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"Labor is the source of all wealth." "Adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage has decreased 38% since 1968."
G.E. Nordell
— Howard Dean, 2003
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Selected essay topics from 'WMail'
the Working Minds Philosophy Newsletter
Issue #12 [July 2001] "Independence"
Issue #14 [September 2001] "The Best Investment: Labor"
Issue #18 [December 2001] "The Stock Market Casino"
Issue #19 [January 2002] "Virtual Tea Party"
Issue #21 [March 2002] "Tax Revolt"
Issue #23 [May 2002] "The Class System of America"
Issue #25 [July 2002] "Injustice For All"
Issue #35 [September 2003] "Debt & the Working Mind"
Issue #40 [February 2004] "Paleo-Capitalism"
Issue #42 [April 2004] "The Oligarchy"
Issue #46 [September 2004] "A Living Wage"
Issue #51 [March 2005] "The Three Economies"
Dateline Chamesa weblog [est. 2005]
index of all WMail issues
WMail essays categorized by topic
quotations used in all WMail & weblog issues
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Labor Links
Strength of U.S. Labor Unions {per U.S. Dept. of Labor, 2010} #1 = N.E.A. (National Education Association) at 2,731,419
#11 = United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers at 557,099
The United Federation of Indentured Servants [est. 2010]
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A.F.L.-C.I.O. [A.F.L. est. 1886, C.I.O. est. 1935, merged 1955]
AFL-CIO's American Center for International Labor Solidarity [est. 1997]
AFL-CIO's community affiliate Working America [est. 2003]
Main Street blog
Elizabeth H. 'Liz' Shuler - elected AFL-CIO president 8/2021 + Interim Chair, Economic Policy Institute
Richard Trumka [1949-2021] - AFL-CIO president, 2009-2021
Intl. Confederation of Free Trade Unions
California Labor Federation [AFL-CIO]
American Federation of Teachers [est. 1916; AFL-CIO]
Intl. Federation of Chemical, Energy Mine, & General Workers' Unions
Communications Workers of America [est. 1947; AFL-CIO]
International Longshore and Warehouse Union [est. 1937; AFL-CIO]
Intl. Assn. of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers [est. 1896]
Fight Back America: United Steelworkers Associate Member Program
National Air Traffic Controllers Assn. [est. 1987; AFL-CIO]
Laborer's International Union of North America [est. 1903; AFL-CIO]
Metropolitan Washington DC Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Change To Win Coalition [est. June 2005]
Laborers' Intl. Union of North America [est. 1903; CWC]
UNITE-HERE [merged July 2004; CWC]
United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America [est. 1881; CWC]
Service Employees Intl. Union [CWC, CLC]
Purple Ocean affiliate of S.E.I.U.
United Farm Workers of America [CWC]
United Professionals quasi-union [est. 9/2006]
Restaurant Opportunities Centers United [est. 2001]
National Nurses Organizing Committee
California Nurses Assn.
The Alphabet Workers Union [est. 2020] - for employees of all Alphabet, Google, etc. companies
I.B.E.W. Union Local 611 of New Mexico, based in Albuquerque
I.B.E.W. Local 76 [est. 1894] of Tacoma, Washington
The United Federation of Indentured Servants [est. 2010]
The National Labor Committee in Support of Human & Worker Rights
Intl. Labour Orgn. of the United Nations
The Labor Heritage Foundation [est. 1979]
Workers Independent News / Labor Radio
International Labor Communications Assn. [est. 1955]
LaborNet: global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement
People's Weekly World newspaper [est. 1924]
American Rights At Work: advancing democracy in the American workplace [est. 2003]
American Labor Museum - Botto House in Haledon, NJ
U.S. Labor Against The War
United Students Against Sweatshops [est.1998]
help desk for trade union web-staff
Mining History Assn.
safety products at Victor House Publications
LaborNet: online communications for the democratic labor movement
American Labor Museum - Botto House in Haledon, NJ
International Justice Day on June 15th
Sweatshop Hall of Shame of the
International Labor Rights Forum
The Universal Living Wage Campaign
U.S. Dept. of Labor 'History of the Minimum Wage'
Working Minds Essay #46: "A Living Wage" from September 2004
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April {the date varies} is when women in the U.S.A. have worked to earn the same pay that men received at the prior year-end.
Equal Pay Day [est. 1996] is sponsored by the
National Committee on Pay Equity [est. 1979].
July 31st is Black Womens Equal Pay Day, which marks how long into the year that an Afro-American woman
has to work in order to match the prior year's wages of her white male counterparts.
I.W.W. {'Wobblies'} page at Spirit of America Bookstore
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American Labor History Timeline
'timeline of labor issues & events' page at Wikipedia
"A Brief History of Unions" [1.5 minute short] from PA-AFLCIO on YouTube
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this page kept growing, of course, so the Timeline Section was cut to its own page in May 2024
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Labor News
The labor movement in the United States isn't doing a lot lately
and-or they get meager coverage on the fascist media channels
. . . what labor news there may be can be found on
Workers Independent News radio service
Amazon's Union-Busting Training Video [2018]
'training' video sent in 2018 to managers after the takeover of Whole Foods; leaked in mid-2019
watch full video [6/2019 upload; 29:02] online at YouTube
Friday 23 November 2012
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union already has or is working to gain representation of workers at Wal-Mart in the U.S. Wal-Mart management kept tightening the screws – firing organizers, cutting hours per employee, holding mandatory meetings to tell employees who to vote for in local elections – so the kettle began to boil. Wildcat strikes and protests began at stores in October and November 2012, then union and non-union groups decided to stage demonstrations during the 'Black Friday' shopping frenzy on the day after Thanksgiving. Wal-Mart filed a legal complaint with the N.L.R.B. asserting illegal picketing, but the N.L.R.B.'s decision not to decide allowed the protests against Wal-Mart's vile labor practices to take place on November 23. Wal-Mart corporate downplayed the turnout, reporting that only fifty employees participated nationwide. Objective reports counted 1,000 protestors in Paramount, California - 17 identified as employees; 400 rallied at one Maryland store; 200 in bitter-cold St. Paul, Minnesota; large crowds protested in California, Oklahoma, DC Metro, and New Mexico, plus hundreds of other stores. (Broadcast media failed their duty to report the matter, most likely to protect Wal-Mart ad revenue.) non-union 'OUR Walmart' group union-based 'Making Change At Wal-Mart' group |
Friday 9 November 2012 The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union began a nationwide strike by 5,000 members against Hostess Brands, Inc. The hedge fund owners of Hiostess were asking union workers to take cuts in pay and healthcare and pensions, while giving themselves 80-percent pay increases. Hostess was already in Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced November 16 that the company will now liquidate, a loss of 18,500 jobs. |
Los Angeles Times
Thursday 11 December 2003 Business Section / California [page C-2] Workers, Labor Leaders Rally in Los Angeles for Union Rights        by Nancy Cleeland [L.A. Times Staff Writer]        Led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and a host of political, religious and community leaders, more than 1,000 workers marched to Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday for a boisterous, labor-sponsored rally one of dozens of actions staged across the country to promote the right to organize unions.
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