Anyone can be a barbarian; it requires a terrible effort to remain a civilized man. Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance.
— Leonard Sidney Woolf [1880-1969]
And barbarism must always ultimately triumph. (in "Beyond The Black River")
— Robert E. Howard [1906-36], creator of Conan The Cimmerian
Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
— Benito Mussolini [1883-1945] (attributed)
Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression
of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy.
— definition at Wikipedia
on this page:
Barbarian / Fascist Organizations, A to F links
A.L.E.C. Bain Capital Citizens United
on Page 2: top of page Barbarian / Fascist Organizations, G to Z books & movies about the subject
Halliburton K.K.K. OANN QAnon
top of Page 3 Barbarian / Fascist Individuals, A to L
top of Page 4 Barbarian / Fascist Individuals, M to Z
![]() | Illustration of the principle of 'fasces': the bundle of rods tied together with the war axe was carried by civic magistrates in Ancient Roman times. The rods were used to mete out punishment unless the axe was needed to execute the criminal. The premise used by fascism is that the individual rods are easy to break (as are individual persons) but unified and with the threat of severe punishment from the state, the group then becomes mighty. |
Barbarian / Fascist Organizations in the U.S.A.
A.L.E.C. Bain Capital Halliburton OANN QAnon
"Age of Deceit Part I: The Golan (Golem)" - accuses Pope Francis of being the False Prophet of Revelations 13
watch full movie [7/2014 upload; 53:30] online at YouTube
"Age of Deceit Part II: Alchemy and The Rise of The Beast Image"
watch full movie [4/2014 upload; 3:00:00] online at YouTube
Corporate backers include AT&T, Bayer, ExxonMobil, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, and U.P.S.; due to activist pressure
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Coca-Cola, Intuit, Kraft Foods, Mars Candy, McDonald's, PepsiCo, and Wendy's Hamburgers quit in April 2012;
Amazon Inc., Apple Inc., Proctor & Gamble, and Wal-Mart, Inc. quit in May 2012; in August, six more corporations dumped A.L.E.C.:
General Electric, Western Union, Sprint Nextel, Symantec, Reckitt Benckiser Group (a British consumer goods conglomerate), and Entergy;
and by October, the companies Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Medco had quit.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates stopped financially supporting A.L.E.C. in 2012; Microsoft, Inc. dropped its membership in A.L.E.C. in August 2014.
At some point, International Paper, Occidental Petroleum, Yahoo!, and Yelp quit, while A.O.L., eBay, and Expedia remain members.
It took until September 2014 for Google, Inc. chairman Eric Schmidt to declare that their controversial decision to fund A.L.E.C. was 'a mistake';
he said that A.L.E.C. is spreading lies about global warming and 'making the world a much worse place'.
Facebook, Inc. announced in late September that its membership will not be renewed in 2015.
Speakers at A.L.E.C.s 2016 conference included former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, now the Secretary of Energy, and future U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.
Speakers at A.L.E.C.s closed-door July 2017 conference in Denver included former Montana congressman, now Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke,
former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Anti-Education Secretary Betsy Prince DeVos.
A.L.E.C. Exposed website [launched 7/2011] by
The Center for Media and Democracy [est. 1993]
![]() | "United States of A.L.E.C." [Public Affairs TV Sept & Nov 2012] 60-minute episode of the "Moyers & Company" TV show broadcast in September 2012 and again in November 2012; began independent theatrical release in January 2013 Written, produced & hosted by Bill Moyers DVD/Blu-ray not yet available episode credits at IMDb official episode homepage official movie site watch complete episode [52:47] free online at Vimeo |
![]() | "United States of A.L.E.C.: A Follow-Up" [Public Affairs TV June 2013] 60-minute episode of the "Moyers & Company" TV show broadcast in June 2013 Written, produced & hosted by Bill Moyers DVD/Blu-ray not yet available episode credits at IMDb watch complete episode [56:46] free online at Vimeo |
Alpha Natural Resources [est. 2002]
which now owns Massey Energy Company [1920-2011]
'Prosecute Massey for Manslaughter' website [est. 4/2010]
![]() | "C.P.A.C.: The World Is Watching" propaganda film [Nov 2020] 41-minute propaganda film about the the global push against the rising tide of oppressive 'socialist' regimes; filmed in USA and six other countries; Amazon reviewer: "Watching this sort of right-wing propaganda could very well lead to irriversable brain damage !" Produced by Andrew Shult; co-produced, written & directed by Jason Killian Meath; story by Matt Schlapp, Mercedes Schlapp, Dan Schneider, Ian Walters; featuring Matt Schlapp (American Conservative Union chairman), wife Mercedes Schlapp, Dan Crenshaw, Ted Cruz, Clarence Davis, vloggers Diamond & Silk, Nigel Farage, Laura Ingraham, Charlie Kirk, Larry Kudlow, K.T. McFarland, Mark Meadows, Jeannine Pirro, Dan Schneider, Donald Trump, Ian Walters not listed at IMDb DVD/Blu-ray not available Amazon Instant Video [11/2020] - promoted as FREE with Amazon Prime |
National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics [est. May 2016]
official website no entry on Wikipedia (7/2022)
former Missouri Rep. Kenny Hulshof [GOP], senior adviser
Thomas M. Susman of the American Bar Association, secretary
![]() |   | "Because You Asked: We Give You The Truth" [2020] by Barry Nussbaum essays by self-described 'U.S. national security and Middle East foreign policy expert' Nussbaum attempting to explain how the fascist Trump Doctrine is 'right for America, and for the world' 132-page Kindle Edition from indep [11/2020] for $4.99 |
the 2012 program of speakers included fascist Congressman Allen West [GOP-FL22], author Donald Luskin, convicted
criminal Gregory Reyes, traitor Grover Norquist, Fox News alarmist John Stossel, and Enron apologist Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
the 2016 program of speakers in Las Vegas, Nevada included pseudo-Objectivist Dr. David Kelley, T.E.A. Party leader Matt Kibbe,
Senator Rand Paul, Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano, and conservative wingnut Dinesh D'Souza
the 2017 program of speakers in Las Vegas, Nevada included John Aglialoro ('Atlas Shrugged' movies) & wife Joan Carter; Jim Caruso (Flying Dog Brewery); Peter Copses (Apollo Global Management); Egyptian journalist Cynthia Farahat; Ivette Fernandez (The LIBRE Institute); John Fund (National Review); pseudo-Objectivist Dr. David Kelley; T.E.A. Party leader Matt Kibbe; Charlie Kirk (Turning Point USA); campaign consultant Remso W. Martinez; Stephen Moore (The Heritage Foundation); Nicole Sanders (Atlas Society Student Programs); cartoonist Brett R. Smith; blogger George H. Smith; libertarian TV pundit John Stossel; Wolf von Laer (Students For Liberty); and Heather Wagenhals (Unlock Your Wealth Foundation)
Bain Capital Ventures [est. 1984]
Mitt Romney joined the Bain & Company management firm in 1977; Bain Capital was spun off in 1984
"King of Bain" [video 28:07] on YouTube
G.S.T. Steel of Kansas City, Missouri [video 6:07]
Broken Promises: Romney's Massachusetts Record [video 4:18]
Romney Economics: Job Loss and Bankruptcy At Ampad (in 1994) [video 5:46]
'Bain of Our Existence' weblog from Campaign for America's Future
Bain liquidated Key Airlines in 1984-85 by unlawfully suppressing the pilots' union.
Bain Capital made $34 million, 34 times its 1986 investment, in mobile medical equipment manufacturer Calumet Coach. (Calumet was purchased
in 2001 by A.K. Specialty Vehicles, which is now part of Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles. {ticker: OSK}.
Bain Capital brokered a merger for Stage Stores in 1988, knowing that the Milken junk bonds were bogus;
Bain's $10M investment gave $175M profit by 1997; Stage Stores filed bankruptcy in 2000. {ticker: SSI}
Bain Capital purchased the Damon International medical lab in 1989; company went public in 1991, then was sold to Corning in 1993. Romney hired Joseph Isola as Damon's president & CEO in January 1990; Isola pled nolo contendere in July 2000 to federal charges of conspiracy to defraud Medicare. Romney has said at various times that: he knew nothing of the investigation; that he stopped the illegal practices; that he was the whistleblower to the Feds; and-or that he stopped the activity without notifying authorities. Multiple-choice reality?
Bain Capital made $55 million, 16 times its 1990 investment, from the Gartner Group {now Gartner, Inc.}.
In 1991, Bain Capital's Bank of New England investment was failing so CEO Mitt Romney got the F.D.I.C. to agree to a $10M write-off (while Bain execs collected fat bonuses).
In 1992, Bain Capital purchased Duane Reade, a chain of family-owned New York City pharmacies. In 1996, Bain Capital hired Anthony Cuti to serve as Duane Reade's CEO, and shortly thereafter sold the chain to another buyout firm. The company was twice fined for selling expired non-prescription drugs, baby formula, and other products. A new owner in 2005 quickly fired Cuti, who was sentenced in August 2011 to three years in prison for falsely inflating Duane Reade's income and misleading investors.
The Walgreens chain bought Duane Reade for $623 million in April 2010.
Bain Capital took over Ampad (American Pad & Paper) for $5M in 1992; laid off 200 union workers in 1994 and hired them back at reduced wages; the union struck, Bain closed the plant, and then walked away with $100M in profits.
In 1993, Bain Capital purchased the G.S. Industries steel plant in Kansas City, Missouri for $8.3M; in 1994, G.S.I. borrowed $125M to pay off debt and modernize and to pay Bain Capital execs $36M; G.S.I. went bankrupt and the plant closed; the P.B.G.C. (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation) government agency covered $44M in G.S.I. pension losses in August 2005.
Bain Capital (initial investment $30M) and Goldman Sachs bought Baxter International in 1994 and renamed it Dade International; Dade bought a chemical division from Dupont in 1996 and Behring Diagnotics in 1997; failing to get a decent buyout offer in 1999, Dade management took out loans to buy out half the stockholders (the Bain half) with $242 million to Bain and $121 million to Goldman Sachs and $55 million to top Dade executives, for a total payout of $420 million; in all, the company racked up $1.5B in debt; Bain took $100M in fees and $242M in profits; Dade filed bankruptcy in 2002, 1700 U.S. workers lost their jobs; Dade was sold in 2007 to German conglomerate Siemens for $7B.
In 1998, Domino's Pizza co-founder & sole owner Tom Monaghan sold 93 percent of the company to Bain Capital for $1.1B; Bain added $1.5B in debt, and took away five times their investment. The pizza company is thriving, but has assets of only $425M and long-term debt of $1.57B, which computes to $23.64 negative book value per share.
In 2006, Bain Capital formed Sensata Technologies in Freeport, Illinois to develop, manufacture & market sensors and controls for major auto manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors. Despite rising profits, the company has plans to shut down the factory in November; American workers were made to train their Chinese replacements, who were flown to Illinois by the company. The American workers being outsourced at Sensata have tried for months to meet with candidate Mitt Romney, many even traveling to Florida for the Republican Party's convention, to ask Romney to show up in Illinois and help save their jobs. No help from Romney, nor even a reply. The latest move by the workers is to camp outside the Sensata factory for a very visible protest toward keeping these jobs in the U.S.A., including blocking the trucks that arrive to haul the equipment to China.
September 2007: Leveraged buyout and partial sell-off of the Clear Channel Communications radio network by Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners. Company took the name 'I Heart Media, Inc.' based on the success of the 'I Heart Radio' music-on-smartphone app; filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 2018 to deal with $10B in debt remaining from the leveraged buyout.
To what degree the attention on Bain Capitol helped defeat the Romney-Ryan ticket in 2012 is subject to conjecture; in any case, Mitt Romney lost
all of his various home states, and Paul Ryan did not even carry his home town of Janesville, Wisconsin.
BlabberBuzz Conservative News [est. 2016?]
owned & operated by DEMY Media LLC, 4730 So. Fort Apache Road in Las Vegas, Nevada
Elie Ashery, founder & executive editor
official website
YouTube Channel [est. 10/2016]
lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly [est. 1980, renamed 1984]
Founded by Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Charles R. Black Jr. in Washington, DC; Peter G. Kelly was added in 1984.,_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly
Roger Stone was a longtime advisor to Donald Trump
details about the individual Roger Stone are on Barbarians & Fascists Page 4
The Blackstone Group [est. 1985, IPO 2007]
Founded in 1985 by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman after they left Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb, Inc.; public stock since IPO in 2007; manages more than $210 billion in assets. Blackstone owns part or all of the Hilton Hotel chain, Southern Cross Healthcare, Houghton Mifflin publishing, the Weather Channel, Sea World, arts & crafts chain Michaels, Orangina, and dozens of other companies. Lately agressively expanding into ownership of single-family rental homes, and is the largest seller of derivitives in that field – which is approaching 'bubble' status, and could be the source of the next financial crash. Current institutional owners include many companies recently implicated in the recent mortgage derivitives crisis: Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, U.B.S., Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorganChase.
official website
Blackwater Worldwide
[est. 1997 by Erik Prince; renamed Xe Services, LLC in 2009; sold to private investors in 2010;
renamed Academi in 2011; merged into Constellis Holdings in 2014]
war criminal Erik Prince was listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011
![]() | "Blackwater: The Rise of The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army" [2007] by Jeremy Scahill
Nation Books 8¼x5½ pb [5/2008] for $12.21 Nation Books 9x6 hardcover [2/2007] for $17.79 "Blackwater: El Auge del Ejercito Mercenario Mas Poderoso del Mundo" [2009] Haymarket Books 8¾x6 pb [9/2008] for $15.60 |
Breitbart News Network [est. 2007]
mid-2018: reports that the websites readership has dropped by half since last year.
official website
entry at Wikipedia
Steve Bannon left Breitbart in January 2018
Raheem Kassam, London editor - heavily involved in anti-European Union far-right organizations
hired by Steve Bannon in 2014, left 5/2018
The Business Roundtable
Founded in 1972 as response to the growing public hostility against giant corporations and the public's demand for regulation of their excesses. The group has recently worked for the steady dilution of shareholder access to the boardroom, advocated skyrocketing CEO compensation, and supported networks of corporate control that influence the economy, politics, and major media. The 2016 Executive Committee includes CEOs from: Accenture Services; American Electric Power; American Express; AT&T, Inc.; Ball Corp.; Bank of America; The Boeing Company; CH2M Hill Engineering; Cummins, Inc.; C.V.S. Health; Dow Chemical; Eastman Chemical; E.Y./Ernst & Young; General Electric; Honeywell International, Inc.; I.B.M. Corp.; JPMorgan Chase; Lockheed Martin; Mastercard, Inc.; Motorola; Northrup Grumman; Stryker Corp.; and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.; seats on the board were formerly held by Caesars Entertainment Corp.; Caterpillar, Inc.; Eaton Corp.; ExxonMobil Corp.; The McGraw-Hill Companies; Procter & Gamble; State Farm Insurance; and Xerox
current members lead companies with a total of $7.2B in revenue (against gross national product of $16.9B in 2016).
official website
entry at Wikipedia
The California Business Roundtable
The California Business Roundtable [] seems not to be as nasty as the national organization, but are opposed to most of the same progressive solutions. Members displayed on the website include: Anthem Blue Cross; Automobile Club of Southern California; Bain & Company; Blackstone Group; Chevron; C.J. Segerstrom & Sons; Comcast; Dart Container Corp.; D.L.A. Piper; Eli Lilly; Enterprise Rent-a-Car; Farmers Insurance; Granite Construction, Inc.; Health Net, Inc.; Kaiser Permanente; K.B. Home; Majestic Realty Co.; McKinsey & Co.; Safeway, Inc.; Sempra Energy; Sidley Austin LLP; State Farm Insurance; Sutter Health; Tesoro Petroleum; Union Bank; Union Pacific Railroad; Valero Energy; and
Wells Fargo Bank & Co.
official website no entry at Wikipedia
C.A.D.C.A. = Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America
The pretense is 'education' about prescription drugs while opposing medical or recreational marijuana; funded by major manufacturers
of opioid painkillers: Abbott Labs, Alkermas, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer & Purdue Pharma (Oxycontin).
Caterpillar, Inc. [est. 1925]
Aside from Caterpillar management's giving themselves raises and cutting union members' wages and outsourcing jobs overseas and to 'right-to-low-wages'
states, the latest anti-American behavior is Caterpillar's stashing overseas profits in a paper subsidiary in Switzerland to avoid paying $2.4 billion
in U.S. taxes between 2000 & 2012. In early March 2017, federal agents served search warrants at Caterpillar offices in Peoria, East Peoria, and Morton, Illinois
specifically looking for documents on their dealings in Switzerland.
Caterpillar, Inc. official website
Cat Products North America official website
entry at Wikipedia
"We get all [the Chevron refinery's] pollution not only in the air but they pollute our elections too."
— Gayle McLaughlin, then-Mayor of Richmond, California
Citizens United / Citizens United Productions [est. 1988]
Founded by Floyd Gregory Brown, executive director of Young America's Foundation West Coast and leader of other right-wing propaganda groups
David Bossie is current chair/president [since 2000]
"Hillary: The Movie" [Citizens United Prodns 2008]
The Federal Election Commission sued to block the Citizens United political action non-profit organization from paying for ads or TV broadcasts of this film, based on provisions
of the B.C.R.A. (McCain-Feingold) campaign finance law; the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia agreed; Citizens United appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court,
and in January 2010 the decision was reversed. Not only that, but the decision by Justice John Roberts in "Citizens United v. F.E.C." cited 25 prior dissensions (a seriously-inept
legal no-no) and declared the United States a fascist country, i.e. 'money from corporations to political groups constitutes free speech'. This creates a Constitutional crisis,
because there is no appeal to such an action by the Supreme Court except multiple impeachments by Congress.
![]() | The film is a review of various manufactured scandals that failed to bring down the Clintons; the District Court concluded that the film could not be interpreted as anything other than an appeal to vote against Senator Clinton, thus making it an electioneering communi-cation; the Supreme Court did not change that decision, they just said that corporations could not be banned from paying for such electioneering communications Co-produced, co-written & directed by Alan Peterson; co-written by Lee Troxler & Michael Wright; with archive footage of Bill & Hillary Clinton; featuring Gary Aldrich, Dick Armey, Michael Barone, Tony Blankley, Bay Buchanan, Dan Burton, Joe Connor, Ann 'The Man' Coulter, Billy Dale, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Frank Gaffney, Jeff Gerth, Newt Gingrich, Larry Kudlow, Mark R. Levin, Michael Medved, John Mica, Dick Morris, Robert D. Novak, Kate O'Beirne, Buzz Patterson, Peter F. Paul, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Kathleen Willey
90-minute Citizens United Prodns color DVD [1/2008] for $16.92 full credits at IMDb movie entry at Wikipedia watch 12/2007 official trailer [2:30] online at YouTube |
"Rigged: The Zuckerberg-Funded Plot To Defeat Donald Trump"
[Citizens United Prodns April 2022]
![]() | fake news documentary by Citizens United Productions 'exposing' Mark Zuckerberg for his role in funding {perfectly legal} drop-box ballot operations across the country during the 2020 election Co-written & directed by Jason Meath; co-written by David Bossie; featuring President Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz [GOP TX], Newt Gingrich, Kellyanne Conway, Ken Blackwell (Family Research Council), Cleta Mitchell, Cong. Claudia Tenney [GOP NY-22], Ken Cuccinelli, Jody Hice, Jeff Landry, Michael Gableman, Scott Walter, Janel Brandtjen, and archive footage of Mark Zuckerberg
DVD/Blu-ray not yet available at Amazon credits at IMDb digital purchase [4/2022] for $4.99 digital purchase + DVD [4/2022] for $$19.99 includes s/h official movie site - redirects to Citizens United website |
Clean and Safe Energy Coalition [est. 2006]
Funded by P/R giant Hill & Knowlton for the Nuclear Energy Institute; principals are
Patrick Moore & Christine Todd Whitman
Conservative Dad blogsite
blogger Seth Weathers launched Ultra Right Beer in April 2023; within two weeks he reported over $1 million from sales of 20,000 six-packs; his publication
in December 2023 of a 2024 calendar of scantily-clad prominent right-wing females caused an uproar deemed 'CalendarGate'
The Daily Wire []
Commentary from Ben Shapiro and Jordan B. Peterson
The Democratic Party
The leaders of the Democratic party play the game, accepting campaign contribution money (i.e. bribes) from any and all lobbyists and covert funding groups;
the only reason that the WM website can support any of their candidates is that the fascist Republican Party is ten times worse.
The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank System [est. 1913]
Every other country in the world has a central bank system that works quite well; the long-standing problem
in the U.S.A. is that 'The Fed' is controlled by Wall Street megabanks.
Working Minds Philosophy ezine Essay #54: "F*** The Fed", Sept 2005
"The Federalist" online magazine [est. Sept 2013]
official website
co-founders Ben Domenech & Sean Davis
editors David Harsanyi & Mollie Hemingway
The Federalist Society [est. 1982]
official website
![]() | "The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took The Law Back From Liberals" [2013] by Michael Avery & Danielle McLaughlin Kindle Edition from Vanderbilt Univ Press [6/2013] for $10.09 Vanderbilt Univ Press 10x7¼ hardcover [4/2013] for $25.37 |
The F1rst TV [est. 10/2019] propaganda channel
offered by DirecTV in January 2023 as a replacement for dropped Newsmax; hard-right hosts include disgraced ex-Fox News host Bill O'Reilly
and former National Rifle Association talking head Dana Loesch; produces about 45 hours of content each week
official website
F.M.C. Corporation
Founded in 1883; name changed to Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation in 1943; as-of 2008, F.M.C. had
created 87 Superfund pollution cleanup sites and had received at least 33 E.P.A. enforcement citations.
Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity [est. 2009]
Supposedly a 'news' agency; however, 95% of their funding comes from anti-science philanthropy Donors Trust,
whose top contributors are the ubiquitous Koch Brothers.
official website
entry at Wikipedia
F.R.E.E = Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment [est. 1985] of Montana
receive funding from Heartland, Exxon-Mobil, John Deere, and the Federalist Society
official website
entry at Wikipedia
Freedom Partners [est. Nov 2011]
Freedom Partners is organized like a chamber of commerce, with members paying $100,000 annual dues; a majority of board members are long time employees of the Koch Brothers. In 2012, Freedom Partners made a grant of $115 million to the Center to Protect Patient Rights. In March 2015, Freedom Partners announced a six-figure digital advertising campaign based at new website; Freedom Partners's purpose is to criticize The Export-Import Bank of the United States
(Ex-Im Bank) [est. 1934], which Freedom Partners claims is 'a haven for cronyism and corporate welfare', and shut it down.
Freedom Partners: official website
entry at Wikipedia
Ex-Im Bank: official website
entry at Wikipedia
  jump to Page 2: Barbarian / Fascist Organizations, G to Z
The Barbarian / Fascist Individuals Section grew very large, and so was cut to a second page in 9/2019, then split again to 4 pages 4/2021.
jump to top of Page 3 Barbarian / Fascist Individuals, A to L
Steve Bannon Jeffrey Epstein Koch Brothers
jump to top of Page 4 Barbarian / Fascist Individuals, M to Z
Rupert Murdoch Mitt Romney
L i n k s
Fascism Portal at Wikipedia
Barbarian topic at Wikipedia
2003 article defining fascism by Laurence W. Britt at the Secular Humanism website
"14 Warning Signs of Fascism" definition from Dr. Lawrence W. Britt
Fascism Pages at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website
here on the Barbarians & Fascists Pages at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment
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top of Page 2    Barbarian / Fascist Organizations, H to Z    Halliburton    QAnon    The U.S. Supreme Court    books & movies about the subject
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Steve Bannon    Jeffrey Epstein    Koch Brothers
top of Page 4 Barbarian / Fascist Individuals, M to Z
Rupert Murdoch    Mitt Romney
Fascism Pages at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website
book "Fascism For Dummkopfs" being written in 2024  
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