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classic poster of Big Brother from the 1956 movie of "1984"                 

The Right to Privacy

A condition of being free from attention or observation or interference by other people, including the government.

                 James Montgomery Flagg [1877-1960] image of Uncle Sam [1917] reworked as Big Brother

history    • •    historical & recent events    • •    links    • •

mass surveillance    • •    whistleblowers    • •    reading material    • •    video material

The word privacy had a very different meaning in the time of the Forefathers. Privacy was where and when one's personal human waste was deposited;
the word was shortened in Colonial America to 'privy', also known as the 'little shack out back'. (Thus, the word is not in the Constitution.)

As a reaction to abuses by the British, the principle of the government being required to have a court order before lawfully invading one's personal property or person
was established in the Third and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution:

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Some rights to privacy have been found in these amendments and others by the U.S. Supreme Court, but not without controversy. Landmark decisions include
Griswold v. Connecticut which specifically holds that the Constitution protects the right to personal privacy.

The terrible events of 11 September 2001 provided fascists in the U.S. government with political cover to tear away many privacy rights – for individuals only,
with increased assurances that corporations and government are shielded by 'national security' from any such oversight. The first PATRIOT Act
established a series of secret warrantless wiretap programs that continue to this day.

“The Revolution is never over, the Class War is perpetual.” — G.E. Nordell

“Rights only exist when they apply to everyone. When only some people are accorded a so-called 'right',
then it is privilege and subjugation.” — G.E. Nordell

“If the government has nothing to hide, why is it hiding everything?” — U.S.A.F. LtCol. Robert Bowman

"Rights exist to protect the minority from the majority." — Edward Snowden

There is also the parallel issue of the Right of Free Speech, which is guaranteed in the United States by the First Amendment – "Congress shall make no law . . .
abridging the freedom of speech" – but thwarted in hundreds of ways by the fascist media, by government agencies, and by anti-Constitution voters.

Privacy Timeline

Griswold v. Connecticut decision in June 1965

Pentagon Papers
persecution of Daniel Ellsberg


founding of WikiLeaks in October 2006
release by WikiLeaks of U.S. diplomatic documents
release by WikiLeaks of Afghanistan documents
attacks on WikiLeaks

persecution of Jeffrey Sterling - arrested January 2011, convicted January 2015
persecution of Julian Assange in 2012
persecution of Bradley/Chelsea Manning - convicted in July 2013, released from prison in May 2017

2 0 1 2   Events
2012 June 19: Julian Assange applied for asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, England
2012 Aug 16: Ecuador granted asylum to Julian Assange at their embassy in London, England

2 0 1 3   Events
2013 June 6: Publication in the Washington Post and the Guardian of London U.K. of leaked documents describing the N.S.A.'s broad-based unwarranted surveillance programs, including PRISM. Whistleblower Edward Snowden obtained a leave of absence from his civilian job with Booz Allen Hamilton in Hawaii in May, released those documents to the journalists, and fled to Hong Kong. He went undercover and has been seeking political asylum, first in Iceland, then South America, then in Russia. He has been on temporary asylum in Moscow since 2013.

2 0 1 6   Events
2016 April: Leakage of the Panama Papers, 'the biggest data leak in history', which exposed 140 government officials and others and international corporations who used
offshore bank accounts to hide illegal or politically questionable activities. The 11.5 million documents {2.6 million terabytes of data} were delivered by an anonymous source
in August 2015 to the Sόddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and later to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. After examination by 400 journalists in 80 countries,
the first data release took place on 3 April 2016, of 149 documents. Two days later the Prime Minister of Iceland resigned.
Panama Papers entry at Wikipedia

Panama Papers, Breaking the Story book by Frederik & Bastian Obermayer   "The Panama Papers: Breaking The Story of How The Rich and Powerful Hide
Their Money" [2016, rev 2017] by Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer

authors work for Germany’s Sόddeutsche Zeitung newspaper
Oneworld Publns 8¾x5¾ pb [rev 10/2017] for $10.99
Kindle Edition from Oneworld Publns [3/2017] for $7.99
Oneworld Publns 8¾x5¾ pb [6/2016] for $8.02
Secrecy World / Panama Papers book by Jake Bernstein  "Secrecy World: Inside The Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money
Networks and The Global Elite" [2017]
by two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jake Bernstein

Kindle Edition from Henry Holt/Macmillan [11/2017] for $14.99
Picador pb [DUE Nov 2018] for $20.00
Henry Holt & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [11/2017] for $19.49
2 0 1 7   Events

  • 2017 March: Credit agency Equifax suffered a major computer systems data security breach which was kept secret until reported by Bloomberg in September; Equifax said that the earlier intrusion was unrelated to the breach that the company discovered in July but did not disclose until six weeks later; the second breach may have impacted as many as 143 million people.
  • 2017 Sept 8: Credit agency Equifax announced that it had suffered a major computer systems data security breach, not discovered until July 29th; the intrusion may have impacted as many as 143 million people in the U.S.A, 44 million in the U.K., and a hundred thousand in Canada. The company has offered free credit security service for a year, but the phone munbers are permanently busy and Equifax hasn't figured out how to send confirmation emails to new clients (and hurricane damage in Florida and Georgia is no excuse). Ten days later Bloomberg revealed an earlier Equifax computer systems data security breach in March that was kept secret. In both incidents, Equifax hired cybersecurity firm Mandiant to investigate.
  • 2017 Sept 26: The Sonic Drive-In fastfood chain, which has more than 3,500 restaurants in 44 states, reported that it had experienced a credit card-related data breach, possibly compromising millions of credit & debit card accounts; Sonic's stock plunged by 4.4 percent next day.

    2017 November: Leakage of the Paradise Papers, a trove of 13.4 million records from law firms Appleby and Estera (who split in 2016) that exposes ties between Russia
    and U.S. President Donald Trump’s billionaire commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, the secret dealings of the chief fundraiser for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
    and the offshore interests of more than 120 political & busimness figures around the world, including the Queen of England and pop star Madonna.
    Paradise Papers entry at Wikipedia

    Paradise Papers Offshore Investments book by Paulo Montalban  "Paradise Papers: Offshore Investment of The Rich and
    Powerful" [2017] by Paulo Montalban

    A look inside the book via Amazon suggests that this short work
    is NOT one of those too-common rip-offs plagiarized from Wikipedia

    54-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [11/2017] for $9.92
    54-page CreateSpace 9x6 pb [11/2017] for $9.92

  • 2017 November: Uber the ride-hailing company revealed that hackers stole the personal data of 50 million Uber customers and 7 million drivers back in October 2016. Uber paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the data, which included names, email addresses, phone numbers, and in the case of some U.S. drivers, their driver's license numbers.

    2 0 1 8   Events
  • 2018 Jan 11:
    Ecuador granted citizenship to Julian Assange.
  • 2018 May 25: The General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union goes into effect; the law was adopted in April 2016 with a two-year transition period. The new rules on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union give control over their personal data to citizens and residents and are being adopted by major and minor internet businesses in America and elsewhere so that they can continue to operate in European countries.

    L i n k s
    Project on Government Accountability (POGO): http://www.pogo.org/
    Government Accountability Project (GAP): http://www.whistleblower.org/
    National Whistleblowers Center: http://www.whistleblowers.org/
    National Security Whistleblowers Coalition: http://www.nswbc.org/
    SpyGuy Security online store [est. 2014] in Dallas, Texas
    Electronic Privacy Information Center [est. 1994]
    12/2016 article on 'Best Virtual Private Networks For U.S. Citizens To Avoid The N.S.A. and F.B.I.'
    January 28th is International Data Privacy Day [est. 2007]

    Save The Internet Coalition blogsite            American Civil Liberties Union [est. 1920]            ProtonMail end-to-end encrypted email service [est. 2013] based at the C.E.R.N. research facility in Switzerland

    Zeekly private and secure search engine [went online 9/2013]

    Mass Surveillance

    eavesdropping telephone operator, circa 1920s

    'mass surveillance in U.S.A.' entry at Wikipedia

    Nineteen Eighty-Four 1949 novel by George Orwell [1903-50]  "Nineteen Eighty-Four / 1 9 8 4: A Novel" [1949] by George Orwell [1903-50]
    Winston Smith endures a squalid existence as a clerk in a bureaucracy of the totalitarian superstate of Oceania, where everyone is under the constant surveillance of the Thought Police. The book is fiction but too many government bureaucrats have been using it as an instruction manual, such that the buzzwords herein – doublespeak, doublethink, thought crime – are common in anti-totalitarian writing.
    Kindle Edition from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [9/2013] for $5.68
    Signet/NAL mass pb [1961] for $5.98
    Plume Centennial Edition 7¾x5¼ pb [5/2003] for $13.04
    Plume 8x5¼ pb [4/83] for $9.04
    Everyman's Library 8x5 hardcover [11/92] for $11.86
    book entry at Wikipedia
    more details (synopsis, history, author, movies, other media) are on
    Spirit of America Bookstore's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" 1949 Novel & Movies Page
    Puzzle Palace / Inside the National Security Agency book by James Bamford  
    "The Puzzle Palace: Inside The National Security Agency, America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization - The Book The NSA Tried to Suppress" [1982] by James Bamford
    A history of the slippery security agency up to the early years of the Reagan Administration
    Penguin Books 7¾x5 pb [9/83] for $15.61
    Houghton Mifflin 9x6 hardcover [9/82] out of print/50+ used
    Body of Secrets / National Security Agency book by James Bamford  "Body of Secrets: Anatomy of The Ultra-Secret National Security Agency - From The Cold War Thru The Dawn of A New Century" [2001] by James Bamford
    Kindle Edition from Anchor/Random House [2007 edition] for $11.81
    Anchor Books 8x5¼ pb [4/2002] for $12.43
    Doubleday 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2001] out of print/200+ used
    The Shadow Factory / Eavesdropping on America book by James Bamford  "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret N.S.A. From 9/11 To The Eavesdropping On America" [2008 bestseller] by James Bamford
    Kindle Edition from Anchor/Random House [10/2008] for $9.71
    Anchor 8x5¼ pb [7/2009] for $10.22
    Doubleday 9½x6½ hardcover [10/2008] out of print/100+ used
    History of the National Security Agency book by Matthew M. Aid  "The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of The National Security Agency" [2009]
    by Matthew M. Aid

    Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury Press [7/2009] for $8.49
    Bloomsbury Press 8¼x5½ pb [6/2010] out of print/many used
    Bloomsbury Press 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2009] out of print/many used
    Introduction to the Surveillance Society book by John Gilliom & Torin Monahan  "SuperVision: An Introduction To The Surveillance Society" [2012]
    by John Gilliom & Torin Monahan

    Kindle Edition from Univ Chicago Press [11/2012] for $14.04
    Univ Chicago Press 9x6 pb [11/2012] for $19.99
    Univ Chicago Press 9x6 hardcover [11/2012] for $40.98
    Surveillance After Snowden book by David Lyon  "Surveillance After Snowden" [2015]
    by David Lyon

    Kindle Edition from Polity Press [10/2015] for $7.69
    Polity Press UK 8x5½ pb [8/2015] for $12.95
    Polity Press UK 8½x5¾ hardcover [8/2015] for $34.99
    American Surveillance book by Anthony Gregory  "American Surveillance: Intelligence, Privacy, and The Fourth Amendment" [2016]
    by Anthony Gregory

    Kindle Edition from Univ Wisconsin Press [7/2016] for $16.99
    Univ Wisconsin Press 9x6 hardcover [7/2016] for $44.95
    American Spies Modern Surveillance book by Jennifer Stisa Granick  "American Spies: Modern Surveillance, Why You Should Care, and What To Do About It" [2017]
    by Jennifer Stisa Granick

    Kindle Edition from Cambridge Univ Press [1/2017] for $17.85
    Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 pb [1/2017] for $26.08
    Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/2017] for $75.49
    Journalism After Snowden book edited by Emily Bell & Taylor Owen  "Journalism After Snowden: The Future of The Free Press In The Surveillance State" [2017]
    Edited by Emily Bell & Taylor Owen, with Smitha Khorana & Jennifer R. Henrichsen, Foreword by Lee C. Bollinger

    contributers include Edward Snowden, Jill Abramson, Glenn Greenwald, Clay Shirky, Cass R. Sunstein
    Kindle Edition from Columbia Univ Press [3/2017] for $23.75
    Columbia Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [3/2017] for $25.00
    Columbia Univ Press 9x6¼ hardcover [3/2017] for $57.58
    Fourth Amendment in an Age of Surveillance book by David Gray  "The Fourth Amendment In An Age of Surveillance" [2017]
    by David Gray

    Kindle Edition from Cambridge Univ Press [4/2017] for $18.40
    Cambridge Univ Press 9x6 pb [4/2017] for $24.17
    Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [4/2017] for $75.10 {sic}


    Whistle Blowers
    July 30 is National Whistleblower Appreciation Day [est. 2013] in U.S.A.

    see below:  Tom Drake • Daniel Ellsberg • Bradley/Chelsea Manning • Edward Snowden

    Patriots Act / Voices of Dissent book by Bill Katovsky   "Patriots Act: Voices of Dissent and The Risk of Speaking Out - An Oral History" [2006]
    by Bill Katovsky

    Persons interviewed include: former White House counter-terrorism expert Rand Beers; U.S. Parks employee Teresa Chambers; triple-amputee Vietnam War veteran former U.S. Senator Max Cleland; California National Guard Staff Sergeant Lorenzo Dominguez; Daniel Ellsberg; Iraq War veteran Paul Hackett; New York Times columnist Paul Krugman; arrested protestor Max Mecklenburg; F.B.I. whistleblower Coleen Rowley; comedian Mort Sahl; John Sellers; war correspondent Kevin Sites — and many others
    Lyons Press 9x6¼ hardcover [4/2006] out of print/40+ used
    Lyons Press hardcover [4/2006] out of print/used
    Whistleblowers Untold Stories TV series   "Whistleblowers: The Untold Stories" [Fleur De Lis Film Studios 2011-2013]
    69 episodes featuring Jeffrey J. Deal, Herbert P. Kaufer, Chance E. Gordon, Michael A. Gardiner, Margaret Hamburg, US Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., Stephen Kohn (executive director National Whistleblower Center), Gloria Luna, Andre Birotte Jr., with archive footage of Mafia leader Bill Bonanno, Robert C. Bonner, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Sally Fields, Richard Fine, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Andrew Haggerty, John F. Kennedy, Daniel Leach, A. Howard Matz, Michael Moore, former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller, Richard M. Nixon, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Elizabeth Redman, Julia Roberts, Karen Silkwood, Oliver Stone, Timothy Stutler, Charlize Theron & Debra Wong-Yang • Co-produced, co-written, co-directed & co-hosted by Julia Davis & B.J. Davis
    VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • full credits at IMDb


    TIME Magazine Dec 2002 cover for Persons of The Year story on 'The Whistleblowers'  TIME Magazine 'Persons of The Year' cover story
    "The Whistleblowers" [Dec 2002]

    Cynthia Cooper of Worldcom, Coleen Rowley of the F.B.I., and
    Sherron Watkins of Enron
    read cover story online at TIME Magazine website { requires signup }


    WikiLeaks & Julian Assange
    WikiLeaks.com [est. 10/2006]: official website • Wikipedia
    Julian Assange: IMDb listing • Wikipedia

    Working Minds / Activism Dept. / WikiLeaks & Julian Assange Page

    WikiLeaks co-founder Daniel Domscheit-Berg: IMDb listing • Wikipedia

    Gavin MacFadyen [1940-2019]: IMDb listing • Wikipedia
    news stories of his death incorrectly named him as a co-founder of WikiLeaks; he was in fact Assange's primary attorney in England


    attorney Robert Bilott - versus DuPont Chemical
    no official website • entry at Wikipedia
    won the Right Livelihood Award in 2017

    Exposure Poisoned Water book by Robert Bilott  "Exposure: Poisoned Water, Corporate Greed, and One Lawyer's Twenty-Year
    Battle Against DuPont" [2019] by whistle-blower Robert Bilott

    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster/Atria Books [10/2019] for $14.99
    S&S UK/Airside 9¼x6 pb [10/2019] for $30.68
    Simon & Schuster UK 9¼x6 hardcover [10/2019] for $22.05
    Atria Books 9x6 hardcover [10/2019] for $19.69

    Dark Waters 2019 movie  "Dark Waters" [Participant/Focus Features Nov 2019]
    A corporate defense attorney in Cincinnati is confronted in 1998 by a farmer from his rural hometown in West Virginia with evidence that the local DuPont Chemical plant is poisoning residents and livestock by dumping toxic waste into the river . . . • Co-produced by & starring Mark Ruffalo; directed by Todd Haynes; written by Matthew Michael Carnahan & Mario Correa, based on a June 2016 magazine article by Nathaniel Rich; also starring Anne Hathaway, William Jackson Harper, Tim Robbins, Bill Camp, Bill Pullman, Mare Winningham, Victor Garber, Louisa Krause, Scarlett Hicks, Ming Wang, Sydney Miles, Kevin Crowley, Daniel R. Hill, John Newberg, Brian Gallagher, Chaney Morrow, Tera Smith, Marc Hockl, Lyman Chen, Lea Hutton Beasmore, Abi Van Andel, Lisa DeRoberts, Barry Mulholland, Bella Falcone, Denise Dal Vera, Graham Caldwell, Bruce Cromer, Jeffrey Grover, Andrew Van Camp, Teri Clark, Keating P. Sharp, Barry G. Bernson, Geoff Falk, Dennis Craig Hensley, Amy Morse, Caleb Dwayne Tucker, Trenton Hudson, Kelly Mengelkoch, William Cross, Angel Kerns, Jon Osbeck, Harrison Sheckler, Wynn Reichert, Karen Koester, Courtney DeCosky, Reese Foster, Greg Violand, Jim Kirsch, Viktoria Leskiv, Mike Seely, Trent Rowland, Michael Joseph Thomas Ward, Michael King, Michelle Peter, Braden, Judy McQueen Bauer, Karen Olchovy, Damian Tanenbaum, Richard Doone, Matt Hudson, John Moll, Paul Kulis, Bret Aaron Knower, Michael Haney, Sue Hopkins, Joanne Popolin, Tyler Craig, Jason M. Griggs, Steven Brittingham, Annie Fitzpatrick, David Myers Gregory, Robert Gerding, Laura Dejean, Steven Terry Walker, Denise Barone, John E. Brownlee, Derek Polen, Mark Angel, Jim Azelvandre, Josh Roden, Missy Piper, Michael Lineman, Elaine Marie Smith, Kenny Lykins, Conner P. Kelley, Ramona Schwalbach, Corey Dolan, David Pittinger, Steven Hudson, Andy Parker, Steven Schraub, Mikel Furlow, Chris Stutz, Ronald Jenkins, Bradley Wier, Julie Leskiv, Noah Jonson, Kevin W. Shiveley II, Trina Hayes, Kevin W. Shiveley, Keith Gavigan, David Fultz, John W. Harden
    full credits at IMDb • official movie site • movie entry at Wikipedia • watch 9/2019 official trailer [2:45] online at YouTube


    Kathryn 'Kathy' Bolkovac
    official website • entry at Wikipedia

    The Whistleblower 2011 movie about Kathy Bolkovac  "The Whistleblower" [Samuel Goldwyn Films Aug 2011]
    Filmed in Canada, Ukraine & Romania; 'inspired by true events'; an American police officer takes a job as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia, hoping to help rebuild the devastated country, but she uncovers a dangerous reality of corruption, cover-up, and intrigue amid a world of private contractors and multinational diplomatic doubletalk • Directed & co-written by Larysa Kondracki; co-written by Eilis Kirwan; starring Rachel Weisz, Vanessa Redgrave, Monica Bellucci, David Strathairn, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Roxana Condurache, Paula Schramm, Alexandru Potocean, William Hope, Rayisa Kondracki, Jeanette Hain, David Hewlett, Benedict Cumberbatch, Coca Bloos, Luke Treadaway, Liam Cunningham, Anna Schafer, Anca Androne, Sergej Trifunovic, Vlad Ivanov, Florin Busuioc, Alin Panc, Victoria Raileanu, Dorotheea Petre, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Roxana Guttman, Stuart Graham, Catherine McNally, Geoffrey Pounsett, Alexandra Radescu, Radu Bβnzaru, Paul Jerricho
    Fox widescreen color Blu-ray [1/2012] for $54.99
    Fox widescreen color DVD [1/2012] for $7.67
    full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
    watch 8/2011 official trailer [2:00] online at YouTube • watch expanded? movie [2:11:41] online at YouTube

    Bolkovac also co-authored a 2011 book with Cari Lynn, "The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors, and One Woman's Fight for Justice"

    "The Whistleblower: Kathryn Bolkovac" - lecture and Q&A at Columbia University in January 2013
    watch full event [2/2017 upload; 1:47:07] online at YouTube


    eco-activist Tim DeChristopher
    George W. Bush tried to give away thousands of acres of pristine Utah wilderness to the energy and mining industries via a widely-disputed federal auction in 2008.
    College student Tim DeChristopher decided to monkey-wrench the process by bidding $1.7 million; he won 22,000 acres with no intention to drill. For this astonishing
    (and successful) act of civil disobedience, he was sent to federal prison, serving 21 months.
    official website • entry at Wikipedia

    "Bidder 70" documentary film [First Run Features May 2012]
    Bidder 70 documentary film  The story of a peaceful warrior whose patriotism and willingness to sacrifice
    have ignited the climate justice movement
    • Co-produced, written & co-directed
    by Beth Gage; co-produced & co-directed by George Gage
    73-minute First Run Features widescreen color DVD [7/2013] for $14.84
    full credits at IMDb • official movie website


    Thomas Andrews 'Tom' Drake, former senior executive of the US NSA
    won the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence [est. 2001] in 2011


    whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg
    When RAND Corp. analyst Ellsberg copied 7,000 pages of documents revealing government shenanigans during the VietNam War, he was vilified by the press and put on trial for treason. None of the persons implicated in the documents were indicted for their crimes; the fallout did however include the WaterGate Crisis and the cover-up by President Nixon's White House, and Nixon's resignation under threat of impeachment.


    Rudolf Elmer, former senior executive at the Swiss bank Julius Baer


    C.I.A. intelligence analyst Melvin A. 'Mel' Goodman
    Melvin Goodman's twenty-four-year career as a respected intelligence analyst at the C.I.A., specializing in US/Soviet relations, ended abruptly in 1990 when he resigned
    because he could no longer tolerate the corruption that he witnessed at the highest levels of the Agency. In 1991 he went public, blowing the whistle on top-level officials
    and leading the opposition against the appointment of Robert Gates as C.I.A. director (Gates was approved by Congress and served from November 1991 to January 1993.
    browse books • credits at IMDb • entry at Wikipedia

    Whistleblower At The C.I.A. book by Melvin A. Goodman  "Whistleblower At The C.I.A.: An Insider's Account of The
    Politics of Intelligence" [2017] by Melvin A. Goodman

    Kindle Edition from City Lights Publrs [4/2017] for $12.88
    City Lights Publrs 8x5½ pb [5/2017] for $13.56

    British Intelligence whistleblower Katharine Gun
    Leaked top-secret information to the press in 2003 concerning illegal activities by the United States, including the U.S. National Security Agency's
    joint US-UK illegal eavesdropping operation on countries tasked with passing a second United Nations resolution on the invasion of Iraq; charged eight months later
    with breaking the Official Secrets Act of 1989; the charges against Gun were dropped after the prosecution declined to offer any evidence.
    entry at Wikipedia • won the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence [est. 2001] in 2003

    "Hers was the most important - and courageous - leak I've ever seen, more timely and potentially more effective than the Pentagon Papers."
    — Daniel Ellsberg

    The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War book by Marcia & Thomas Mitchell  "The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun and The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion" [2008] by Marcia & Thomas Mitchell, Foreword by Norman Solomon
    Kindle Edition from Maxmillion House [9/2014] for $11.95
    Polipoint Press 9x6½ hardcover [8/2008] for $21.95

    Official Secrets 2019 movie about whistleblower Katharine Gun   "Official Secrets" [Sierra/Affinity Jan 2019]
    The true story of a British whistleblower who leaked information to the press about an illegal N.S.A. joint US-UK spy operation
    Co-written & directed by Gavin Hood; co-written by Gregory & Sara Bernstein, based on the 2008 book by Marcia & Thomas Mitchell; starring Matthew Goode, Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, Indira Varma, Rhys Ifans, Matt Smith, Conleth Hill, MyAnna Buring, Tamsin Greig, Hattie Morahan, Jack Farthing, Shaun Dooley, John Heffernan, Monica Dolan, Ray Panthaki, Kenneth Cranham, Chris Larkin, Peter Guinness, Angus Wright, Jodie McNee, Darrell D'Silva, Clive Francis, Hanako Footman, Chris Reilly, John Alan Roberts, Adam Bakri, Jo Wheatley, Janie Dee, Dave Simon, Fiona Skinner, Paul Blackwell, Mark Preston, Lindy Whiteford, Adam Darlington, Tina Louise Owens, Michael James, Colin Murtagh, Paul Redfern, Mark Hugh-Williams, Jane Hamer, Anneliese Orr, Niccy Lin
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available •
    full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia


    Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh
    reported on the My Lai massacre, the Abu Ghraib scandal, and alleged misrepresentations
    won the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence [est. 2001] in 2017


    convicted whistleblower U.S. Army SFC Bradley/Chelsea Manning
    The original source of almost 400,000 'Iraq War Logs' documents that appeared on Wikileaks in October 2010; convicted of 17 of 22 charges at U.S. Army court martial in July 2013 and sentenced to 35 years imprisonment; in January 2017, President Obama commuted Manning's sentence to seven years (time served}, which scheduled his/her release for May 2017.
    Transgender whistleblower Chelsea Manning announced in January 2018 her intention to run for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, challenging Democrat Ben Cardin, who has served two terms.

    www.BradleyManning.org Bradley Manning Support Network >> https://www.luminairity.com/

    "Truth and Consequences: The U.S. vs. Bradley Manning" [March 2012] by Greg Mitchell & Kevin Gosztola

    "Private: Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and The Biggest Exposure of Official Secrets In American History" [6/2012] by Denver Nicks

    "The Passion of Bradley Manning" [2012] by Chase Madar

    Chelsea Manning All-American Whistleblower book by Phil Coleman  "Chelsea Manning: The Scandalous True Story of An All-American Whistleblower" [2017]
    by Phil Coleman

    125-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [8/2017] for $2.99
    123-page indep 8x5 pb [8/2017] for $10.99

    "Whistleblower: Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden - 2 Books in 1" [2018]
    252-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [5/2018] for $4.99


    listed on TIME Magazine 100, May 2014  N.S.A. whistleblower Edward Joseph Snowden
    entry at Wikipedia • bio page at TED.com

    "I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and I witnessed the N.S.A. violating it on a massive scale.
    I knew what I had to do: I kept my oath." — Edward Snowden

    Permanent Record memoir by Snowden  "Permanent Record" memoir [2019] by Edward Snowden  9/2019
    Book climbed from pre-release #25 to day-of-publication worldwide #1, basically because the U.S. Attorney General sued for the profits, which constitutes economic censorship
    Kindle Edition from Metropolitan/Macmillan [9/2019] for $14.99
    Metropolitan Books 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2019] for $23.99

    more info on the Working Minds / Activism / whistleblower Edward Snowden Page


    ex-C.I.A. agent whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling
    Afro-American C.I.A. employee Jeffrey Sterling filed a racial discrimination complaint within the C.I.A. in April 2000; the C.I.A. cancelled his security clearance and placed him on administrative leave in March 2001; two settlement attempts failed, and his contract with the C.I.A. was terminated in January 2002. He filed a federal racial discrimination lawsuit, and the U.S. successfully argued that going to trial would reveal important 'national secrets'; the dismissal was upheld on appeal in 2005.

    From 2002 to 2004, federal surveillance intercepted emails and telephone calls between Sterling and Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist James Risen. U.S. attorney Neil H. MacBride filed an indictment against Sterling in December 2010 under the Espionage Act of 1917, for mishandling national defense information. The alleged communications were about the C.I.A.'s 'Operation Merlin' that provided flawed nuclear weapon blueprints to Iran in 2000. Sterling was arrested and charged in January 2011, becoming the fifth individual in the history of the United States who has been so charged. The trial began in January 2015; Sterling was convicted on January 26; sentencing was delayed to mid-May because of the lenient sentence given to Army General David Petraueus for a similar offense. Sterling eventually served 2½ years in prison, then several months in a halfway facility, and was finally freed in early Summer 2018.
    entry at Wikipedia


    investigative journalist & whistleblower Gary Webb [1955-2004]
    entry at Wikipedia

    published a book based on the 'Dark Alliance' series in 1998
    "The Killing Game: Selected Stories from the Author of Dark Alliance" [] edited by Webb's son, Eric


    tobacco whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand
    official website • entry at Wikipedia
    Time Magazine 10 Questions Interview [Feb 2005]

    The Insider  "The Insider" [Touchstone Nov 1999]
    Co-written & directed by Michael Mann; co-written by Eric Roth; starring Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Christopher Plummer, Diane Venora, Philip Baker Hall & Lindsay Crouse; Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Crowe), Best Script (Adapted), Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Sound; nominated for ACE, ASC, BAFTA, DGA & WGA awards
    Touchstone Home Ent. widescreen color DVD [2/2013] for $13.88
    Disney Home Video widescreen color DVD [6/2004] for $10.08
    Touchstone widescreen VHS [4/2001] for $7.99
    Touchstone widescreen VHS [4/2002] for $7.97
    Sony soundtrack CD [10/99] out of prodn/70+ used
    full credits from IMDb • official movie website • movie entry at Wikipedia


    whistleblower Reality Leigh Winner  click here for photograph (in a new window)
    The former Air Force linguist was arrested in June 2017 on allegations that she gave members of the news media a secret report about Russian efforts to influence
    the 2016 presidential election and was denied bail as a possible flight risk. (By charging her under the 101-year-old Espionage Act, she will not be allowed to defend herself
    by arguing that the release of the document was in the public interest.) She pled guilty in June 2018 to a felony charge of leaking classified information;
    the deal with prosecutors calls for a 63-month prison sentence and three years of supervised probation.
    entry at Wikipedia

    Reading Material
    search books on 'right to privacy + surveillance' {returns 360+ items} at Amazon


    'The Code Book' by Simon Singh  "The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy From Ancient Egypt To Quantum Crypto-graphy" [1999] by Simon Singh
    Kindle Edition from Anchor/Random House [1/2011] for $8.97
    Anchor Books 8x5 pb [8/2000] for $9.44
    Fourth Estate, Ltd. 7¾x5 pb [7/2011] out of print/used
    Fourth Estate, Ltd. 7¾x5 pb [6/2000] out of print/used
    8x5 library hardcover [4/2009] for $23.70
    Doubleday 9½x6½ hardcover [9/99] out of print/100+ used
    "The Code Book For Young People: How To Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It" [2002]
    Kindle Edition from Delacorte BFYR/Random House [2002 edition] for $5.99
    Delacorte BFYR 8½x5¾ hardcover [3/2002] out of print/used
    Privacy Lost / Holtzman  
    "Privacy Lost: How Technology Is Endangering Your Privacy" [2006]
    by David H. Holtzman

    Kindle Edition from Jossey-Bass [2006 edition] for $16.99
    Jossey-Bass 9¼x6½ pb [10/2006] for $18.27
    The Future of Reputation book by Daniel J. Solove  "The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy On The Internet" [2007]
    by Daniel J. Solove

    Kindle Edition from Yale Univ Press [2007 edition] for $9.99
    Yale Univ Press 9¼x6¼ pb [10/2008] for $17.54
    Yale Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/2007] out of print/50+ used
    Privacy in Context book by Helen Nissenbaum  "Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life" [2009]
    by Helen Nissenbaum

    Kindle Edition from Stanford Law Books [11/2009] for $12.09
    Stanford Law Books 9x6 pb [11/2009] for $20.10
    Stanford Law Books 9x6 hardcover [11/2009] for $70.00
    What Is Occupy?, Inside The Global Movement book from Time Magazine  "What Is Occupy?: Inside The Global Movement" [2011]
    from the Editors at Time Magazine

    Kindle Edition from Time Home Ent. [12/2011] for $4.99
    Time Inc. mass pb [12/2011] out of print/used
    Black Code / Dark Side of the Internet book by Ronald J. Deibert  "Black Code: Surveillance, Privacy, and The Dark Side of The Internet" [2013]
    national bestseller by Ronald J. Deibert

    hardcover subtitle: "Inside The Battle For Cyberspace"
    Kindle Edition from Signal/Random House [5/2013] for $13.99
    Signal 8x5¼ pb [11/2013] for $13.95
    Signal 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/2013] for $11.12 {sic}
    Pulitzer-winning N.S.A. Secrets / Spying in the Internet Age ebook by The Washington Post  "N.S.A. Secrets: Government Spying in the Internet Age" for Kindle [2013]
    by The Washington Post

    a series of newspaper articles that won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism (Public Service) in 2014
    Kindle Edition from Diversion Books [12/2013] for $2.99 {sic}
    Spam Nation / Organized Cybercrime book by Brian Krebs  "Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime - From Global Epidemic To Your Front Door" [2014] by Brian Krebs
    Kindle Edition from Sourcebooks [11/2014] for $9.99
    Sourcebooks 8x6½ pb [5/2014] for $10.73
    Sourcebooks 9¼x6¼ hardcover [11/2014] for $18.04
    author's official website

    Surveillance Nation anthology for Kindle from The Nation Magazine  "Surveillance Nation: Critical Reflections on Privacy and Its Threats - Articles From
    The Nation, 1931-2014" [2014] Edited by Richard Kreitner, Introduction by David Cole

    34 essays and articles by: Kai Bird & Max Holland; David Burnham; David Cole; Fred Cook on the F.B.I.; Frank Donner on terrorism (+1); Laura Flanders on public libraries; Sally Fly; Eric Foner; C. Hartley Grattan; Michael Harrington; Christopher Hayes on secret government; Christopher Hitchens; Jameel Jaffer & Patrick C. Toomey; Penn Kimball; Naomi Klein; Jaron Lanier on metadata; Edward V. Long; Joseph R. Lundy; Victor Navasky on the F.B.I.; Kenneth O’Reilly; Christian Parenti; Anthony Prisendorf; Jonathan Schell on dissidence (+2); Herman Schwartz on F.I.S.A.; Tim Shorrock; Athan G. Theoharis on wiretapping; Diana Trilling (1949 review of Orwell's "1984"); Alan F. Westin on wiretapping; Patricia J. Williams on Alberto Gonzales (+1); and H.H. Wilson on the F.B.I.
    Kindle Edition from The Nation Magazine [6/2014] for $9.99

    Intellectual Privacy in the Digital Age book by Neil Richards  "Intellectual Privacy: Rethinking Civil Liberties In The Digital Age" [2014]
    by Neil Richards

    Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [12/2014] for $13.19
    Oxford Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2015] for $27.58
    Verax / Mass Surveillance graphic novel by Pratap Chatterjee & Khalil Bendib  "Verax: The True History of Whistleblowers, Drone Warfare, and Mass Surveillance - A Graphic Novel" [2017] by Pratap Chatterjee & Khalil Bendib
    Verax means 'truth-teller' and was one of Edward Snowden's code names; this book is a sweeping graphic history of electronic surveillance since the attack on 9/11 unleashed electronic spying by the U.S. government on a massive worldwide scale
    Kindle Edition from Metropolitan Books/Macmillan [10/2017] for $11.99
    Metropolitan Books 9¼x7 pb [10/2017] for $17.00

    Video Material

    "We Live In Public" documentary feature [indep Aug 2009]
    We Live In Public 2009 documentary feature by Ondi Timoner  Ms. Timoner documented internet pioneer & visionary Josh Harris and his life for over a decade, an incredible & tumultuous life story that gives insight into the internet's revolutionary impact on human interaction. (Harris predicts that in the future the individual will disappear as humanity trades privacy for various electronic forms of connection & recognition.) • Co-produced, written & directed by Ondi Timoner; featuring Josh Harris and his brother Tom Harris; won Grand Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival
    IndiePix Films Collector's Edition widescreen color DVD [7/2011] 2 disks for $29.95
    IndiePix Films widescreen color DVD [3/2010] for $24.95
    full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia • official movie site

    "The Occupy Movie" documentary film [Jan 2012]
    Filmed during Occupy Los Angeles in 2011 by Code Zero Media, i.e. Angel Stanz; released on the internet in January 2012
    bare credits at IMDb • official movie site • watch the film online [24:50] at YouTube

    "Occupy: The Movie" [indep 2013?]
    Occupy The Movie  Co-produced & directed by Corey Ogilvie; featuring Noam Chomsky, Kalle Lasn, Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Andy Bichlbaum, Sandy Nurse, Liz Evans, Jesse LaGreca, George Machado, Tim Pool, Vlad Teichberg, Makh Aten, Priscilla Grim, Justin Wedes, Aaron Black, Bishop George Packard, Pete Dutro, Michael Premo, Jen Waller, Gideon Oliver, George Martinez, and other key figures from the Occupy Wall Street movement
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available • full credits at IMDb • official movie site
    official YouTube channel • watch 1/2013 official trailer [2:49] at YouTube

    "War On Whistleblowers: Free Press and The National Security State"
    documentary feature [Brave New Foundation April 2013]
    War On Whistleblowers documentary by Robert Greenwald  67-minute documentary highlights four cases where whistleblowers noticed government wrong-doing and took to the media to expose the fraud and abuse • Co-produced & directed by Robert Greenwald; featuring whistleblowers Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Daniel Ellsberg, Franz Gayl, John Kiriakou (archive footage), Chelsea Manning (archive footage) & Thomas Tamm; also featuring Seymour Hersh, David Carr, Sharon Weinberger, Tom Vanden Brook, Danielle Brian, Conchita Gayl, Robert Gates, Ben Freeman, Winslow Wheeler, William Hartung, Dana Priest, Michael Isikoff, Pete Sepp, Jane Mayer, Tom Devine, Bill Keller, Eric Lipton, Kate Bohner, Jesselyn Radack, J. William Leonard, Steven Aftergood, Jake Tapper, Lucy Dalglish & Glenn Greenwald; with archive footage of Joe Biden, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Barack Obama, James Risen, Stephen Vladeck & Richard Nixon
    available for streaming (for donation) or for public screening at official website
    full credits at IMDb • official movie site • movie entry at Wikipedia

    "Whistleblower" [Philippines April 2016] /tt5612478/

    "The Circle" [S.T.X./EuropaCorp April 2017]
    ad for 2017 movie 'The Circle'  "Knowing is good. Knowing everything is better." • Filmed around San Francisco, California and around Los Angeles, California; a young girl lands a dream job at a powerful tech company, only to uncover a nefarious agenda that will affect the lives of her friends, family, and that of humanity • Co-produced, co-written & directed by James Ponsoldt; co‑written by Dave Eggers, based on his novel; music by Danny Elfman; technical consultant Jaron Lanier; starring Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Glenne Headly, Bill Paxton, Ellar Coltrane, Patton Oswalt, musician Beck, Nate Corddry, Mamoudou Athie
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available
    full credits at IMDb • official movie site • movie entry at Wikipedia
    watch official trailers online at YouTube: 12/2016 trailer #1 [1:50] • 2/2017 trailer #2 [2:40]
    'The Circle' bestseller novel by Dave Eggers  "The Circle" novel [2013 bestseller] by Dave Eggers
    All that we'll say here is that the book and movie have quite different endings . . .
    Kindle Edition from Vintage/Random House [10/2013] for $9.99
    Vintage Books 8x5¼ pb [4/2014] for $9.52
    Hamish Hamilton Ltd. pb [10/2013] import/used
    Knopf 8¾x6½ hardcover [10/2013] for $18.30
    book entry at Wikipedia

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