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Quotations from G.E. Nordell

author • philosopher • revolutionary • hermit • curmudgeon

photograph of author G.E. Nordell, taken at Balboa Pier in Orange County, California in December 2004      G.E. Nordell is author of the 'Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment', the Dateline Chamesa weblog [est. 2005], the Rick Walker noir detective novels, and other works. He lives atop a mesa in central New Mexico, overlooking the Rio Grande River.

Links are provided below for further investigation.
The references to WMail issues indicate quotes that appeared in the free monthly 'WMail' ezine
connected with the revolutionary "Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment" created by G.E. Nordell.

After WMail Issue #72 in October 2007, essays & quotations & news are being posted to the Dateline Chamesa blog

G.E. Nordell's official website

Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website

Rick Walker, Private Investigator novels website

Dateline Chamesa: A Revolutionary Weblog

Index of G.E. Nordell's Writings

“Reason is the only frontier left.”

“Het redeneren is de enige grens die blijft.” {in Dutch}
“Le raisonnement est la seule territoire encore inconnu qui demeure.” {in French}
“Der Grund ist die einzige Grenze, die bleibt.” {in German}
“Il ragionamento θ l'unica frontiera che rimane.” {in Italian}

“Whosoever is righteous or violent – or both – is the enemy of Objective Reason
and Free Choice and Empowerment.”  {Issue #10}
•      •
“Freedom exists in the exercise thereof.”  {Issues #11 & #56 & #70}
•      •
“Truth be told, druthers are hard to come by.”  {Issue #17}
•      •
“Life is too short to be kissing frogs, much less to be kissing the asses of frogs.”  {Issue #19}
•      •
“The term 'group think' is an oxymoron.”  {Issue #20}
•      •
“A man is judged by his Values; his Values are marked
by that which he will not compromise.”  {Issue #22}
•      •
“Each and every religion is a delusion and dishonest at the core.”  {Issue #22}
•      •
“God is in the Silence.”  {Issues #22 & #30}
•      •
“If a tree falls in the forest, you won't hear it if your head is up your ass.”  {Issue #26}
•      •
“Evil is simply the dis-empowerment of oneself or another being.”  {Issue #27}
•      •
“The Biblical Ten Commandments are incomplete; for example, there
should be an Eleventh Commandment to 'Honor thy children'.”  {Issue #28}
•      •
“Freud asked 'What do women want?' That has been answered: Women want security; men want adventure.
Said another way, men tend to be hunters and women tend to be gatherers.”  {Issue #31}
•      •
“Your job as a parent or caregiver is to make certain that your children
know absolutely that you love them.”  {Issue #33}
•      •
“Except for election day, politics is all show business.”  {Issues #34 & #64}
•      •
“Just because the establishment is mad at you, it doesn't mean that you're
a rebel or a revolutionary.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
“There is a difference between the two major U.S. political parties: The Democrats enact bad laws intended
to benefit everyone, and the Republicans enact bad laws intended to benefit themselves.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
Garrison Kiellor: “There's a lot of human nature in everyone.”
G.E. Nordell: “. . . to which I say: 'A little human nature goes a long way'.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
“And on the eighth day, the Lord God said 'Let there be boogie!'.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
Nordell's Hypothesis: “If things were different, things would be different.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
Gloria Steinem: “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”
G.E Nordell: “Let's not be sexist: A man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle.”  {Issue #36}
•      •
“Marriage isn't a job, it's an adventure.”  {Issue #38}
•      •
“Ideas – even good ideas – are a dime per hundred; it is action that matters.”  {Issue #39}
•      •
“Labor is the source of all wealth.”  {Issues #40 & #61 & #71 & blog 10/2022}
•      •
“The only thing, I say, that Marx and Engels got right is that
'You have nothing to lose but your chains'.”  {Issue #40}
•      •
“Beware the National Debt: It is a rising tide that sinks all boats.”  {Issue #41}
•      •
“The Great Law of Sociology: Some people do, and some people don't.”  {Issue #41}
•      •
“We need to tighten the rules. So how about a 12th Commandment
that says 'Thou shalt not cheat'?”  {Issue #41}
•      •
“For the 13th Commandment: Though shalt not take thyself too damn seriously.”  {Issue #42}
•      •
“Life is supposed to be a cabaret; for a while there, LUV was a truck;
now Liberty is a car sold by Jeep.”  {Issue #42}
•      •
“Anyone who votes for George Dubya Bush is dumber than he is.”  {Issue #45}
•      •
“If Dubya wins, America loses.”  {Issues #46 & #47}
•      •
“Love is something that you give to others.”  {Issue #49}
•      •
“Television rots your brain.”  {Issue #49}
•      •
“Homosexuality is a non-issue.”  {Issue #49}
•      •
“The existentialist acts rightly for no reason.”  {Issue #49 & blog 8/2008}
•      •
“It is okay to love people: real love is free.”  {Issue #49}
•      •
“Possession of a closed mind is an act of treason against humanity.”  {Issue #51}
•      •
“God is a snob. He (or She) refuses to talk to existentialists.”  {Issue #51}
•      •
“Where the Oligarchy is in power, the First Amendment is null and void in the workplace.”  {Issue #52}
•      •
“Marriage is a handshake deal.”  {Issues #52 & #68}
•      •
“Free speech is a danger to the neo-con fascists, which is why they suppress it.
Our best weapon is to speak freely and loudly and often.”  {Issue #52 & blog 11/2013}
•      •
“Correction: Better to say 'No risk, no gain'.”  {Issue #53}
•      •
“Each and every moment is multiple choice.”  {Issue #53}
•      •
“The old saying ‘If it ain't broke, don't fix it’ was coined by Bert Lantz. To which I say,
'You, the Individual, do not need permission to fix what is broken and to improve what is not.”  {Issue #54}
•      •
“Fox News is an oxymoron.”  {Issue #54}
•      •
“Dubya can’t win in Iraq, and he failed totally in Louisiana, and the same blindness that caused the thousands
of deaths in New Orleans will also trigger the collapse of the world economy.”  {Issue #54}
{ This prediction of September 2005 was fulfilled in Fall 2008 }
•      •
“This world is not a practice world.”  {Issue #55}
•      •
“The Self is the individual who is responsible and who can tolerate risk.”  {Issue #55}
•      •
“All that we have to do is make the people in our lives feel special; all that requires
is to tell them the truth.”  {Issue #55}
•      •
“Action is the strongest form of communication.”  {Issue #56}
•      •
“I have the same rights that you do, the same rights that I afford you.
We each have only the collective rights given to all.”  {Issue #56}
•      •
“Citizens who don't vote are quitters.”  {Issue #59}
•      •
“Capitalism is the creation of jobs and products and services.”  {Issue #60}
•      •
“Necessity is the mother of hard work; vision is the mother of invention.”  {Issue #60}
{ For some reason, this quotation is very popular, and is cited all over the internet. }
•      •
“Cut and run? The Republican policy is to cut taxes for the wealthy and run up the National Debt.”  {Issue #61}
•      •
“Any U.S. citizen who does not vote is a coward and an ingrate.”  {Issues #62 & #63}
•      •
“Demand ethical governance.”  {Issue #66}
•      •
“How did the Right To Be Exploited become the law of the land?”   {Issue #67}
•      •
“The only way to enter into the 'Promised Land' is to surrender to its existence.”  {Issue #67}
•      •
“The Republican Party is proof that you can indeed fool some of the people all of the time.”  {Issue #70}
•      •
“Freedom – Use it or lose it.”  {Issue #71}
•      •
“I have been told my whole life to be concerned for What Other People Think. But I came up with
a better idea: Let other people be concerned about what *I* think.
My concern – and that of each and every Working Mind – is to Think.”  {Issue #71}
•      •
“A teacher is proudest when surpassed by the student.”  {Issue #71}

Time Magazine
cover date 17 December 2007 {on newsstands 7 December}
Inbox Department [page 13]

Mind Your Morals
     Morality is bunk. What separates man from the beasts is the capacity to reason. Yet we seldom do – we're too busy moralizing. Reason is the only frontier left.
     Gary E. Nordell
     Belιn, New Mexico

      cover of Time Magazine for 17 December 2007  

“Also, there is no R in team.”  {blog 12/2007}

“George W. Bush isn't the President, he just plays one on television.”  {blog 12/2007}

“Reality is not negotiable.”  {blog 12/2007}
•      •
“There is not one Republican today who can be trusted.”  {blog 2/2008}
•      •
“The Revolution is never over, the Class War is perpetual. Which side are you on?”  {blog 4/2008 & 3/2010}
•      •
"Machiavelli described ways to destroy your enemy, and those ways are very effective. Unfortunately,
the context is that everyone is your enemy, so that it is okay (and necessary) to destroy all.”  {blog 5/2008}

"When anyone in the media cites 'buzz' as their basis, the rest of the sentence
has been manufactured.”  {blog 5/2008}

"Need a job? Ask a Republican.”  {blog 5/2008}
•      •
"In the modern U.S. of A., grease is a condiment.”  {blog 6/2008}
•      •
"Bring home the troops. Leave the contractors.”  {blog 8/2008}
•      •
"When somebody farts out loud, an angel gets its wings.”  {blog 2/2009}
•      •
“People try to alter my grumpy, curmudgeonly ways by telling me that 'You attract more flies
with honey than with vinegar'. But why would I want to attract flies at all?”  {blog 4/2009}
•      •
“Stay alert: The Republicans and the fascists lost the election in 2008,
but they did not surrender.”  {blog 4/2009}
•      •
“The problem with 'going with the flow' is that the flow is always downhill.”  {blog 5/2009}
•      •
“Higher education in America is designed to fashion plowshares into doorstops.”  {blog 5/2009}
•      •
“Here's a new internet acronym: BOO! (Blame it on Obama!).”  {blog 9/2009}
•      •
“Here's a new and useful word: 'Re(publi)tard'.”  {blog 9/2009}
•      •
“The economy is so bad that Baskin Robbins is down to 22 flavors.”  {blog 9/2009}
•      •
“It's a good thing that aliens have not abducted Limp Rushbaugh or Sean Vannity or Karl Rove or Glenn Beck.
If they ever do, they will find sufficient justification to incinerate Planet Earth.”  {blog 11/2009}
•      •
“There is no such thing as 'common sense': If common sense were common, things would make sense.”  {blog 1/2010}
•      •
“I figured out why carbon credits seem like a bad idea: It is like an overweight person
paying a friend to go to the gym and exercise for them.”  {blog 4/2010}
•      •
“At age 65, this gettin' old thing is gettin' old.”  {blog 5/2010}
•      •
“In The Field, there is no Soap Opera; Soap Opera occurs only In The Stands.
And the same for Gossip.”  {blog 5/2010}
•      •
“To paraphrase the Christian Bible (Matthew 16): For what is a man profited if he shall make
beaucoup bucks while transforming the planet into a cesspool.”  {blog 6/2010 & 5/2013}
•      •
“Science has proven the existence of global warming. So our position is like the moment
in the old tales when you smell the dragon. The only question is which way to run – run or die!
Mankind must reverse global warming or die.”  {blog 6/2010}
•      •
“If we continue on the current path of Reality-avoidance, Mankind will be extinct
in [thirty] years. And good riddance!”   {blog 7/2010}
•      •
“The Republicans are fear-mongers, when in truth the only thing we really need to fear
are the Republicans and their owners, the Oligarchs.”  {blog 10/2010}
•      •
“Live your life as a singular, existential work of art, never to be repeated.”  {blog 10/2010}
•      •
“The price of failure is death; the price of success is death. Seek to succeed.”  {blog 11/2010}
•      •
“Where there is oppression, Liberty must light the dark.”  {blog 12/2010 & 3/2012}
•      •
DICTA by G.E. Nordell
• Dream like you're going to live forever.
• Plan like no one can stop you.
• Act like the deadline is today.
• Be very thankful when anything actually works out.
{blog 1/2011}
•      •
“I do not always drink beer, but when I do, I drink Moose Drool." He is . . . Annoying Man.
His latest exploit? He goes ballooning . . . with his pet bald eagle.  {blog 3/2011}
•      •
“Any salaried employee who works more that forty hours per week is anti-labor
and a willing victim of corporate greed.”  {blog 4/2011}
•      •
“The best form of communication – the most powerful – is Action; the second best form of communication
is Telling The Truth; the third best form of communication is Listening.”  {blog 4/2011}
•      •
“Maybe when President Obama gets back from Ireland he can chase the snakes
out of Washington, DC.”  {blog 6/2011}
•      •
“Spouting T.E.A. Party propaganda does not make you a patriot, the same as getting athlete's foot
does not make you an athlete.”  {blog 9/2011}
•      •
“Privatization is fascism, period.”  {blog 9/2011}
•      •
“The drought in New Mexico is so bad that the big-ticket family show at the arena in Albuquerque
last month was 'Disney On Dirt'.”  {blog 9/2011}
•      •
“At this point, the Republican candidates for U.S. President in 2012 can be referred to
as 'The Four Stooges'.”   {blog 2/2012}
•      •
“Actions define character, not the other way around.”  {blog 2/2012}
•      •
“Battling ignorance and apathy and magical thinking is a full-time job.”  {blog 2/2012 & 3/2012}
•      •
“The Republican Party is the 'special olympics' for politicians.”  {blog 3/2012}
•      •
“The Republicans have a dilemma in November – vote for a Mormon or for a Muslim – and the Democrats
have a choice – a constitutional scholar who happens to practice Christianity.”  {blog 4/2012}
•      •
“In order to succeed in the U.S., you must speak English; having a second language, such as
Spanish or Chinese, is a major advantage over those who do not. But it does not work
the other way around, even in foreign countries.”  {blog 8/2012}
•      •
“If the fascist Republican Party had anything of value to offer the American voter, they would not have to
lie and cheat and steal to win elections.”
  {blog 9/2012 & 11/2015 & 10/2016 & 1/2018}
•      •
“Please think responsibly.”  {blog 10/2012}
•      •
“Part of the evolutionary design of the shark is that they must keep moving: if a shark stops swimming, it will die.
Same with the U.S. Republican Party: when a Republican stops lying, it dies.”  {blog 3/2013}

"Dammit! The a**holes are winning.”  {blog 3/2013}
•      •
“Tempus sure does fugit.”  {blog 4/2013}
•      •
“Rights only exist when they apply to everyone. When only some people are accorded a so-called 'right',
then it is privilege and subjugation.”  {blog 8/2013}
•      •
“Anyone who participates in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is an enemy of the United States of America.
Any American who participates in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a traitor.”  {blog 9/2013}
•      •
“We are destined for better things.”  {blog 11/2013} ~~ dreamt the morning of 29 October 2013
•      •
“Life is so often not a matter of yards, but of inches.”  {blog 12/2013}
•      •
“Your job today is to sparkle !”  {blog 3/2014}
•      •
“The battle to halt global warming, aka 'climate change', is over. We lost.”  {blog 8/2014}

“They don't call women 'the opposite sex' for nothing!”  {blog 8/2014}

“Hydraulic fracturing IS pollution until scientifically proven otherwise.”  {blog 8/2014}
•      •
“Since Republicans are oblivious to the difference between the freedom of actual democracy and America's current
totalitarian fascist government, maybe I should write a book called 'Fascism For Dummkopfs'.”  {blog 11/2014}
•      •
“The reason that Republicans are not seen as leaders in America is that it is tough to lead when you are moving backwards.”  {blog 3/2015}
•      •
“The proponents of 'intelligent design' and its forebear, creationism, brook no compromise with their demands to corrupt science
with their anti-Reason beliefs. Respond to them by suggesting that fairness to both 'sides' of the issue requires equal time
for Darwinian evolution being taught in the churches.”  {blog 6/2015}
•      •
“The United States was declared a fascist country in January 2010. Well, at least the internet is still a free country.”  {blog 8/2015}
•      •
“Efficient often looks a lot like lazy.”  {blog 9/2015}
•      •
“Donald Trump is not the worst-case scenario for the upcoming election. There will be a comedy film
called 'Bodies For It' about a zombie who runs for President.”  {blog 10/2015}
•      •
"Sanity is overrated.”  {also said by others}  {blog 11/2015}
•      •
"With Donald Trump as President, every day would be Bad Hair Day.”  {blog 12/2015}
•      •
"Peasant lives matter.”  {blog 12/2015}
•      •
"I figured out my main health issue: premature aging. I'm too young to be this old."  {blog 2/2016}
•      •
"A lover of books is always in good company."  {blog 3/2016}
•      •
"There is a saying that life is uncertain, so you should eat dessert first. For the same reason, you should also take advantage of early voting."  {blog 5/2016}
•      •
"Bureaucracies and corporations do not 'understand', it is simply not in their repertoire. If their ads say that they do, they are lying."  {blog 7/2016}
•      •
"Anyone who votes for Donald Trump is dumber than he is."  {blog 8/2016}
•      •
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and the Bush-Rove-Cheney Machine is the no-bid contract supplier of fear." - in June 2006  {blog 10/2016}
•      •
"Donald Trump won, America lost."  {blog 11/2016}
•      •
"I finally found some affordable health insurance. Unfortunately, the annual deductible is four hundred thousand dollars."  {blog 1/2017}
•      •
"The Pacific Northwest has its year-long 'Rain Festival' and Washington, DC continues celebrating its year-long 'Festival of Stupidity'."  {blog 6/2017}
•      •
"I was never concerned about second-hand smoke – far worse is second-hand stupidity. Same with trickle-down economics – never happened and never will.
But now we have an epidemic of trickle-down ignorance."  {blog 7/2017}
•      •
"Sorry, the internet is not the future. The internet is the present, interwoven into every aspect of modern culture."  {blog 7/2017}
•      •
"There is a 1970 book by visionary R. Buckminster Fuller [1895-1983] with the title 'I Seem To Be A Verb", but I have recently decided
that I seem to be a dangling participle.”  {blog 10/2017}
•      •
"The recent meme 'Jews will not replace us (Nazis)' is easily countered. Replacing white supremicists with dog t*rds is an upgrade."  {blog 10/2017}
•      •
"Philosopher Renι Descartes [1596-1650] was correct in noticing that an individual's thinking creates the world that he/she lives in – up to a point.
Where Descartes and the anti-thinking Republican Party got it wrong, however, is that the power of any thinking derives entirely from the degree
to which that thinking is consistent with objective reality."  {blog 1/2018}
•      •
"The crux of the matter: The battle around the treasonous actions of the Trump Team - and for the Constitution - is being fought
between propagandists who lie and public servants who are vilified for telling the truth."  {blog 2/2018}
•      •
"Religion is for primitives."  {blog 2/2018}
•      •
"How did we become a species made up of psychopaths?"  {blog 3/2018}
•      •
"Old age is a privilege. There are 14 teenagers and three teachers in Parkland, Florida who do not get to go there."  {blog 4/2018}
•      •
"The use of force is proof of the absence of Reason."  {blog 4/2018}
•      •
"At the risk of sounding sexist, I'm looking forward to Ivanka Trump's excellent perp walk photos."  {blog 6/2018}
•      •
"Has anybody studied whether alcohol is a gateway drug to cocaine and heroin?"  {blog 6/2018}
•      •
"The Fake News for today is that the Fake President used Fake Diplomacy to prevent a Fake War. So maybe
he deserves a Fake Nobel Peace Prize?"  {blog 6/2018}
•      •
"Does it seem funny to you that the same folks who complain when anybody mentions Hitler are the same crowd
that worships dictator-wannabee Trump?"  {blog 9/2018}
•      •
"Totalitarianism has many forms . . ."  {blog 9/2018}
•      •
"K.K.K. stands for KnucKle-draggers of AmeriKa."  {blog 10/2018}
•      •
"When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant."  {blog 10/2018}
{Thomas Jefferson [1743-1826] never said this, so I might as well do so} ~~ G.E. Nordell

•      •
"Donald Trump believes that Truth can be multiple choice: today is Tuesday or Friday or Sunday,
it doesn't matter, it's whatever he says."  {blog 12/2018}
•      •
"The U.S. of A. has never had a capitalist economy. Currently we have a fascist political system with Wall Street exercising
a piracy economic system – they want it, they take it."  {blog 2/2019}

"Online trolls have nothing to communicate or contribute, they just think that they can wear reality down to their level
by repeating nonsense over & over."  {blog 2/2019}

"It is really a good thing that the Angry emoji on Facebook is available without limit, or we would all run out before 2020."  {blog 2/2019}

"Always remember that half the population is below average, and it is even worse on Facebook."  {blog 2/2019}
•      •
"Donald Trump's overt racism is a high crime and not a misdemeanor.”  {blog 8/2019}

"Donald Trump deserves no respect because he respects no one, not even himself.”  {blog 8/2019}
•      •
"Existentialism consists of experiencing experience directly.”  {blog 12/2019}

"The Republican Party consists of lobbyists, letchers, liars, and lunkheads.”  {blog 12/2019}

"Hate is not a solution to anything, except for lowlifes who need someone to oppress (so they can at least not be bottom of the barrel).”  {blog 12/2019}
•      •
"Hard to say which is the worst infection: the Trump coronavirus or endemic stupidity.”  {blog 3/2020}

"Rape and pillage and pollution is all that these fascist Republicans know.”  {blog 3/2020}

"The many, many fascist trolls on Facebook and elsewhere epitomize ignorance & stupidity. Education will fix that: the purpose of true education is to make the population more and more progressive (which is why Republicans are opposed to education). But first these trolls have to give up being hate-mongers.”  {blog 3/2020}

"Nancy Pelosi has nine grandchildren, so she knows exactly how to deal with somebody like Donald Trump.”  {blog 3/2020}

"There are none so blind as those who watch the Fox Faux News Propaganda Channel.”  {blog 3/2020}

"One big problem these days is that so many former Americans, now fascist Trumpies, are suffering from stage four Limp Rushbaugh.”  {blog 3/2020}
•      •
"Social distancing is not difficult for me because of my years of practice in anti-social distancing.”  {blog 5/2020}

"The Republican Party is the Special Olympics for politicians.”  {blog 5/2020}

"Not all idiots are Republicans, but all Republicans are idiots.”  {blog 5/2020}

"Donald Trump is the number one mass murderer in U.S. history.”  {blog 5/2020}
•      •
"After retirement, life is what takes place between naps.”  {blog 11/2020}

"Reparations are a very bad idea, and just the kind of proposal that America's money-based pseudo-ethic would conjure. Better that such
monies be spent to educate cops and teachers and others away from our tradition of rampant and lethal racism.”  {blog 11/2020}

"Racism is wrong; anyone who disagrees is a racist. Period.”  {blog 11/2020}

"Watching or listening to the Fox Faux News propaganda machine will make your left nut (or left tit, if any) atrophy,
and even worsely, the left side of your brain (if any) will also atrophy.”  {blog 11/2020}

"For millenia, the design of sharks requires them to swim 24/7, if they stop they will die. If a Republican stops lying, they will die.”  {blog 11/2020}

"Anarchism is a radical and idealistic theory, and completely impractical: As long as Stalins and Putins and Hitlers and Trumps
are loose in the world, the battle to preserve freedom and justice requires other strategies.”  {blog 11/2020}
•      •
"It is a privilege and an honor to be me."  {blog 2/2021}

"President Trump is the world's best oxymoron."  {blog 2/2021}
•      •
"As you read this, the fascists of America (under the false label Conservative or Republican) are working very hard
to destroy the teetering freedoms that provide the facade that the United States is a free country."  {blog 7/2021}
•      •
"Reality is NOT a variable. Your personal power derives from the extent that your viewpoints and beliefs match Objective Reality.
Asking whether others match your viewpoints and beliefs is a stupid survey, the question to ask is whether anything that you/they
believe matches existential Objective Reality."  {blog 10/2021}
•      •
"The real immigration crisis in New Mexico is all the fools imported from Texas to the southern part of the state."  {blog 1/2022}

"Procrastination is a great labor-saving device."  {blog 1/2022}

"A watched clock never boils."  {blog 1/2022}

"Are any of you still doubting the Climate Crisis? As predicted - by Science - the problem goes beyond hot spells, drought, dying species, and melted glaciers to weather phenomena being bigger and stronger and of longer duration. Funny that folks are 'surprised', you should expect MORE and WORSE, just like Greta has been saying for years now (while our 'leaders' continue doing nothing but talk)."  {blog 1/2022}
•      •
"The dumbest thing in the universe is a Republican making excuses for being a racist and a fascist and a traitor."  {blog 5/2022}

"Reservation-based casinos are the red man's revenge on the white man."  {blog 5/2022}
•      •
"I figured out why carbon credits seem like a bad idea: It is like an overweight person paying a friend to go to the gym and exercise for them.”  {blog 7/2022}

"ALGEBRA: The great value in teaching algebra is not that everyone will use it. Some people will indeed use it, but the others have learned
skills of Reason that they can use anywhere.”  {blog 7/2022}

"Getting old is hazardous to your health.”  {blog 7/2022}
•      •
"Some achieve old-age decrepitude thru great effort, and others have decrepitude thrust upon them.”  {blog 10/2022}
•      •
"Life has always been a series of battles - what matters is which ones you choose to engage in and which side you are on."  {blog 11/2022}

"I never signed on to Twitter. I try to avoid jumping into cesspools."  {blog 11/2022}
•      •
"Desire is the cause of all stress."  {blog 1/2023}

Hey !! Republicans and other fascists:
Every time that you punch the button to visit the fascist propaganda machine - you know: Fox, QAnon, OANN, fascist X/Twitter personalities -
you kill a bunch of your brain cells. So be careful, you obviously have only a small number of brain cells left.  {blog 1/2023}

"Ya gotta remember always: Fifty percent of the population is below average. And it is even worse on Facebook. (And now we know
that it is worse than that on X/Twitter.)"  {blog 1/2023}

"Really: somebody should make Elon Musk take a drug screen test, same as the one that the V.A. requires me to take. I am not kidding,
the gazillionare is off the rails."  {blog 1/2023}

"Societies and individuals that continue to foster manipulative one-upmanship roles (power over the computer or a human) are destined
to fail; societies of rational interchange of ideas (power from the computer and from other humans) are destined to succeed."
- in The Los Angeles Times September 1982  {blog 1/2023}

"Life is an existential fandango. If you make it so."  {blog 1/2023}

ME: wanna hear a really bad joke ??
whoever: okay
ME: ... the Republican Party !!!
{blog 1/2023}
•      •
"The fascist Republicans in the U.S. Senate are all a-dither about possible 'weaponizing' of government oversight.
This is one result of the Rethuglicons having long ago weaponized stupidity.”  {blog 3/2023}
•      •
"Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the Marjorie Taylor Greene of the Democratic Party. Both are batsh!t crazy."  {blog 8/2023}
•      •
"Facebook gnomes are good; Facebook trolls are bad. Progressives and Democrats are gnomes;
fascist Republicans are trolls. Be a gnome.”  {blog 12/2023}
•      •
"Democracy is for adults."  {blog 12/2024}

"Societal privilege is not a right, except under aristocracy - which ended in the U.S.A. in 1776. However, our democratic republic
was declared to be a fascist state in January 2010 and may become a full fascist dictatorship in January 2025."  {blog 12/2024}
•      •
"The battle against ignorance and apathy and magical thinking is a full time job."  {blog 2/2025}

"Funny/not funny: Fascist MAGAts getting so triggered by objective facts. Any objective fact."  {blog 2/2025}

"Scumbag dictator Adolph Trump is now effectively in charge of the U.S. government - it's all downhill from here."  {blog 2/2025}

"Societal privilege is not a right, except under aristocracy - which was ended in the U.S.A. in 1776. However, our democratic republic
was declared to be a fascist state in January 2010 and became a full fascist dictatorship in January 2025."  {blog 2/2025}

G.E. Nordell Quotations Not Yet Used on the Blog

“The universe is a cosmic pinball machine.”

“Irony is cynicism with a pretty face.”

“Love is easy; getting laid is the tough one.”

“What's the hurry?”

“Select something that matters to you and devote your life to it.”

The 'WMail' Philosophy ezine [2000-2007]

Dateline Chamesa: A Revolutionary Weblog [est. Oct 2005]

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