Each issue of the free monthly WMail philosophy newsletter {ezine}
included excerpts from 'Working Minds: A Philosophy of Empowerment'
or essays based on the Working Minds philosophy, stimulating quotes, and
practical actions that readers can take toward the Fulfillment of Mankind's Potential...
        This 'WMail' newsletter was begun in June of 2000, intended to be sent out every month or so, via email only, with each issue containing quotations, an excerpt from the book "Working Minds: A Philosophy of Empowerment" or an essay by myself or an article by another author, and various and sundry philosophical news-bits.
        While topics of WMail range widely, they are based on the innovative and practical 'Working Minds' Philosophy of Empowerment which is based partly on ideas of Ayn Rand, Albert Camus, Eric Berne, C. Wright Mills, Thorstein Veblen, Carlos Castaρeda and others, plus a little quantum physics and a host of original thought. The content is designed to enroll the reader into individual participation in the Fulfillment of Mankind's Potential.
        The WMail ezine ended with Issue #72 in October 2007.
The mission of the Working Minds Philosophy and the websites will continue by posting
quotations, news factoids & essays on the Dateline Chamesa weblog ...
enter your email address:  |
Indices of All Issues of the 'WMail' ezine
The archived 'WMail' ezine issues are displayed in three ways:
1) Index of All Issues Page {oldest last}
2) The essays are listed separately and in numeric order here,
or – for the serious or curious student of philosophy – you can begin at Issue #1
and follow the chain.
3) There is a new page that lists the essays categorized by topic.
plus the 'Quotations Used In All Issues' Pages (alphabetical by author)
The Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment defines strategies and techniques with which you will be able to handle successfully anything that Life brings your way. The development of your Working Mind is entirely your Responsibility at all times. How far you go in developing your Working Mind is a function of your Commitment to being a Self, an Individual who IS Responsible. That and only that Commitment to being Responsible for being an Individual, in the face of ceaseless pressure to revert to subjugation by the internal False Mind and by the external Culture-Structure, is the necessary Context for the fulfillment of your existential potential. The development by your Self, within your Self of your latent Working Mind is crucial and necessary for the survival of the human species. |
Selected Back-Issues
Issue #72 [November 2007]: Farewell Issue
Issue #71 [May 2007]: "Illegal Immigration"
Issue #70 [April 2007]: "The Cage"
Issue #69 [March 2007]: "Summer Solution"
Issue #68 [February 2007]: "The Distinction LOYALTY"
Issue #67 [January 2007]: "The Distinction POWER"
Issue #66 [December 2006]: "Cooling The Planet"
Issue #65 [November 2006]: "Being Thankful"
Issue #64 [October 2006]: "The War In Iran"
Issue #63 [September 2006]: "Bush & Blackmail"
Issue #62 [August 2006]: Third All-Quotes Issue
Issue #61 [July 2006]: "Non-Monetary Economics"
Issue #60 [June 2006]: "Climate & Politics"
Issue #59 [May 2006]: "The Distinction SOURCE"
Issue #55 [December 2005]: "Joining the Circle"
Issue #54 [September 2005]: "F*** the Fed!"
Issue #51 [March 2005]: "The Three Economies"
Issue #48 [November 2004]: "Fulfilling Mankind's Potential"
Issue #46 [September 2004]: "A Living Wage"
Issue #44 [June 2004]: "The Working Minds Manifesto"
Issue #42 [April 2004]: "The Oligarchy"
Issue #40 [February 2004]: "Paleo-Capitalism"
Issue #39 [January 2004]: "The 100-Year Exercise"
Issue #35 [September 2003] "Debt & the Working Mind"
Issue #32 [February 2003] "Standing On Ayn Rand"
Issue #30 [December 2002] "Radio Silent"
Issue #25 [July 2002]: "Injustice For All"
Issue #23 [May 2002]: "The Class System of America"
Issue #18 [Dec 2001]: "The Stock Market Casino"
You are cordially invited
to join the Revolution!
The Working Minds Manifesto:
Revolution For A World That Works
Where Quality of Life is the Most Important Value
in English in French auf Deutsch en Espanol
in Dutch in Italian in Greek in Russian
Unsolicited Reader Testimonials
    Thanks very much for your latest newsletter. I think that this is really one of your best.
  ==  Diana C. F.     Awesome, dude!
    I just wanted to thank you for this inspiring e-mail... All the quotes
and information comes from a view that we don't see enough of.
    Keep the #28's and #29's coming. I am very inspired by this type of stuff.     I appreciate your writings and the messages. Keep up the good work. I will look for you on the cover of Time.
    Dont give up the fight.
    Went to your site. Awesome work ... very cool.
    Kudos to the Working Mind... Keep on writing... you do inspire the rest of us!     Always uplifting and thought provoking. Accolades to the philosopher !!!!     In a world of smoke and mirrors, it is so good to find a fire. Working Mind indeed. Blazing Mind might be better. I look forward to your next installment.
    I have read about four issues of your newsletter so far and find them to be the best reading material I have ever read. I just had to write and tell you what a good job you are doing. I thank you for taking the time and putting forth the effort to publish such a great newsletter. Your work on the "Working Minds" newsletter is greatly appreciated.
    I just received [Issue#33], and read it, and want to say "bravo!!"
    As usual [Issue #35] is brilliant and right on the money.
    Thanks - for being inspiring, being steadfast, and being engaged.
    [Issue #41 on 'Playa Vista'] carried me along from beginning to end. Thanks for painting such a vivid picture of the factions and the turf battles over this wetland that I drive through almost daily. Your prose is wonderful.
    BRAVO!! [Issue #45 is] your best issue ever. Thank you.
    I went looking for this quote on Google and came across your website and feel ... like I just found a little community of philosophy that embraces the totality of all the things I believe.
    Thank you for your website, truly a masterpiece.
Volume VIII (2007)
Issues #67-69 #70-72
Volume VII (2006)
Issues #56-58 #59-61 #62-64 #65-66
Volume VI (2005)
Issues #50-52 #53-55
Volume V (2004)
Issues #39-41 #42-44 #45-47 #48-49
Volume IV (2003)
Issues #31-33 #34-35 #36-38
Volume III (2002)
Issues #19-21
#22-24 #25-27 #28-30
Volume II (2001)
Issues #6-8 #9-11 #12-14 #15-18
Volume I (2000)
Issues #1-5
WMail Issue #36 [October 2003]: The First All-Quotes Issue
WMail Issue #43 [May 2004]: The 2nd All-Quotes Issue
WMail Issue #62 [August 2006]: The 3rd All-Quotes Issue
One: Forward any issue of the WMail philosophy & activism ezine, or any essay, to lots of people. Two: At no extra cost to you, you can set the WMstores page as a Favorite and use that page when shopping at Amazon and-or at Barnes & Noble. The cost to you is the same as ever, but you will divert a tiny commission on whatever you purchase there to help pay for the WM website – simple instructions here. Three: Check out the "Things To Worry About / Books on the Subject" pages and purchase books, etc. via Amazon:
Energy International Politics Books on U.S. Politics & Elections Media & The Bill of Rights Four: Install a link to the Working Minds website – simple instructions here. Five: Buy a copy of my noir mystery novel "Backlot Requiem", available online at Amazon in six countries, plus Barnes & Noble. More info at the Rick Walker, Private Detective novels website. Thanks! |
This ezine is listed at
Subscribe-Me! listing of Philosophy eZines
G.E. Nordell's Dateline Chamesa weblog [est. 2005]
Index of All 'WMail' Issues     back to Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment homepage
[ created 12/2000 . . . | . . . page last updated ] |