Books About The U.S. Constitution
![]() | "America's Constitution: A Biography" [2005] by Akhil Reed Amar Random House hardcover [9/2005] for $19.77 author's homepage at Yale |
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“A representative democracy only works when everyone truly has a voice, and when the voices
of the many aren’t drowned out by the pocketbooks of a few.”
— Helena [Montana] Independent Record Editorial, 21 February 2012
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Prelude: Citizens United vs. F.E.C.
![]() | "Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have More Rights Than You Do and What You Can Do About It" [2011] by Jeffrey D. Clements, Foreword by Bill Moyers "The definitive guide to overturning Citizens United" Kindle Edition from Berrett-Koehler Publrs [1/2012] for $9.15 Berrett-Koehler Publrs 8½x5½ pb [1/2012] for $11.45 |
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The Movement: We Need A Constitutional Amendment
U.S. CONGRESS 15 November 2011: Congressman James P. 'Jim' McGovern [Dem MA-02] introduced the People's Rights Amendment, a proposal to limit the Constitution's protections only to the rights of natural persons, and not corporations. House Joint Resolution 88 has 31 co-sponsors and is stuck in committee (2/2013).
SACRAMENTO 5 July 2012: The California Senate voted 24-11 to pass Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 22 calling on the U.S. Congress to pass an amendment overturning the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. F.E.C. ruling. This puts California in the company of Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Maryland as states working to put an end to what amounts to legalized political bribery.
BOSTON 1 August 2012: The Massachusetts Legislature signed off on a resolution calling for a federal constitutional amendment
to reverse the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case.
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L i n k s
'Reverse Citizens United' Constitutional Amendment
Move To Amend website
Amend 2012 - because only people are people
Stand With Montanans - Corporations Aren't People
There are no guarantees in this existential Universe. Likewise, in Nature there is no punishment, only consequences.
Delve into any of the line items above and that self-education will deliver to you an advantage over your fellows,
who are blind sheeple complaining that the Universe makes no sense.
[copyright 2014-2015 by Gary Edward Nordell, all rights reserved]
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