Working Minds / Selected Books on the Subject of Corporations
Spirit of America Bookstore's
Corporations & Brands Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's
U.S. Business Leaders & Corporations Pages
“[Corporations] cannot commit treason . . . for they have no souls.”
— Sir Edward Coke [1552-1634]
“[C]orporate management getting rich while their companies go broke is just part of the normal
business cycle . . . A lot of money in America is still made the old-fashioned way – by stealing it.”
— Steve Martini
Estimated percentage of U.S. corporations that paid no federal taxes
between 1996 and 2000 is 61%. [per Harper's Index]
“Corporate America contributes 7 percent of the nation's total tax burden,
compared with 50 percent after World War II.”
— Mother Jones Magazine, Nov-Dec 2007
Just 147 interlocking companies control 40 percent of the world economy; the top 25 companies
include Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Vanguard Group, United Bank of Switzerland, Merrill Lynch,
Deutsche Bank, Walton Enterprises, Bank of New York Mellon, Goldman Sachs, T. Rowe Price Group,
Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America. — per New Scientist Magazine, Oct 2011
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
— Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25)
“To paraphrase the Christian Bible (Matthew 16): For what is a man profited if he shall make
beaucoup bucks while transforming the planet into a cesspool.” — G.E. Nordell
“We've become, now, an oligarchy instead of a democracy. I think that's been the worst damage to the basic
moral and ethical standards, to the American political system that I've ever seen in my life.”
— former President Jimmy Carter, in September 2015
“Corporation: an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.”
— Ambrose Bierce [1842-1914]
relevant pages at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
Capitalism Page
Wall Street Page
'Economics Or Else!' Pages
Political Science Pages
relevant pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
'G.O.P. Economic Meltdown' Page
Corporations & Brands Page
U.S. Business Leaders & Corporations Pages
Books on U.S. Politics & Elections Pages
Labor Movement Film Festival
Amazon, Inc. [est. 1994] Page
Apple, Inc. [est. 1975] Page
capitalist Warren Buffett Page
Enron Corp. [1985-2006] Page
Facebook, Inc. [est. 2004] Page
Google, Inc. [est. 1996] Page
The Koch Brothers Page
Microsoft, Inc. [est. 1975]
Monsanto Company, Inc. [est. 1901] Page
Starbucks Corp. [est. 1971] Page
Wal-Mart, Inc. [est. 1962] Page
relevant pages at Magic Lantern Video & Book Store
Comcast []
Human Rights Film Festival
Marvel Entertainment
'Rat Race' Film Festival
here at Working Minds
Things To Worry About / Business & Economic Monopolies Page
The Occupy Movement and the Anonymous Collective
Solutions: Media & The Bill of Rights
Solutions: Labor & Capitalism Isssues
New Constitutional Amendment on Corporations
Campaign for Corporate Reform
Corporate Accountability International [est. 1977] based in Boston, MA
Campaign to Stop 'Killer Coke'
Corporate Accountability at The Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights
Center For Corporate Policy
Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy [est. 1995] of South Yarmouth, MA
'Reverse Citizens United' Constitutional Amendment
Activism / Anti-Corporation listings at DMOZ/Open Directory Project
![]() Birth of The Corporation
The central case, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, was argued on 26-29 January 1886; the decision was filed 10 May 1886. (A partial basis for that decision was purjured testimony by railroad hireling Roscoe Conklin during the San Mateo County v. Southern Pacific Railroad case of 1882.) A later significant case, Lochner v. New York, was argued on 23-24 February 1905; the decision was filed 17 April 1905. 'Corporations As Persons' summary at Reclaim Democracy San Mateo County vs. S.P.R.R. 1882 Case {116 U.S. 138}
Santa Clara vs. S.P.R.R. 1886 Case {118 U.S. 394}
Joseph Lochner v. State of New York 1905 Case {198 U.S. 45}
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1870 Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 On 26 January 1907, after persistent pressure from Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, Congress passed the Tillman Act, which prohibited all monetary contributions by corporations to national political campaigns. The 'Powell Memorandum' was released in August, 1971. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. [1907-98], soon to be nominated as Supreme Court Justice, advocated 'constant surveillance' of textbook and television content, as well as a purge of left-wing elements that opposed corporate dominance. (He was then a lawyer for the tobacco industry.)
The official title of that document was "Confidential Memorandum: Attack of American Free Enterprise System"
On 30 January 1976, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the landmark The Death of Democracy On 21 January 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court declared America to be a fascist state in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. case reversing a full century of election campaign finance restrictions on the ability of corporations to purchase any elected office that they want. That decision is first of all in violation of the U.S. Constitution, and secondly, the written decision is really bad law – if submitted as a paper in law school, the grade would be D-minus. The precedents cited in this decision were virtually all from dissents – any case based on a dissent is worthless, and this decision cited at least 25 such, so that the resulting decision is faulty and has no merit. But the corporate fascists will avoid the fine points and proceed on the new (illegitimate} 'Reverse Citizens United' Constitutional Amendment
On 20 June 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court struck another blow for fascism and On 2 April 2014, fascist Chief Justice John Roberts further destroyed democracy in As-of 30 June 2014, the Supreme Court's ludicrous Burwell v. Hobby Lobby decision provides that 'the religious beliefs of a corporation' {sic} can officially override the health care options of their individual employees, such as in denying women any insurance coverage for birth control see also the Working Minds / Action / Supreme Court Page
Spirit of America Bookstore's Enron Corp. [1985-2006] Page
Wal-Mart Watch website
free report "Wal-Mart: Rolling Back Workers' Wages, Rights & the American Dream [2005]"
Sprawl Busters
AdBusters' Wal-Mart Takedown Action Center
non-union 'OUR Walmart' group
union-based 'Making Change At Wal-Mart' group
Working Families United for New Jersey 'WalMart-Free Newark' campaign
'Demand WalMart Sell Responsibly' anti-assault weapons campaign
“Wal-Mart is going in and slaughtering [small towns] just as we once killed the buffalo.”
— Garrison Keillor
"I have taken this stand: I have not and will never set foot inside either Wal-Mart or Sam's Club."
— G.E. Nordell
Working Minds Essay #94 [May 2011] “Wal-Mart Bad, Local Businesses Good”
Wal-Mart, Inc. [est. 1962] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Starbucks Coffee
Starbucks Corp. is a bad guy? Sure: They act like King Kong and buy the best location/s at the mall and
destroy the business of any other coffee seller (with no attempt made to buy them out).
Starbucks Corp. website
Starbucks Corp. entry at Wikipedia
Starbucks Corp. [est. 1971] Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
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Earth's Biosphere • Class War & Economics • Healthcare
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