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U.S. Constitution / Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Second Amendment entry at Wikipedia

Federalist Paper No. 29 "Concerning The Militia"
written by Alexander Hamilton [1757-1804], published on 9 January 9 1788 under the pseudonym Publius
entry at Wikipediafull text online at Yale University's Avalon Project

on this page: topical timelineBill of Rightsbooksschool shootingsother mediapersonalitieslinks

A  Few  Important  Dates

  • since 1996: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been prohibited from using government funds to investigate gun violence.

  • 2020: 45,000 Americans were killed by guns during the year, a level of gun deaths not seen in decades. Gun deaths increased 15% nationwide from 2019 to 2020. 'Our gun violence epidemic got worse through the pandemic': 120 Americans on average were killed by guns every single day in 2020 — as reported by The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fall 2021.
  • 2020: The first time that guns were the leading cause of death for kids and teens, per April 2022 report.
  • 2022 Sunday June 12: "Bipartisan Framework on Gun Safety" initial proposal announced by U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich [Dem-NM], as a member of the bipartisan group of senators that negotiated the legislative package for reducing gun violence. Sen. Heinrich was interviewed on the matter next day on NBC News "Meet The Press NOW" [7:05]. The bill passed in the Senate on June 23 with votes from 15 Republicans.
  • 2023 Jan 23: Senate Bill 25 “Assault Weapons Ban of 2023” was introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein [Dem-CA] and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; the bill is to "regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes". The bill has not yet been referred to the full Senate for a vote.

  • 2024 July: People in a handful of small towns can now buy gun ammunition 24/7 from vending machines in grocery stores from American Rounds, a one-year-old Dallas, Texas-based company. CEO Grant Magers said that the federally-approved automated touch-screen dispensers verify customers’ ages by scanning their photo IDs & faces and using A.I. to match the two. People 21 and older can tap to buy shotgun, rifle, and handgun rounds like they’re using a McDonald’s order kiosk. Magers said that he has received 200+ store requests for the vending machines, but right now only six are up and running: four in Super C Mart [est. 1959] locations in Oklahoma, one in a Fresh Value grocery in Alabama, and one in a Lowe’s Market in Texas.

  • U.S Bill of Rights poster  
    U.S Bill of Rights
    approved 25 September 1789; ratified 15 December 1791

    14"x16" poster from Amazon for $12.00
    18"x24" parchment poster from Amazon for $14.95

    v                                         v

    Books About The U.S. Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights User's Guide  "The Bill of Rights: A User's Guide" [1991]
    by Linda R. Monk

    Close Up Publng pb 4th edition [2/2004] out of print/used
    author's website
    Original Meanings / Making of the Constitution  "Original Meanings: Politics & Ideas In The Making of The
    Constitution" [1996] by Jack N. Rakove

    book won the Pulitzer Prize for History
    Kindle Edition from Knopf Group E-Books [4/2010] for $13.99
    Vintage 8x5 pb [5/97] for $12.13
    Knopf 9½x6½ hardcover [3/96] out of print/many used
    Bill of Rights  "The Bill of Rights: Creation & Reconstruction" [1998]
    by Akhil Reed Amar

    Yale Univ Press 8¼x5½ pb [4/2000] for $12.89
    Yale Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [8/98] for $49.49
    author's homepage at Yale
    Origins of The Bill of Rights  "Origins of The Bill of Rights" [1999]
    by {Pulitzer-winner} Leonard W. Levy

    Yale Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [3/2001] for $11.96
    Yale Univ Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [7/99] for $48.00
    Hentoff / Bill of Rights  "The War On The Bill of Rights and The Gathering Resistance" [2003]
    by Nat Hentoff

    Seven Stories Press 8¼x5½ pb [10/2004] for $11.16
    Seven Stories Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [9/2003] for $12.60
    America's Constitution  "America's Constitution: A Biography" [2005]
    by Akhil Reed Amar

    Random House hardcover [9/2005] for $19.77
    author's homepage at Yale
    v                                         v

    “[The N.R.A.'s interpretation of the Second Amendment] is one of the greatest pieces of fraud – I repeat
    the word 'fraud' – on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.”
    — Warren Burger [1907-95] - U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1969-86
    (on PBS-TV's "The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour" 16 December 1991)

    “In the [XXth] Century, more Americans died in murders than in wars.”
    — columnist L.M. Boyd [1927-2007]

    “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger
    and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” — President Dwight D. Eisenhower [1890-1969]

    v                                         v

    Books About The Second Amendment

    The Battle Over Gun Control book by Peter Harry Brown & Daniel G. Abel  "Outgunned: Up Against The N.R.A. – The First Complete Insider Account of The Battle Over Gun Control" [2002] by Peter Harry Brown & Daniel G. Abel
    Free Press hardcover [12/2002] for $18.20
    Founders' Second Amendment book by Stephen P. Halbrook  "The Founders' Second Amendment: Origins of The Right To Bear Arms" [2008]
    by Stephen P. Halbrook

    Kindle Edition from Ivan R. Dee [2008 edition] for $13.19
    Ivan R. Dee/Independent Institute 9x6 pb [3/2012] for $21.59
    Ivan R. Dee/Independent Institute 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2008] out of print/used

    "Lethal Logic: Exploding the Myths That Paralyze American Gun Policy" [6/2009] by Dennis A. Henigan

    "The Second Amendment: A Biography" [5/2014] by Michael Waldman

    Fight to Keep America Safe from Gun Violence book by Gabrielle Giffords & Mark Kelly  "Enough: Our Fight To Keep America Safe From Gun Violence" [2014]
    by Gabrielle Giffords & Mark Kelly

    Congresswoman Gabrielle 'Gabby' Giffords was shot in the head by a crazed gunman at a political rally in Arizona in January 2011, and is still recovering. She and husband astronaut Mark Kelly have become very active in prevention of civilian gun violence in America and elsewhere.
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [9/2014] for $11.04
    Scribner 8½x5¾ hardcover [9/2014] for $18.63
    Do Guns Make Us Free? book by Firmin DeBrabander  "Do Guns Make Us Free?: Democracy and The Armed Society" [2015]
    by Firmin DeBrabander

    Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [5/2015] for $14.99
    Yale Univ Press 8½x5¾ hardcover [5/2015] for $24.93
    Yale Univ Press hardcover [5/2015] out of print/used
    Other Publications

    Shooter's Bible Firearms Reference book 104th edition  "Shooter's Bible®: The World's Bestselling Firearms Reference" [orig 1920]
    Edited by Jay Cassell

    Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [107th edition] for $19.37
    Skyhorse Publng 107th edition 10½x8 pb [10/2015] for $20.39
    Skyhorse Publng 104th edition 10½x8 pb [10/2012] for $20.76
    Skyhorse Publng 103rd edition 10½x8 pb [10/2011] out of print/used
    Guns & Ammo Magazine [est. 1958] subscription  Guns & Ammo Magazine [est. 1958]
    published by Integrated Media Outdoor Sportsman Group

    subscribe at Amazon: 12 issues/year for $12.97
    magazine websiteentry at Wikipedia
    Illustrated History of Firearms book by Jim Supica  "The Illustrated History of Firearms: In Association With The National Firearms Museum" [2011] by Jim Supica, Doug Wicklund & Philip Schreier
    with over 1,500 photographs
    Chartwell Books 9x11½ hardcover [9/2011] for $17.99
    Chartwell Books 9x11½ hardcover [9/2011] out of print/used
    Chartwell Books black cover 9x11¼ hardcover [8/2012] for $22.50
    Shooter's Bible Guide to Extreme Iron book by Stan Skinner  "Shooter's Bible® Guide To Extreme Iron: An Illustrated Reference To Some of The World’s Most Powerful Weapons, From Hand Cannons To Field Artillery" [2014]
    by Stan Skinner

    Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [8/2014] for $9.99
    Skyhorse Publng 10½x8 pb [8/2014] for $15.55
    Way of the Gun book by Iain Overton  "The Way of The Gun: A Bloody Journey Into The World of Firearms" [2016]
    by Iain Overton

    Kindle Edition from HarperCollins Publrs [3/2016] for $12.99
    Harper 9x6 hardcover [3/2016] for $20.26
    History of the Gun in 500 Photographs book from TIME-LIFE Books  "History of The Gun In 500 Photographs" [2016] from TIME-LIFE Books
    Kindle Edition from Time Inc. Books [5/2016] for $14.99
    TIME-LIFE 9¾x7¾ pb [5/2016] for $12.20
    'Guns' anthology edited by Gerald Hausman  "Guns" anthology [2016] Edited by Gerald Hausman
    Kindle Edition from Speaking Volumes [12/2016] for $6.99
    Speaking Volumes 9x6 pb [11/2016] for $15.95
    Contributors include Bob Arnold (2), B.A. Botkin (Blackbeard), J.W. Buel ('Wild Bill' Hickok), Alice Carney, Peter Eichstaedt, Clyde H. Farnsworth, Mariah Fox, Michael Gibbons, Rebecca Godfrey-Poe, Brigham Hausman, editor Hausman, Hilary Hemingway, Jonathan Huntress, Frances Bonney Jenner (Billy the Kid x 2), George Kolb, Khadijah Lacina, Andrew Lam, Peter Lauritzen, Avril Little, Jane Lindskold, Mike Luster, N. Scott Momaday (Billy the Kid), Elisavietta Ritchie (2), Aram Saroyan (2), Jim Terr, Jan Weiner, Bill Worrell, and Trent Zelazny

    v                                         v

    School Shootings

    "Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings" [2004] by Katherine S. Newman, Cybelle Fox, Wendy Roth & Jal Mehta

    "Why Kids Kill: Inside The Minds of School Shooters" [1/2009] by Peter F. Langman

    Columbine true crime book by Dave Cullen  "Columbine" [2009 NY Times bestseller] by Dave Cullen
    The Columbine High School massacre occurred on 20 April 1999 in Jefferson County, Colorado. Two senior students murdered twelve students and one teacher and wounded 21 others, then killed themselves; the two killers were armed with a double-barreled shotgun (fired 12 times), a pump-action shotgun (fired 25 times), a 9mm carbine (fired 96 times), and a semi-automatic handgun (fired 55 times). Journalist Cullen distills 10 years of research on the shooting into a true crime narrative said to be reminiscent of Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" [1966]; Cullen's book won many awards.
    Kindle Edition from Twelve/Hachette [4/2009] for $11.99
    Twelve/Grand Central 9x6 pb [3/2010] for $13.52
    Twelve/Grand Central 9¼x6½ hardcover [4/2009] out of print/100+ used
    Death at Columbine High School book by Brooks Brown & Rob Merritt  
    "No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death At Columbine High School" [2002]
    by Brooks Brown & Rob Merritt

    Kindle Edition from Lantern Books [10/2002] for $7.01
    Lantern Books 9¾x5¾ pb [10/2002] for $11.10
    Newtown American Tragedy book by Matthew Lysiak  "Newtown: An American Tragedy" [2013]
    by Matthew Lysiak

    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [12/2013] for $11.99
    Gallery Books 8¾x5¾ pb [10/2014] for $12.95
    Gallery Books 9x6 hardcover [12/2013] for $7.85
    Columbine True Crime Story book by Jeff Kass  "Columbine: A True Crime Story - How One School Stopped A Mass Shooting" [2014]
    by Jeff Kass, Foreword by Douglas Brinkley

    Kindle Edition from Conundrum Press [2/2014] for $8.99
    Conundrum Press 9x6 pb [2/2014] for $12.97
    v                                         v

    Other Media About Second Amendment Issues

    "Bowling For Columbine" documentary
    [Dog Eat Dog/United Artists Oct 2002]
    won Oscar for Best Documentary Feature  wide poster for Oscar-winning "Bowling For Columbine" documentary by Michael Moore  The highest-grossing documentary feature film, until beaten by Moore's own "Fahrenheit 9/11" in 2004; Moore sets out to explore the reasons why America has an astounding number of deaths by firearms (compared to other countries) and finds answers in the bigotry and anger and fear rampant in a nation with widespread gun ownership, a situtation fanned into recurring violence by corporate greed. Co-produced, written, directed & narrated by Michael Moore; featuring footage of John Ashcroft, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, N.R.A. officer Charlton Heston, John Kerry, Joseph Lieberman, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Oliver North, Augusto Pinochet, Pat Robert-son, Chris Rock, Donald Rumsfeld, Prince Charles Windsor, and students & staff & parents from Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado; won Oscar for Best Documentary Feature
    M.G.M. Video widescreen color DVD [8/2003] out of prodn/many used
    Las Ganadoras Region 1&4 Spanish subtitles widescreen color DVD [2003] for $12.99
    M.G.M. Video widescreen color DVD [8/2003] for $18.69
    M.G.M. Video color VHS [8/2003] for 48¢ }sic}
    full credits from IMDbofficial movie website

    "Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?" comedy [indep Sept 2016]
    'Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?' movie poster  Based on the Greek tale of Lysistrata; after an accidental shooting at the local high school, girlfriends and wives and grandmothers join in a protest denying sex to their men until all guns are removed from town.
    Co-produced, written & directed by Matt Cooper; starring Andrea Anders, Matt Passmore, Cloris Leachman, Katherine McNamara, John Michael Higgins, Horatio Sanz, Lauren Bowles, John Heard, Christine Estabrook, Kevin Conway, David Denman, Fernanda Romero, Max Lloyd-Jones
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available • full credits at IMDbofficial movie site
    watch 8/2016 official trailer [1:59] at YouTube

    "U.S. Guns: The Awful, Shocking Truth!" from
    watch 8/2012 video short [2:51] online at YouTube

    watch John Bolton 2013 video speaking to Russians about America's Second Amendment [3/2018 upload; 3:17] online at YouTube

    Netflix special performance (in Boston) of Australian standup comedian Jim Jeffries destroying American gun rights dogma
    watch 6/2015 live segment [16:37] online at YouTube

    v                                         v


    Gabby Giffords's Americans For Responsible Solutions PAC [est. 1/2013] is now
    Giffords PAC: Courage To Fight Gun Violence

    activist David Hogg [b. 2000]
    student survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in February 2018
    founder of the March for Our Lives Action Fund in March 2018
    wrote "#NeverAgain: A New Generation Draws The Line" [July 2018] with his sister Lauren Hogg, a New York Times bestseller

    N.R.A. spokesperson Wayne LaPierre is based in Virginia
    hired as CEO & Executive VP in 1991
    browse books at Amazonofficial websiteWikipedia

    cute but hostile Dana Loesch is based in Dallas, Texas
    former spokesperson for the N.R.A. (2017-2019) including her own show on the defunct NRA-TV;
    later in 2019 she has been touring a free lecture "Saving The 2nd with Dana Loesch"
    browse books at Amazonofficial websiteWikipedia

    NRA's creepy Dana Loesch threatens outright violence against those who oppose Donald Trump.
    watch 10/2017 ad [1:00] online at YouTube

    v                                         v

    Links About Second Amendment Issues

    FirearmsFax: Bridging The Gap Between Law and Order         Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition [est. 2006] based in New York City

    Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence [est. 1974, renamed 2001]

    GOLD STAR: Australia's Gun Policy News provides evidence-based, public health-oriented information on armed violence, small arms policy, and firearm-related injury prevention from around the world  Gun Policy News [est. 1997] at the University of Sydney in Australia
    'End the ban on federal gun violence research' action page at the Credo website

    old-timey b&w logo for the National Rifle Association [incorp. 1871]         modern logo for the National Rifle Assn. [incorp. 1871]

    v                                         v

    There are no guarantees in this existential Universe. Likewise, in Nature there is no punishment, only consequences.
    Delve into any of the line items above and that self-education will deliver to you an advantage over your fellows,
    who are blind sheeple complaining that the Universe makes no sense.

    [copyright 2012-2024 by Gary Edward Nordell, all rights reserved]

    Lester's Ammo funny tin sign  
    "LESTERS - America's Cheapest Ammunition" tin sign
    12½" by 16" tin sign for $8.99 at Amazon

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