Donald Trump is not the President of the United States, he thinks that he is playing one on television. Here are stimulating and horrifying quotations from Donald J. Trump and quotations of others about him, not to honor him, but to record the sheer idiocy of Donald Trump's endless spew of garbage into the mindless 24-hour news cycle. Twitter is complicit because they have not shut down or muffled Trump. The Fox Propaganda Machine is complicit on purpose, and everyone who watches Fox Faux News is complicit by their constant choosing to be willfully ignorant. |       ![]() |
Links are provided below for further investigation.
The references to WMail issues indicate quotes that appeared in the free monthly 'WMail' ezine
connected with the revolutionary "Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment" created by G.E. Nordell.
After WMail Issue #72 in October 2007, essays & quotations & news are being posted to the Dateline Chamesa blog
Donald J. Trump entry at Wikipedia
listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011
Spirit of America Bookstore's original real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Emperor Donald J. Trump Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Emperor Trump's Swamp Cabinet Page
'RussiaGate Scandal' Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
time remaining until Donald Trump leaves office the second time:
. . . or maybe sooner!
“Criticism is easier to take when you realize that the only people who aren't criticized are those who don't take risks.”  {blog 12/2015}
“Sometimes your best investments are the ones [that] you don't make.”  {blog 4/2016}
“If you are going to think, you might as well think BIG!”  {blog 7/2016}
“It's not whether you win or lose, but whether you win.” - tagline on 'Trump The Board Game', 2004  {blog 8/2016}
“Being an atheist gives me an edge in every deal. Christians are too moral for business.” - in "The Art of The Deal" [1988]  {blog 1/2018}
•      •
“If the Dow Joans ever falls more than 1,000 'points' in a Single Day the sitting president should be loaded into a very big cannon and Shot
into the sun at TREMENDOUS SPEED! No Excuses!” {sic} ~~ tweet from {hash} realDonaldTrump on 29 February 2015  {blog 2/2018}
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hoist on his own petard, as it were: “Anyone being investigated by the F.B.I. is not qualified to be the president of the United States”
~~ tweeted by {hash} realDonaldTrump on 8/3/2016, 9/7/2016, 10/15/2016, 10/20/2016, 10/21/2016, 10/25/2016, 10/30/2016.”  {blog 4/2018}
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“No. I don’t take responsibility at all.” in March 2020  {blog 3/2020}
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“I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very honest. Most Republicans act like they aren't racist.”
~~ tweeted by {hash} realDonaldTrump  {blog 11/2020}
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“Four more years, it'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. In four years,
you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote.”
- in speech to Christian voters at Turning Point Action's 'The Believers' summit in West Palm Beach, Florida on Friday 26 July 2024  {blog 12/2024}
•      •
“I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.” - while inside the White House  {blog 12/2024}
“Hitler did some good things.” - while inside the White House  {blog 12/2024}
Quotations By Others About Donald Trump
“Is Donald Trump necessary?” ~~~ G.E. Nordell  {2011}
“With Donald Trump as President, every day would be Bad Hair Day.”
~~~ G.E. Nordell  {blog 12/2015}
“Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy. He is unfit for the presidency and cannot be endorsed. “Donald Trump [is] the worst presidential candidate in the modern history of our country.” “Anyone who votes for Donald Trump is dumber than he is.”
~~~ G.E. Nordell  {blog 8/2016}
“Donald Trump won, America lost.”
~~~ G.E. Nordell  {blog 11/2016}
“So the people have spoken, giving the finger to the Washington Consensus and electing an admitted sexual predator and proven prevaricator “Trump [is] a fascist. Not in the sense of an all-purpose bad guy, but in the sense of somebody who sincerely believes that the toxic combination “The crux of the matter: The battle around the treasonous actions of the Trump Team - and for the Constitution - is being fought “At the risk of sounding sexist, I'm looking forward to Ivanka Trump's excellent perp walk photos.”
“Does it seem funny to you that the same folks who complain when anybody mentions Hitler are the same crowd that worships dictator-wannabee Trump?”
“[Donald Trump is] the biggest moronic liar America has ever known.”
“Donald Trump believes that Truth can be multiple choice: today is Tuesday or Friday or Sunday,
it doesn't matter, it's whatever he says.”
“He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his reason is weak.” — essayist Michel De Montaigne [1533-92]
“When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant.” — Thomas Jefferson [1743-1826]
“We made our mistakes back in the XXth Century, Lord knows, but we never nominated a man for president who brags about not reading . . . When I envision “Insulting people is one of the few things for which Trump possesses a genuine talent.” — John Cassidy, columnist at New Yorker Magazine
“[President Trump] is morally oblivious. He is, by an order of magnitude, the most amoral creature to ever occupy the White House.” “Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.” “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ~~ Socrates [470?-399 B.C.E.]
“Trump is a stupid man’s idea of a smart person, a poor man’s idea of a rich person, and a weak man’s idea Donald Trump is proof that you don't have to be poor to be white trash “If I talked like Donald Trump, I’d get sent to the principal’s office immediately.” “What a hypocrite! If Trump wants to ‘fix’ trade he can start by making his products in the U.S., not low-wage countries abroad.” “Trump [is] never wrong, never sorry, never responsible.” — journalist Karen Tumulty
“[Donald Trump] is a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country . . . A fascist to the core.” {blog 12/2024}
A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world.” — Washington Post Editorial Board, 22 July 2016
— Sen. Bernie Sanders, July 2016
so lacking in impulse control that he spent the early morning hours of one day cyberbullying a beauty pageant contestant he had once
humiliated in person. Strike up 'Hail To The Chief'.”   — journalist Lou Dubose {11/2016}
of strong government and strong corporations should run the nation and the world.” — columnist Michael Kinsley, Dec 2016
between propagandists who lie and public servants who are vilified for telling the truth.”
~~~ G.E. Nordell {blog 2/2018}
~~~ G.E. Nordell {blog 6/2018}
~~~ G.E. Nordell {blog 9/2018}
~~ Truth Matters, on Facebook  {blog 10/2018}
~~~ G.E. Nordell {blog 12/2018}
a Trump Presidential Library, I see enormous chandeliers and gold carpet and a thousand slot machines. God help us. I mean it. We’re in trouble down here.”
— author & radio personality Garrison Keillor
— Lawrence O'Donnell
— Joseph Goebbels [1897-1945], Nazi Propaganda Minister, 1933-45
of a strong man.” ~~ Fran Lebowitz
— popular meme on Twitter & Pinterest & Whisper
— Alexis Fridman, a third-grader who co-founded a Kids Against Trump group
— Sen. Bernie Sanders
— Mark Milley, former Army General appointed by Trump as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (2019-2023)
Donald Trump Quotations Not Yet Used on Blog
"While in politics it is often smart to send out false messages . . ." — Trump tweet on 1 November 2015
"Hillary [Clinton] wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges,
nothing you can do, folks. Although, the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know."
— Donald Trump, during his speech at a rally at North Carolina University on 9 August 2016
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"Trumped!" [2004-2008]
Donald Trump's 90-second syndicated radio segments aired on over 400 radio stations around the United States via Clear Channel
for roughly four years; each episode was a short opinion on all manner of topics spoken by Trump.
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![]() | "Quotations From Chairman Trump" [2015] Edited by Carol Pogash "Trump’s words are preserved here – both as a public service and as a keepsake. Unfiltered. Unabridged. Unauthorized. Unbelievable." Kindle Edition from RosettaBooks [12/2015] for $4.99 RosettaBooks 6x4 hardcover [1/2016] for $14.99 |
![]() | "Donald Trump's Most Outrageous Quotes" for Kindle [2016] contains 167 pages of quotations, with generic color photos Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [6/2016] for $2.99 |
![]() | "Trump Tweets: A Collection of Donald Trump's Most Outrageous, Offensive, and Deleted Tweets From Trump's Twitter Page" booklet [2016] by Tony Robson
59-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [12/2016] for $2.99 58-page CreateSpace 9x6 booklet [12/2016] for $8.99 |
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