated by Joe Biden
appointee Democrat Ted Kaufman [sworn January 2009] will NOT run for re-election in 2010
Republican nominee (and campaign funds thief) Christine O'Donnell
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Chris Coons:
campaign website •
Sen. Tom Carper [since 2001; Dem] up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Florida   ★ ★ primary election August 24th
mid-term election for the Senate seat vacated by Mel Martinez {sworn 2005, resigned August 2009}
appointee Republican George LeMieux [sworn September 2009] is NOT running for re-election
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio
independent {formerly Republican} candidate Gov. Charlie Crist
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Kendrick Meek [Dem-FL17]:
campaign website •
made state history by collecting more than 140,000 voter signatures to qualify for the Senate race by petition
Sen. Bill Nelson [since 2001; Dem] up for re-election in 2012
★ ★   Georgia   ★ ★
primary election July 20th, primary runoff August 10th
Sen. Johnny Isakson [since 2005; GOP] up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Michael Thurmond:
campaign website •
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Saxby Chambliss [since 2003; GOP] up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Idaho   ★ ★ {turnout = GOP 6:1 Dems}
Sen. Mike Crapo [since 1999; GOP] up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Tom Sullivan
campaign website
Sen. Jim Risch [since 2009; Dem] up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Illinois   ★ ★ primary election Feb 2010
mid-term election for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama
appointee Democrat Roland Burris [sworn January 2009] will retire and NOT run for re-election
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Mark Kirk [IL=10]
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is state treasurer Alexi Giannoulias:
campaign website •
Sen. Dick Durbin [since 1997; Dem] up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Iowa   ★ ★ primary election June 8th
Sen. Chuck Grassley [since 1981; GOP] up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Roxanne Conlin:
campaign website •
Sen. Tom Harkin [since 1985; Dem] up for re-election in 2014
? ?   Kansas   ★ ★
primary election August 3rd {turnout = GOP 4:1 Dems}
Republican Sam Brownback [since Nov 1996] announced that he will NOT seek re-election in 2010
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Jerry Moran [KS-01]
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is educator Lisa Johnston:
campaign website
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Pat Roberts [since 1997; GOP] in 2014
? ?   Kentucky   ★ ★ primary election May 18th
Republican Sen. Jim Bunning [since 1999] announced that he will NOT seek re-election in 2010
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Tea Bagger Rand Paul {son of Ron Paul}
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Kansas Attorney General Jack Conway:
campaign website •
Democrat Lt. Governor Daniel Mongiardo 2010 senate campaign website
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Mitch McConnell [GOP KY] in 2012
★ ★   Louisiana   ★ ★ {primary turnout = Dems 53:47 GOP}
disgraced Sen. David Vitter [since 2005; GOP] up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Charlie Melançon:
campaign website •
Sen. Mary Landrieu [since 1997; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Maine   ★ ★
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Olympia Snowe [since 1995; GOP] in 2012
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Susan Collins [since 1997; GOP] in 2014
★ ★   Massachusetts   ★ ★
state primary election December 8th, 2009; state special election Jan 19th, 2010
to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy's death
Democratic nominee state Attorney General Martha Coakley:
campaign website •
major upset: Republican Scott Brown beat Coakley for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Scott Brown [GOP MA] in 2012
Sen. John Kerry [since 1985; Dem] up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Michigan   ★ ★
Sen. Debbie Stabenow [since 2001; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
Sen. Carl Levin [since 1979; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Minnesota   ★ ★
winning Democrat Sen. Al Franken was finally seated as U.S. Senator in July 2009
campaign website •
Sen. Amy Klobuchar [since 2007; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
★ ★   Mississippi   ★ ★
ANY Democrat vs. Roger Wicker [appointed Dec 2007; GOP] in 2012
ANY Democrat vs. probable retiree Sen. Thad Cochran [since Dec 1978; GOP] in 2014
? ?   Missouri   ★ ★ primary election August 3rd
Republican Kit Bond [since 1987] announced that he will NOT seek re-election in 2010
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Roy Blunt [MO-07]
Democratic nominee extremely popular Secretary of State Robin Carnahan campaign website
Sen. Claire McCaskill [since 2007; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
★ ★   Montana   ★ ★
Sen. Jon Tester [since 2007; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
Sen. Max Baucus [since Dec 1978; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Nebraska   ★ ★
Sen. Ben Nelson [since 2001; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Mike Johanns [since 2009; GOP] in 2014
★ ★   Nevada   ★ ★
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is TEA Party wacko Sharron Angle
Democratic Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid [elected 1986]:
campaign website •
Sen. John Ensign [since 2001; GOP] is up for re-election in 2012
? ?   New Hampshire   ★ ★ primary election Sept 14th
Republican Judd Gregg [since 1993] announced that he will NOT seek re-election in 2010
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is state Attorney General Kelly Ayotte
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Cong. Paul Hodes [NH-02]
campaign website •
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   New Jersey   ★ ★
Sen. Bob Menendez [appointed Dec 2005; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
Sen. Frank Lautenberg [since 2003; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   New Mexico   ★ ★
Sen. Jeff Bingaman [since 1983; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
Sen. Tom Udall [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   New York State   ★ ★
primary election September 14th, special election November 2nd
mid-term election for the Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is ex-Cong. Joseph J. DioGuardi
appointee Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [sworn January 2009] 2010 re-election campaign website
Sen. Charles Schumer [since 1999; Dem] 2010 re-election campaign website
★ ★   North Carolina   ★ ★ primary election June 22nd
Sen. Richard Burr [since 2005; GOP] is up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Sec'y of State Elaine Marshall:
campaign website •
Sen. Kay Hagan [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Oklahoma   ★ ★
primary election August 2nd (turnout GOP 50.6:49.4 Dems}
Sen. Tom Coburn [since 2005; GOP] is up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Jim Rogers
ANY Democrat vs. anti-science goofball Sen. Jim Inhofe [since Nov 1994; GOP] in 2014
★ ★   Oregon   ★ ★
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Jim Huffman
Sen. Ron Wyden [since 1996; Dem] is up for re-election in 2010:
campaign website •
Sen. Jeff Merkley [since 2009; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
? ?   Pennsylvania   ★ ★ primary election May 18
longtime Republican-turned-Democrat Senator Arlen Spector lost in the Dem primary
Cong. Joe Sestak [PA-07] won the Dem primary 53% to 46% 2010 re-election campaign website
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is ex-Cong. Patrick J. Toomey
Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. [since 2007; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
★ ★   Rhode Island   ★ ★
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [since 2007; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
Sen. Jack Reed [since 1997; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   South Carolina   ★ ★
wacko Sen. Jim DeMint [since 2005; GOP] is up for re-election in 2010
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Alvin M. Greene:
campaign website •
Sen. Lindsey Graham [since 2003; GOP ] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Washington State   ★ ★
open caucus Feb 9th, party primary Feb 19th, blanket primary August 24th
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Dino Rossi
Sen. Patty Murray [since 1993; Dem] 2010 re-election campaign website
Sen. Maria Cantwell [since 2001; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
? ?   West Virginia   ★ ★
special primary election August 28th; state special election Nov 2nd
to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Robert Byrd's death
appointee lawyer Carte Goodwin sworn in July 2010; not seeking re-election in 2010
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is John Raese
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is Gov. Joe Manchin:
campaign website •
Sen. Jay Rockefeller [since 1985; Dem] is up for re-election in 2014
★ ★   Wisconsin   ★ ★
primary election September 14th
Republican nominee for U.S. Senate is Ron Johnson
Sen. Russ Feingold [since 1993; Dem] 2010 re-election campaign website
![]() | "Feingold: A New Democratic Party" [2007] by Sanford D. Horwitt S&S 9½x6½ hardcover [7/2007] for $26.00 |
Sen. Herb Kohl [since 1989; Dem] is up for re-election in 2012
courageous Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota
official Tim Johnson re-election website
entry at Wikipedia
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Lamar Alexander [GOP TN]
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. John Cornyn [GOP TX]
former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner
announced 13 September 2007 that he is running for retiring GOP Sen. John Warner's vacant seat
official Mark Warner for U.S. Senate campaign website
entry at Wikipedia
ANY Democrat vs. Sen. Michael Enzi [GOP WY]
ANY Democrat vs. appointed Sen. John Barrasso [GOP WY] in the special election in 2008
2010 U.S. Congressional Races
Everybody in the House of Representatives has to run for re-election every two years.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
CA-04: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Tom McClintock [since 2009]
CA-04: 2008 Democratic candidate Charlie Brown {LtCol USAF, Ret.}
CA-10: Democrat John Garamendi won special election 3 November 2009
to replace Ellen Tauscher (appointed to State Department)
CA-12: Democrat Jackie Speier won special election 8 April 2008
(to fill empty seat due to death of Tom Lantos) & re-elected in November 2008
CA-13: outspoken Rep. Pete Stark [since 1973; Dem] re-election website
entry at Wikipedia
CA-29: Rep. Adam Schiff [since 2003; Dem] re-election website
CA-32: Democrat Judy Chu won special election 14 July 2009
to replace Hilda Solis (appointed Obama's Secretary of Labor)
CA-41: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Jerry Lewis [since 1979]
under investigation by the District Attorney, ran for re-election anyway
CA-41: 2008 Democratic primary candidate Tim Prince
CA-51: Rep. Bob Filner [since 1993; Dem] re-election website
CA-52: ANY Democrat to replace son-of-a-crook Republican Duncan D. Hunter [since 2009]
CO-05: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Doug Lamborn [since 2007]
CO-06: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Mike Coffman [since 2009]
CO-07: Rep. Ed Perlmutter [since 2007; Dem] re-election website
GA-01: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Jack Kingston [since 1993]
GA-01: 2008 Democratic primary candidate & war hero Bill Gillespie
IL-05: Democrat Michael Quigley won special election 7 April 2009
to replace Rahm Emanuel (appointed to White House Chief of Staff)
IL-06: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Peter Roskam [since 2007]
IL-14: Democrat Bill Foster won special election 8 March 2008
to fill Hastert's empty seat & re-elected in November 2008
MA-05: Rep. Niki Tsongas [since Oct 2007; Dem] re-election website
2008 Democratic primary candidate Donna Edwards {vs. Dem incumbent Albert Wynn MD-04}
2008 Democratic primary candidate Nancy Skinner {vs. Joe Knollenberg} in MI-09
primary election ??, national/state election November 2nd
MO-07: ANY Democrat vs. GOP Congressman Roy D. Blunt
under investigation for ties to Tom DeLay
MO-08: Democrat primary candidate war hero Tommy Sowers
MT-01: 2008 Democratic primary candidate Bill Kennedy
New Mexico
primary election June 1st, national/state election November 2nd
NM-01 incumbent Democrat Martin Heinrich 2010 campaign website
first Martin Heinrich campaign TV ad 'Hurry' 23 Aug 2010
2010 G.O.P. candidate for Congress NM-01 Jon Barela {former statewide G.O.P. vice chair}
NM-02 incumbent Democrat Harry Teague 2010 campaign website
former Congressman Steve Pearce [N.M. 2nd District 2003-2009; GOP] wants his seat back
'Ask Pearce Why' opposition website
NM-03 incumbent Democrat Ben R. Luján 2010 campaign website
2010 G.O.P. candidate for Congress NM-03 Tom Mullins of Farmington, NM
NY-20: Democrat Scott Murphy won special election 31 March 2009
to replace Kirsten Gillibrand (appointed to Hillary Clinton's Senate seat)
NY-23: Democrat Bill Owens won special election 3 November 2009
to replace Republican John M. McHugh (appointed to Obama's Secretary of the Army)
Rep. Tim Ryan [Dem OH-17] 2008 re-election website
Rep. Earl Blumenauer [Dem OR-03] 2008 re-election website
Rep. Patrick Murphy [Dem PA-08] re-election website
Democrat Mark Critz beat Republican Tim Burns in May to fill out the term of the late Jack Murtha [PA-12] in SC
ANY Democrat to fill open seat of Rep. Jo Ann Davis [1950-2007] in VA-01
Iraq expert Rep. Jim McDermott [since 1989; Dem WA-07] re-election website
Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin
Rep. Dave Obey [Dem WI-07] 2008 re-election website
![]() |
"Raising Hell For Justice: The Washington Battles of A Heartland Progressive" [2007] by by David R. Obey Univ WI Press 9x6¼ hardcover [8/2007] for $25.55 |
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan [Dem WV-01]
under investigation by House Ethics Committee about real estate deals
Alan Mollohan's 2006 re-election website
2009 & 2010 State Races
There are 39 governorships up for grabs before the critical 2011 redistricting process
that will realign our political landscape for a generation.
Democratic Governors Assn. [est. 1963]
California primary election June 8th, national/state election November 2nd
Jerry Brown is running for California Governor in 2010
Bill Lockyer *might* run for Governor of California in 2010
New Jersey state election November 3rd, 2009
Republican Chris Christie won the election for Governor, replacing one-term Democrat Jon Corzine
New Mexico primary election June 1st, national/state election November 2nd
2010 Democratic candidate for Governor Diane Denish {currently Lt. Governor}
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released Dec 2009
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released 12 May 2010
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released 22 May 2010
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released 15 June 2010
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released July 2010
Diane Denish For Governor campaign video released 6 August 2010
2010 Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Brian Colón
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Lt. Governor Joe Campos {State Rep.}
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Lt. Governor Lawrence Rael of Santa Fe & Isleta Pueblo
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Lt. Governor Jerry Ortiz y Pino {State Senator}
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Lt. Governor Linda Lopez {State Senator}
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Lt. Governor Greg Solano {Santa Fe County Sheriff}
Oregon primary election May 18th, state election November 2nd
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Governor John Kitzhaber (former Governor of Oregon)
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Governor Bill Bradbury (former Oregon Secretary of State)
2010 Democratic primary candidate for Governor Steve Shields (former Hewlett-Packard executive)
Virginia state election November 3rd, 2009
Republican Robert McDonnell won the election for Governor
with nearly 60% of the vote, replacing one-term Democrat Timothy M. Kaine
"If Dubya wins, America loses."
— G.E. Nordell (September 2004)
Well, this website was right, durnit!
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