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U.S. Congressional Seats
Every member of the U.S. House of Representatives has to run for re-election every two years.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

2024 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2022 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2020 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2018 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2016 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2014 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia
2012 U.S. Congress elections entry at Wikipedia

the National Mid-Term Election in November 2014 was a disaster for democracy
The 114th 'Bonehead' Congress [2015-2016] included 188 Democratic Representatives versus 244 Republicans, with 3 vacancies.
The 115th Congress 2018-2018] included 194 Democratic Representatives versus 241 Republicans.
The 116th Congress [2019-2020]: Democrats regained control of the House
The 117th Congress [2021-2022]: Republicans took control of the House

The 118th Congress [2023-2024]
149 women will serve in the 118th U.S. Congress, setting a new record for female representation. Overall, women of color will also break a record for their representation
this year, with 58 serving. The new Congress also boasts the House of Representatives' first Gen-Z lawmaker and the longest-serving woman in congressional history.

213 Democratic Representatives versus 219 Republicans and 3 seats vacant (as-of 6/2024).

The 119th Congress [2025-2026]: can Democrats regain control of the House ??

Speaker of the House Cong. Mike Johnson [GOP LA-04] - from October 25, 2023
Speaker pro tempore Cong. Patrick McHenry [GOP NC-10] - October 3-25, 2023
former Speaker of the House Cong. Kevin McCarthy [GOP CA-20] - from January 7 to October 3, 2023
former Speaker of the House Cong. Nancy Pelosi [since 1987; Dem CA-11] - 2007-2011 and again from 1/2019 to 12/2022
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise [GOP LA-01]
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer [GOP MN-06]
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries [Dem NY-08] since January 3, 2023
House Minority Whip Katherine Clark [Dem MA-05]
House Democratic Caucus chair Cong. Pete Aguilar [CA-31] - promoted from vice chair to chair, 1/2023
House Oversight Committee ranking member Cong. James Comer, Jr. [GOP KY-01] since 1/2023

current members_of the U.S. House of Representatives list at Wikipedia
May 2024: A new nationwide report finds that 19 new Senate and House candidates who deny the 2020 election results are already on November ballots.


A  Few  Important  Dates

The  Year  2 0 2 3    
  • 2023 late Wed Jan 4: The House adjourned after Republicans failed to pick a speaker in a sixth vote, with a group of hardline conservatives blocking the election of the party's leader, Kevin McCarthy [GOP CA-20]; twenty far-right Republicans voted for Byron Donalds [GOP FL-19], the party's first Afro-American nominee for speaker. McCarthy's support fell to 201 votes from 203 the day before, short of the 218 needed. Democrats remained united behind their leader, Hakeem Jeffries (Dem NY-08), who earned 212 votes.
  • 2023 Feb 9: Cong. Angie Craig [Dem MN-02] was attacked in the elevator of her Washington, DC apart-ment building; she 'defended herself from the attacker', and was bruised but 'is otherwise physically OK'; the attacker fled. U.S. Capitol Police said there was 'no indication that the congresswoman was targeted because of her position'. The man was seen "acting erratic as if he was under the influence of an unknown substance".
  • 2023 Oct 24: After a closed-door, secret-ballot vote, Republicans chose House Majority Whip Tom Emmer [GOP MN-06] to be the party’s new House speaker nominee, its third candidate after Cong. Steve Scalise [GOP LA-01] and Cong. Jim Jordan [GOP OH-04] failed in their attempts to replace ousted speaker Kevin McCarthy. Emmer took himself out of the running about four hours later when it became clear he wouldn’t have the votes on the House floor. Emmer's candidacy was torpedoed from afar by former President Trump, who called Emmer a 'Globalist RINO' and said voting for him would be a 'tragic mistake!'.
  • 2023 Wed Oct 25: House Republicans elected Mike Johnson [GOP LA-04], a staunchly ultraconservative ally of Donald Trump, as Speaker. Seditionist Cong. Matt Gaetz [GOP FL-01] triumphantly labeled new House Speaker Johnson “MAGA Mike”.

    The  Year  2 0 2 4    
  • :

  • Alaska

    incumbent Cong. Mary Peltola [since 9/2022; Dem AK-at large] ran for/won the party primary in 2024
    prior Cong. Donald Edwin Young [1933-2022] - served in AK-at large district 3-1973-3/2022

    The Congressional districts in Arizona were redrawn for 2012 with much controversy, growing from eight to nine.
    G.E. Nordell's Arizona Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Dee 'Gabby' Giffords [Dem AZ-08] was shot on 8 January 2011 and is still recovering; she resigned in January 2012
    and promises a return to political work. Democrat Ron Barber won the June 2012 Special election, beating Republican nutcase Jesse Kelly
    by 52-45. Barber is running as the District 2 incumbent against Republican primary winner retired USAF Col. Martha McSally in November.

    NEW! AZ-09: State Senator Kyrsten Sinema is the Democratic candidate for this new district vs. G.O.P. candidate Vernon Parker.

    California    a 4/2012
    California has 52 congressional districts.
    G.E. Nordell's California Travel & Business Links Pages

    CA-??: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Cong. Mary Bono Mack of Palm Springs

    CA-04: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Tom McClintock [since 2009]
    CA-04: 2008 Democratic candidate Charlie Brown {LtCol USAF, Ret.}

    CA-10: Democrat John Garamendi won special election 3 November 2009
    to replace Ellen Tauscher (appointed to State Department)

    CA-12: Democrat Jackie Speier won special election 8 April 2008
    (to fill empty seat due to death of Tom Lantos) & re-elected in November 2008

       CA-13: outspoken Rep. Pete Stark [since 1973; Dem] re-election website
    CA-16: Democrat Peter Dixon lost the party primary in 2024 - http://www.dixonforcongress.com/
    CA-17: Democratic Ro Khanna 2016
    entry at Wikipedia

       CA-29: Rep. Adam Schiff [since 2003; Dem] re-election website

    Democrat incumbent Cong. Peter Rey 'Pete' Aguilar [CA-31 since 1/2015]
    vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus, 1/2021 to 12/2022; promoted to chair, 1/2023

    CA-32: Democrat Judy Chu won special election 14 July 2009
    to replace Hilda Solis (appointed Obama's Secretary of Labor) California 36 D+21 Ted Lieu Democratic 2014

    CA-41: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Jerry Lewis [since 1979]
    under investigation by the District Attorney, ran for re-election anyway
    CA-41: 2008 Democratic primary candidate Tim Prince

       CA-51: Rep. Bob Filner [since 1993; Dem] re-election website
    CA-43: Democrat Maxine Waters [since 1990]
    CA-44/45: Republican Mary Whitaker Bono Mack Oswald served in CA-44 1998-2003 and in CA-45 2003-2013
    CA-47: Democrat Joanna Weiss running for Congress in 2024
    I’ve been a law school professor, community activist, working mother
    CA-48: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Darrell Issa [2000-retired 2017, back in 2020]
    incumbent Cong. Sara Jacobs [Dem CA-51]

    CA-52: ANY Democrat to replace son-of-a-crook Republican Duncan D. Hunter [since 2009]

    G.E. Nordell's Colorado Travel & Business Links Pages

    CO-03: Aspen, Colorado
    former Cong. Lauren Boebert [GOP CO-03] moved to CD-4 in 2024
    former Tea Party Cong. Scott Tipton [2011-2020] VERSUS Democratic candidate Sal Pace

    CO-04: Republican nominee Greg Lopez easily defeated Democratic nominee Trisha Calvarese in the June special election with 58.4% of the vote.
    Lauren Boebert [GOP CO-04] won the party primary in 2024
    Trisha Calvarese [Dem CO-04] won the party primary in 2024
    Ike McCorkle [Dem CO-04] lost the party primary in 2024
    Purple Heart recipient, Marine Force Recon veteran running for Congress
    former Cong. Ken Buck [GOP CO-04] surprise announcement that he is resigning from Congress in March

    CO-05: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Doug Lamborn [since 2007]

    CO-06: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Mike Coffman [since 2009]

       CO-07: Rep. Ed Perlmutter [since 2007; Dem] re-election website

    Florida's Congressional delegation was increased from 25 to 27 after the 2010 census; the 114th Congress included 17 Republitards and 10 Democrats.
    G.E. Nordell's Florida Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    2006 candidate for FL 10th Congressional District • Samm Simpson
    2006 candidate for FL 15th Congressional District • Dr. Robert Bowman
    Republican Mark Foley [FL-16] resigned from Congress on September 29 over emails to a 16-year-old boy
    2006 candidate for FL 16th Congressional District • Timothy Mahoney

    FL-17 Cong. Tom Rooney [since 2009; GOP] switched from District 16 for relection in District 17 due to redistrciting

       FL-20 Cong. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [since 2005; Dem] is also current chair of the Democratic National Committee
    campaign websiteWikipedia

    FL-22 Fascist Cong. Allen West [since 2011]; GOP] stated without evidence that there are 78 to 81 Democrats in Congress
    who are card-carrying members of the Communist Party {10 April 2012}; because of redistricting, he is running
    for re-election in District 16

    G.E. Nordell's Georgia (USA) Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    GA-01: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Jack Kingston [since 1993]
    GA-01: 2008 Democratic primary candidate & war hero Bill Gillespie

    GA-02: convicted Jan. 6 rioter Charles 'Chuck' Hand III lost the Republican primary runoff in 2024


    IL-05: Democrat Michael Quigley won special election 7 April 2009
    to replace Rahm Emanuel (appointed to White House Chief of Staff)

    IL-06: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Peter Roskam [since 2007]

       IL-08: Iraq war vet Democrat Tammy Duckworth is underdog, 2012 primary tally was 25k Dems to 35k GOP
    www.TammyDuckworth.com for senate in 2016

    IL-14: Democrat Bill Foster won special election 8 March 2008
    to fill Hastert's empty seat & re-elected in November 2008

    IL-16: Independent Wanda Rohl has the backing of Democrats against the 2012 Republican candidate


    IA-05: ANY Democrat to replace racist GOP Congressman Steve King [6th District 1997-2002; 5th since 2003]   this political figure is bat-shit crazy!
    Cong. King opened his big mouth in 2019 praising 'white nationalism', blasting Congressional diversity, and denying that he is a racist.

    Kentucky    a 7/2024

    KY-01: Republican incumbent Cong. James Richardson Comer, Jr. [since 11/2016]
    ranking member of the House Oversight Committee since 1/2023

    Louisiana    a 7/2024

    LA-04: Republican Cong. Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House - from October 25, 2023

    Maryland    a 7/2024

    MD-03: retired U.S. Capitol police officer Harry Dunn [Dem ] lost the Democratic Party primary in 2024


       MA-04: Joseph Kennedy III filed 2/2012 for Barney Frank's open seat
       MA-05: Rep. Niki Tsongas [since Oct 2007; Dem] re-election website

    2008 Democratic primary candidate Donna Edwards {vs. Dem incumbent Albert Wynn MD-04}
       MD-08: Cong. Chris Van Hollen [since 2003; Dem] re-election website


    MI-04: Jessica Swartz won the Democratic party primary in 2024
    a mom, Democrat, and former attorney for the Department of Veterans Affairs

    MI-06: Debbie Dingell won the Democratic party primary in 2024 debbiedingellforcongress.com

    MI-08: Kristen McDonald Rivet - Democrat running in 2024

    MI-09: 2008 Democratic primary candidate Nancy Skinner {vs. Joe Knollenberg}

    Minnesota    a 7/2024

    MN-02: Democrat incumbent Cong. Angie Craig [since 1/2019] is Minnesota's first openly LGBTQ member of Congress
    Craig's chief of staff, Nick Coe (2/2023)

    G.E. Nordell's Missouri Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    MO-07: ANY Democrat vs. GOP Congressman Roy D. Blunt
    under investigation for ties to Tom DeLay
    MO-08: Democrat primary candidate war hero Tommy Sowers


    MT-02: incumbent Republican Cong. Matt Rosendale's Senate bid in 2024 lasted only 9 days

    The Congressional districts in Nevada were redrawn for 2012, growing from three to four.
    G.E. Nordell's Nevada Travel & Business Links Pages

       NV-01 Cong. Dina Titus, won 2012 & 2014 elections for NV-01 [since 2013; Dem], formerly NV-03 [2009-2010; Dem]
    official websiteWikipediacampaign website
    Congresswoman Dina Titus campaign website

    former Congresswoman Shelley Berkley [NV-01 1999-2012; Dem] lost her bid for U.S. Senate in 2012

    NV-02 Cong. Mark Amodei [elected 9/2011; GOP]

    NV-03 Cong. Joe Heck [since 2011; GOP]
    Joe Heck is running for the open Senate seat in 2016.

    Democrat Jacky Rosen is running for the open District 3 seat in 2016.
    Democrat Jacky Rosen for Nevada Congressional District 3 in 2016

    NV-04 new Nevada Congressional District 4 had its first election in November 2012.
    NV-04 Cong. Cresent Leo Hardy of Mesquite, Nevada [since 2015; GOP]

    Democrat Susie Lee is running against Hardy for the District 4 seat in 2016.
    Democrat Susie Lee is running against Hardy for the District 4 seat in 2016

    New Mexico    a 7/2019
    primary election June ?, national election November 5th 2024
    G.E. Nordell's New Mexico Travel & Business Links Pages
    G.E. Nordell's New Mexico Political Links Pages

    NM-01 incumbent Democrat Martin Heinrich For U.S. Senate 2012 campaign website
    NM-01 Democratic candidate Eric Griego is backed by too many career politicians
    NM-01 Democratic candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham is unqualified for elective office

    U.S. Congress N.M. 1st District Democratic candidate Marty Chavez For Congress campaign website         U.S. Congress N.M. 1st District Democratic candidate Eric Griego For Congress campaign website           U.S. Congress N.M. 2nd District Democratic candidate Evelyn Madrid Erhard 2012 campaign website        U.S. Congress N.M. 3rd District Democratic incumbent Ben Ray Luján campaign website            U.S. Congress N.M. 2nd District 2016 Democratic candidate Merrie Lee Soules campaign website

    U.S. Congress N.M. 2nd District 2012 Democratic candidate Evelyn Madrid Erhard campaign website
    Evelyn Madrid Erhard's Facebook page
    watch hour-long October 9th Pearce vs. Erhard debate online at YouTube

    New Jersey

    NJ-07: Sue Altman won the Democratic party primary in 2024

    New York
    G.E. Nordell's New York State Travel & Business Links Pages

    NY-03: former Republican Cong. George Santos ended his independent bid for Congress in April 2024

    NY-14 in The Bronx: Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [since 1/2019]
    official homepagecampaign websiteA.O.C. credits at Internet Movie Databaseentry at Wikipedia

    viral video of A.O.C. dancing in college, re-posted by GOP troll 1/2019
    A.O.C. recorded a new dancing video in response on Jan 4th

    NY-20: Democrat Scott Murphy won special election 31 March 2009
    to replace Kirsten Gillibrand (appointed to Hillary Clinton's Senate seat)

    NY-21: incumbent Cong. Elise Stefanik, the attack-dog New York congresswoman
    10 years ago when she became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress
    NY-23: Democrat Bill Owens won special election 3 November 2009
    to replace Republican John M. McHugh (appointed to Obama's Secretary of the Army)

    NY-26: 10-term Democratic incumbent Cong. Brian Higgins [Dem NY-2] resigned earlier this year
    NY-26: Democrat state senator Tim Kennedy handily won the special election in 4/2024
    NY-26: Republican town supervisor Gary Dickson lost the special election in 4/2024
    NY-26: Democrat Kathy Hochul won the May 24th special election for a deep-red House seat

    North Carolina    a 7/2024
    NC-10: Republican incumbent Cong. Patrick McHenry - served 1/2005 to 12/2024
    briefly served as acting House Speaker 2/2023, is not seeking reelection in 2024


    OH-08: anyone vs. John Boehner = www.beatBoehner.com

    Rep. Tim Ryan [Dem OH-17] 2008 re-election website

    G.E. Nordell's Oklahoma Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    OK-04: incumbent Republican Cong. Tom Cole - the recently installed House Appropriations chair
    up against a self-funded candidate with ties to disgraced former Cong. George Santos and Trump associate Roger Stone

    G.E. Nordell's Oregon Travel & Business Links Pages

    OR-03: Democrat Cong. Earl Blumenauer 2008 re-election website

    OR-05: Democrat state Rep. Janelle Bynum won the party primary in 2024


    PA-07: Democrat Susan Wild ran for/won the party primary in 2024 wildforcongress.com

    PA-08: Cong. Patrick Murphy re-election website

    PA-12: Democrat Mark Critz beat Republican Tim Burns in May to fill out the term of the late Jack Murtha

    PA-15 indep http://www.towneforcongress.com/

    South Carolina

    SC-01: Republican Nancy Mace won the party primary in 2024

    http://www.robmillerforcongress.com/sunset.html in SC

    G.E. Nordell's Texas Travel & Business Links - Page of Shame

    TX-06: Republican former Cong. Joe Barton works as a lobbyist for ExxonMobil

    TX-14: Republican Cong. Ron Paul NOT seeking 13th term in 2012 (race for president is his last campaign)

    TX-22: Cong. Ron Paul served 1976-85, then served in CD-14 1997-2012

    TX-23 Uvalde: incumbent Republican Cong. Tony Gonzalez won the party primary in 2024
    gun-rights YouTuber Brandon 'The AK Guy' Herrera narrowly lost the party primary in 2024; the margin is close enough for Herrera to ask for a recount.

    TX-28: Democrat Cong. Henry Cuellar and his wife were indicted on bribery, conspiracy, and other charges in May 2024. The Justice Department claims the couple took money from an Azerbaijan-controlled energy company and a Mexican bank in exchange for advancing the interests of the former Soviet republic and the financial institution. Cuellar, however, told news outlets that he and his wife are “innocent of these allegations” and vowed to continue running for reelection in November. Former Cuellar campaign manager Mina Colin Strother and Texas businessman Florencio 'Lencho' Rendon reportedly set up a "sham consulting contract" to funnel $598,000 in bribes from Mexico and Azerbaijan to Cuellar's wife; both took plea deals. Indicted incumbent Cong. Henry Cuellar ran for the party primary in 2024.

    TX-30: incumbent Democrat Cong. Jasmine Crockett

    G.E. Nordell's Utah Travel & Business Links Page

    UT-03: incumbent Republican Cong. John Curtis [since 2017] won the party Senate primary in 2024
    three-term congressman and former mayor of Provo


    http://www.welchforcongress.com/ = VT


    VA-01: ANY Democrat to fill open seat of Cong. Jo Ann Davis [1950-2007]

    VA-02 Coastal Virginia: Democrat Missy Cotter Smasal won the party primary in 2024
    a Navy veteran, a former small business owner, and a mom running for one of the most competitive districts in the country

    VA-04: Democrat incumbent Cong. Jennifer McClellan - won the special election in 2023
    could become the first Afro-American woman to represent Virginia in the U.S. House

    Washington State
    G.E. Nordell's Washington State Travel & Business Links Page

    WA-01: http://www.darcyburner.com/

    WA-03: incumbent Cong. Kristina Marie Gluesenkamp Perez [born 1988] won the Democratic party primary in 2024

    WA-05: ANY Democrat to replace Republican Cong. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [since 2005]

    WA-06: Democrat Emily Randall ran for/won the party primary in 2024
    will make history as the first LGBTQ+ Latina in Congress

    WA-07: Iraq expert Cong. Jim McDermott [since 1989] re-election website

    West Virginia

    WV-01: Democrat Cong. Alan B. Mollohan
    under investigation by House Ethics Committee about real estate deals
    Cong. Alan Mollohan's 2006 re-election website

    WV-01/03: incumbent Republican Cong. Carol Miller
    WV-03: convicted Jan. 6 rioter Derrick Evans lost the Republican party primary in 2024

    Democratic Party of Wisconsin

       Cong. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin

    WI-07: Democrat Cong. Dave Obey 2008 re-election website

    Raising Hell for Justice book by Cong. Dave Obey  
    "Raising Hell For Justice: The Washington Battles of A Heartland Progressive" [2007] by by David R. Obey
    Univ WI Press 9x6¼ hardcover [8/2007] for $25.55

    WI-08: incumbent Republican Cong. Mike Gallagher stepped down in April 2024,
    cutting the Republican majority in the House down to a single vote

    Reading Material

    Congress and Its Members book, 15th Edition  "Congress and Its Members" [orig 1990s] by Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek, Frances E. Lee, Eric Schickler & James M. Curry
    19th Edition Kindle Edition from CQ Press [9/2023] for $68.80
    19th Edition CQ Press 9x6 pb [10/2023] for $129.00
    18th Edition CQ Press 8¾x6 pb [9/2021] for $71.09
    15th Edition CQ Press 9x6¼ pb [8/2014] out of print/used
    Republic, Lost - How Money Corrupts Congress book by Lawrence Lessig   "Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - And A Plan To Stop It" [2011]
    by Lawrence Lessig

    Following the Supreme Court's Citizens United v. F.E.C. decision, Harvard law professor Lessig takes a clear-eyed look at how we arrived at this crisis - and plots a roadmap for returning our republic to its intended greatness
    Kindle Edition from Twelve [10/2015] for $15.99
    Twelve 8¼x5½ pb [10/2012] for $19.60
    Twelve 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/2015] for $21.68
    Twelve 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/2011] out of print/used

    Lawrence Lessig TED talk on corruption in Congress in Kindle format from TED Books  "Lesterland: The Corruption of Congress and How To End It (TED Book Series #34)" for Kindle [2013] by Lawrence Lessig
    102-page Kindle Edition from TED Books [4/2013] - no longer available
    The ebook is an expansion and companion to Lessig's actual April 2013 TED Talk, which the Amazon book page recommended watching before reading the ebook.
    watch the 4/2013 TED Talk [18:19] at YouTube
    The USA is Lesterland / Congressional Corruption book by Lawrence Lessig & Jin Suk   "The U.S.A. Is Lesterland: The Nature of Congressional Corruption" [2014]
    by Lawrence Lessig & Jin Suk, with new Afterword by Lessig

    Based on Lessig's 2013 TED talk - now with more than a million views - this cross-partisan book tells the story of the system of corruption within our government, and how we might fix it
    92-page CreateSpace 9x6 pb [2/2014] for $9.99
    Contemporary Congress textbook by Burdett A. Loomis & Wendy J. Schiller  "The Contemporary Congress" [orig 1996, rev 2015]
    by Burdett A. Loomis & Wendy J. Schiller

    Popular textbook that offers undergraduates a clear and concise introduction to legislative processes by defining congressional structures & procedures, and integrating academic studies with the actual politics of Capitol Hill
    Kindle Edition from Rowman & Littlefield Publrs [8/2015] for $38.00 {sic}
    Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 6th edition 9x6 pb [8/2015] for $40.00
    Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 6th edition 9¼x6 hardcover [8/2015] for $85.00

    "If Dubya wins, America loses."
    — G.E. Nordell
    (September 2004)

    Well, this website was right, durnit!
    Spirit of America's 'G.O.P. Economic Meltdown' Page
    Spirit of America's G.O.P. / B.P. Megaspill 2010 Page
    Spirit of America's President George W. Bush Page

    "If Trump wins, America loses."
    — G.E. Nordell
    (September 2016)

    Sadly, this website was right again, durnit!
    Spirit of America's Emperor Donald J. Trump Page
    Working Minds Philosophy's Fascist Republican 'Project 2025' Page

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