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Barbarian / Fascist Individuals
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   political spitballing journalist Michelle (Maglalang) Malkin is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 2008
Associates with white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Nick Fuentes & Groypers, and Identity Evropa leader Patrick Casey; she was dropped by conservative
Young America's Foundation (YAF), citing her support for individuals associated with antisemitism and white nationalism; formerly regular Fox News
contributor (until 2016), show host on CRTV (2016-2018), recently on Newsmax TV (since May 2020).
browse books •
entry at Wikipedia
![]() |
"Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild" [2005] by Michelle Malkin "chronicles the bizarre world of foaming-at-the-mouth Leftists in their natural habitats: the mainstream media, academia, Hollywood, and Washington" Kindle Edition from Regnery Publng [2/2013] for $14.99 Regnery Publng 9x6¼ hardcover [10/2005] for $12.53 |
   playwright David Mamet
recently claimed on Fox News that "Teachers are 'inclined' to 'pedophilia'."
   Megan McCain, daughter of Sen. John McCain [1936-2018]
Megan McCain’s new memoir [4/2022] has sold less than 300 copies since its release (5/2022), mostly because all she does in print is whine
The reclusive Mercer is the source of the secret dark money that quickly backed TEA-bagger U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's 2016 campaign
for the White House, then switched to front-runner Donald Trump.
"Trumping Democracy: Real Money • Fake News • Your Data"
[streaming Nov 2017, DVD release Dec 2017]
![]() | "In the darkness of the web, democracy was trumped by data." • Explosive documentary that follows the money in the 2016 election cycle to the elusive billionaire Robert Mercer, who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort while inserting alt-right agitator Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Mercer-owned company Cambridge Analytica used data of millions of Americans – acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security, and more – and tactics honed during the U.K.'s Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed 'most neurotic or worried', whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using the little-known Facebook feature called 'dark posts', Cambridge Analytica deployed highly manipulative & personalized messages seen only one time by the user before disappearing • 69-minute documentary film directed by Thomas Huchon
Cinema Libre color DVD [12/2017] for $11.63 Amazon Instant Video [11/2017] rental $3.99, purchase $9.99 bare credits at IMDb • official movie website • watch 11/2017 official trailer [3:04] online at YouTube |
   daughter Rebekah A. Mercer [b. 1973]
manages Mercer family political donations, co-founded the right-wing blogging website Parler
board member at The Heritage Foundation (2024)
![]() | "Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search For The Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases" [2014] by Kent Heckenlively & Judy Mikovits PhD, Foreword by Hillary Johnson Kindle Edition from Skyhorse/Simon & Schuster [11/2014] for $1.99 {sic} Skyhorse 9x6 pb [2/2017] for $14.22 Skyhorse pb [2/2019] for $35.56 Skyhorse 9¼x6½ hardcover [11/2014] out of print/SOLD OUT ! |
![]() | "Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith In The Promise of Science" #1 Amazon bestseller [2020] by Dr. Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively JD, Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Kindle Edition from Skyhorse/Simon & Schuster [4/2020] for $17.99 Skyhorse 9x6 hardcover [4/2020] for $17.91 |
![]() ![]() | "Plandemic" refers to a pair of 2020 conspiracy theory videos produced by Mikki Willis which promote falsehoods and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic; they feature Judy Mikovits, a discredited former researcher who has been described as an anti-vaccine activist despite her denial, along with David Martin and other conspiracy theorists on the longer second video. The first video was released on 4 May 2020; it went viral and within days was removed from Facebook and other platforms. The second video "Plandemic: Indoctornation" was released on 18 August 2020 and holds the world record for the largest live stream premiere of a documentary film, with 1,900,000 unique viewers •
movies entry at Wikipedia
2-part 'series' credits at IMDb • 26-minute Part 1 credits at IMDb • 75-minute Part 2 credits at IMDb neither video is for sale on Amazon (12/2020) • movie official website {given up prior to 12/2020} |
far-right Republican donor Lee Roy Mitchell
founder of movie theater chain Cinemark, was CEO 1987-2006; has shelled out donations to Trump, Kris Kobach, still-indicted
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, propagandist Dinesh D’Souza, and radio talk show host Dennis Prager
"2000 Mules" [D'Souza Media/Salem Media May 2022]
![]() | A bogus documentary film created by Dinesh D'Souza that " full credits at IMDb • {broken} official movie site • movie entry at Wikipedia watch 5/2022 official trailer [3:05] online at YouTube Salem Media Group subtitled widescreen color DVD [5/2022] for $24.99 |
supply-side economist Stephen Moore
Co-founded Club For Growth in 1999; former member of The Wall Street Journal's editorial board; Distinguished Visiting Fellow for The Heritage Foundation's
Project for Economic Growth; he advised the presidential campaigns of Herman Cain in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016
"Privatization: A Strategy for Taming the Deficit" [The Heritage Foundation, 1988]
"The End of Prosperity" with Arthur B. Laffer and Peter Tanous [Threshold Editions, 2008] ISBN 1-4165-9238-5
![]() | "Trumponomics: Inside The America First Plan To Revive Our Economy" [2018] by Arthur B. Laffer & Stephen Moore two members of the Trump Advisory Council offer an insider’s view on how Trump operates in public and behind closed doors, his priorities and passions, and his greatest attributes and liabilities, focusing on his economic populism that combines some conventional Republican ideas - tax cuts, deregulation, more power to the states - with more traditional Democratic issues such as trade protectionism & infrastructure spending Kindle Edition from All Points Books [10/2018] for $14.99 All Points Books 8½x5¾ hardcover [10/2018] for $11.94 |
evil rich white man Alex Murdaugh of South Carolina
Millionaire so criminally evil that he faces 97 grand jury criminal charges, including financial fraud, conspiracy, narcotics distribution, and money laundering,
and for the murders of his wife Maggie, his son Paul, his housekeeper, and several others; he has been disbarred, his assets seized, and he is in jail.
12/2022 article at DailyKos news site
In 2023, Murdaugh was convicted of killing his wife and son; he was sentenced to two life terms. In September 2023, Murdaugh pleaded guilty
to 22 financial crimes; in April 2024, he was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the financial crimes.
Rupert Murdoch
who owns News Corp. and the
Fox empire
News Corp. owns Wireless Generation, a for-profit online education, software & testing corporation
![]() | "The Man Who Owns The News: Inside The Secret World of Rupert Murdoch" [2008] by Michael Wolff Kindle Edition from Random House Digital [2008 edition] for $11.99 Broadway Books 8x5¼ pb [5/2010] for $13.68 Broadway Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [12/2008] out of print/150+ used |
gazillionaire Elon Musk [b. 1971]
serial entrepreneur & political loose cannon
America PAC [July 2024], founded and funded exclusively by Musk to support Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign
Progress 2028 initiative [est. 9/2024]
fake pro-Harris campaign scheme; created by Trump-supporting dark money network Building America's Future
10/2024 article at OpenSecrets.org
10/2024 article at Philadelphia Inquirer - requires sign-up
10/2024 article at VerifyThis.com
archived homepage/text from Progress 2028 website
Fascist politician Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini [1883-1945]
Prime Minister & dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1945; known as 'Il Duce'
details about Mussolini were cut along with the split-off of the Fascism Page in early 2018, and then quickly split off again to its own page.
![]() | "The Doctrine of Fascism" essay [1932] by Benito Mussolini [1883-1945]
"La Dottrina del Fascismo" is an essay written by Giovanni Gentile, but credited to Benito Mussolini; first published in the Enciclopedia Italiana of 1932 (pages 847-884) as the beginning section of a lengthy entry on 'Fascismo', which includes numerous photographs and graphic images 72-page Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [2/2014] for 99¢ 86-page Free Thought Books 9x6 pb [11/2015] for $6.88 48-page Haole Library 8x5 pb [5/2015] for $5.88 28-page Zhingoora Books/CreateSpace 8x5 pb [8/2012] for $6.00 |
propagandist Andy Cuong Ngo
entry at Wikipedia • official website
![]() |   | "Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan To Destroy Democracy" [2021] #1 national bestseller by 'journalist' Andy Ngo author wrongly blames anti-fa movement for violence against himself and others; CLUE: cover illustration shows anarchism flag, completely false; CLUE #2: cover blurb by Tucker Carlson Center Street 8x5¼ pb [2/2022] for $14.10 Center Street 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2021] for $6.99 |
anti-tax lobbyist Grover Norquist
   senile former rock star Ted Nugent
called the Obama administration "vile", "evil", and "America-hating" (news reports 4/2012) – when in fact that is all true
about hate-monger Nugent; he got so wacko foul-mouthed in 2013 that the Secret Service is watching him closely.
Hungarian P.M. Viktor Mihály Orbán
Controversial right-wing Hungarian Prime Minister 1998-2002, re-elected 2010 to present; also head of neo-feudal Fidesz Party.
Orbán is scheduled to appear at C.P.A.C. in Dallas, Texas in August 2022.
entry at Wikipedia
   conservative blogger Candace Owens  
notorious antisemitic conspiracy theorist
official website & weblog •
entry at Wikipedia
   quack scientist Dr. Mehmet Oz
April 2022: Donald Trump endorsed notorious Dr. Oz in his bid to become the Republican nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania; he praised Oz as “Pro-Life, very strong
on Crime, the Border, Election Fraud, our Great Military, and our Vets, Tax Cuts, and will always fight for and support our under-siege Second Amendment”.
Jerry Perenchio
Silicon Valley billionaire Tom Perkins
his letter published in the Wall Street Journal in January 2014 compared attacks on the Oligarchs/One Percent
by progressives to the Nazi pogroms against the Jews in Germany, specifically Kristallnacht
"Valley Boy: The Education of Tom Perkins" memoir [Nov 2007] ISBN 1-59-240313-1
"Mine's Bigger: The Extraordinary Tale of The World's Greatest Sailboat and The Silicon Valley
Tycoon Who Built It" [2007] by David A. Kaplan ISBN 978-0-06-137402-9
Tony Perkins
Texas multi-millionaire Bob J. Perry [1932-2013]
longtime funder of the Swift-Boaters; biggest contributor to Texas Gov. Rick Perry
former Texas Governor Rick Perry
people who know him say that he is even dumber than George 'Dubya' Bush
“Rick Perry puts the 'goober' back in gubernatorial.” — progressive activist Jim Hightower
deficit scaremonger Peter G. Peterson [b. 1926]
listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011
chair/CEO of Bell & Howell, 1963-71
U.S. Secretary of Commerce, February 1972 – February, 1973
chair/CEO of Lehman Brothers, 1973-84
co-founded the private equity firm Blackstone Group in 1985; sold off most of his shares for $1.8B in the June 2007 IPO
established The Peter G. Peterson Foundation in 2008 with a $1 billion endowment
secretly funds 'Fix The Debt' which is Simpson-Bowles fakery
right-wing political despot
James Arthur 'Art' Pope of North Carolina
listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011
Variety Wholesalers [est. 1930]
John W. Pope Civitas Institute [est. 2007] in Raleigh, NC
John Locke Foundation [est. circa 1989]
Civitas Action []
John W. Pope Center For Higher Education Policy [est. 2003]
Lewis F. Powell, Jr. [1907-98]
U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1972-87
Just before being nominated for the Supreme Court, he delivered the infamous and very secret
Powell Memorandum
to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that outlined long-term strategies for expansion of corporate privilege
by the Chamber and by other neo-conservative organizations.
biotech founderVivek Ramaswamy of Ohio
has become a right-wing star by writing & speaking against stakeholder capitalism, big tech censorship, and critical race theory
Trevor Rees-Jones of Texas
William Regnery II
publisher of the racist, anti-immigration, white supremicist journal The Occidental Quarterly [est. 2001]
Tommy Robinson
Real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon; banned by Twitter in 2018 but reinstated by Elon Musk after he acquired the company;
prominent speaker at Republican Party National Convention in July 2024.
Wendy Rogers - Arizona State Senator [since 1/2021; GOP]
censured 2/2022 by Arizona Senate 24-3 for her incitements to violence in video at white supremicist convention
Willard Mitt Romney
"King of Bain: When Mitt Romney Came To Town"
"The Mutt Romney Blues" song by Ry Cooder {YouTube video}
The Democrats' 'Romney Tax Plan' website is hilarious!
   perennial Libertarian candidate for office Roger Roots is a lawyer in Montana
Roots has a hardcore white supremacist background and two felony convictions, and is a 'hidden hand' assisting the legal defense
of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes on seditious conspiracy charges related to the January 6th U.S. Capitol Riot
conspiracy podcaster Brian Rose
American-born, moved to London in 2002, British citizen in 2007; founded "London Real" weekly conspiracy podcast in 2011,
which has 2 million subscribers; ran for London mayor in 2021 (placed seventh)
personal credits at IMDb •
personal entry at Wikipedia
"London Real" weekly conspiracy podcast [2011 to present]
has 2 million subscribers on its YouTube channel; favors bitcoin & DeFi (decentralized finance); noted for over 1000 long-format interviews of conspiracy theorists such as
David Icke & Dan Peña, many interviews with Robert or Kim Kiyosaki; website says 'over 1,000 episodes', IMDb has 580+ episodes listed
official podcast website •
"London Real" Channel at YouTube [est. 2011] •
series credits at IMDb
traitor, evil genius & hired mudslinger Karl Rove
Silicon Valley billionaire David O. Sacks
entrepreneur and MAGA supporter, former PayPal entrepreneur; has hosted fundraisers for Mitt Romney (2012),
J.D. Vance (2022), Ron DeSantis, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Donald Trump
entry at Wikipedia
Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders
served as White House Press Secretary for President Trump from 7/2017 to 7/2019; hired as a Fox News contributor, effective 9/2019;
also launched a new website as prelude to a 2022 run for governor of Arkansas, a post her father Mike Huckabee held from 1996 to 2007.
![]() | "Speaking For Myself: Faith, Freedom, and The Fight of Our Lives Inside The Trump White House" [2020] New York Times bestseller by Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Kindle Edition from St. Martin's Press [9/2020] for $11.99 St. Martin's/Griffin 8¼x5½ pb [9/2021] for $13.49 St. Martin's Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [9/2020] for $13.46 |
   talk-show activist Dr. Michael Savage
'Goldwater conservative' Michael Alan Weiner changed his name to Michael Savage circa 1980; when his 1994 book was rejected by publishers as 'inflammatory',
he created a demo tape of himself as a talk show host using that content. By 2000, "Savage Nation" on KGO 810 AM was the most popular afternoon drive show
among all adults in the San Francisco Arbitron ratings.
official website •
podcast [est. 2019] •
entry at Wikipedia
Michael Savage credits [since 2003] at Internet Movie Database
browse books at the Michael Savage Store {returns 25+ titles} at Amazon
This & other sections grew and the page got over-large, so this section was cut to its own page in November 2024.
Wall Street tycoon Charles R. 'Chuck' Schwab
spent millions on propaganda ads during the 2012 election cycle
entry at Wikipedia •
eponymous brokerage [est. 1963, bought all stock 1972]
Chicago billionaire Barre Seid [b. 1932]
Seid donated his company Tripp Lite [est. 1922] to the Marble Freedom Trust PAC run by Federalist lawyer Leonard A. Leo in 2020;
the PAC sold Tripp Lite for $1.65B in March 2021, a maneuver that avoided paying $400M in taxes.
entry at Wikipedia
lumber baron Jim Shepard of Canada
former CEO of forestry giant Canfor, a longtime BC Liberal donor, and a close ally & trusted adviser to former premier Christy Clark
Carlos Slim Helú of Mexico
Canadian Lauren Southern, 'the Alt-Right’s Most Famous Woman' - now lives in Australia
"Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants and Islam Screwed My Generation" book [Rebel News Network 2016] ISBN 1541136942
"The Rise of Jordan Peterson" [] /tt10469384/
wrote, produced & directed "Farmlands" (2018) /tt8614536/
"Hoaxed" (2019) /tt8991264/ a movie about 'fake news' that is made up of fake news
"Borderless" (2019) /tt10384606/
lawyer & lobbyist Roger Stone
Co-founded lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly [est. 1980, renamed 1984] in Washington, DC; Stone is a longtime advisor to Donald Trump.
Roger Stone entry at Wikipedia
![]() | "The Making of The President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated A Revolution" [2017] by {Trump advisor} Roger Stone Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [1/2017] for $13.58 Skyhorse Publng 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2017] for $3.55 {sic} |
![]() | "Get Me Roger Stone" TV documentary [Netflix Originals May 2017] 5-year project documenting Stone's political activities • Co-produced, written & directed by Dylan Bank, Daniel DiMauro & Morgan Pehme; featuring Roger Stone, Donald J. Trump, Paul Manafort, writer Jeffrey Toobin, Tucker Carlson, Jane Mayer, writer Wayne Barrett, Harry Siegel, Alex Jones, Matt Labash, Nydia Stone, Charlie Black, Michael Caputo, Steve Malzberg, Mike Murphy, Ryan Fournier, Adria Stone, Timothy Stanley, Danielle Stevens, Ann Stone, Katy Tur, Cenk Uygur, with archive footage of Hillary Clinton, Roy M. Cohn, Gerald Ford, Barry Goldwater, Mark Halperin, Chris Hayes, Lester Holt, Van Jones, Megyn Kelly, John Lambert, David Letterman, Errol Louis, Bill Maher, Seth Meyers, Richard Nixon, Lawrence O'Donnell, Dan Rather, Ronald Reagan, Geraldo Rivera, Josh Robin, Ed Schultz, Michael Smerconish, George Stephanopoulos, CNN's Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, TV host Barbara Walters (The View), Rick Wilson, Oprah Winfrey DVD/Blu-ray not yet available (2018) full credits at IMDb • Netflix official movie homepage • movie entry at Wikipedia |
![]() | "Stone's Rules: How To Win At Politics, Business, and Style" [2018] by Roger Stone, Introduction by Tucker Carlson Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [DUE May 2018] for $17.02 Skyhorse Publng 9x6 hardcover [DUE May 2018] for $17.92 |
secrets leaker Jack Teixeira
22-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard computer technician allegedly shared hundreds of classified intelligence documents on the chat platform Discord, which is
popular with gamers. Announced 29 Feb 2024 his intention to change his earlier plea of not guilty; this could mean he’ll get less prison time than if he had been found guilty at trial.
UPDATE 11/2024: Pentagon secrets leaker Teixeira was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a federal judge.
Jack Teixeira entry at Wikipedia
photo of leaker Jack Teixeira • arrest of leaker Jack Teixeira
   white-nationalist {Samuel} Jared Taylor
founder of American Renaissance Magazine [est. 1990] now online only
Jared Taylor entry at Wikipedia
   Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal
funds the SeaSteading Institute
"The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power" [2021] new biography by the journalist Max Chafkin
makes a case for Thiel’s unique influence within the tech industry, and as a political actor aligned with a nationalist, post-Trump far right
Virginia 'Ginni' Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
a conservative activist who promoted and participated in the January 6th U.S. Capitol Riot
member of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board {and should be removed}
Is Donald Trump necessary?
listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011
real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Emperor Donald J. Trump Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Emperor Trump's Swamp Cabinet Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
'RussiaGate Scandal' Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Donald J. Trump Quotations Page at Working Minds Philosophy of Empowerment website
Books About Donald J. Trump Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore
Loser Donald Trump Page, 2021-2024
Dictator Donald Trump Page, 2024 to present
GOP mega-donor Richard Ellis 'Dick' Uihlein [b. 1945]
wife Elizabeth Ann 'Liz' Hallberg Uihlein
Uihlein was revealed as 'the primary source of political funding' for a fringe right-wing group that participated in the January 2021 attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol;
he has also contributed millions of dollars in recent years to Republican Senate candidates, GOP-aligned Super PACs, and the N.R.S.C.
Uline [est. 1980], is privately held, built a new headquarters in Pleasant Prairie in 2010
Uihlein is the largest donor to Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC
Ralph H. van Deman [1865-1952]
founded California Un-American Activities Committee {C.U.A.C.} in 1941, led by protege Richard Ellis Combs
Richard Ellis Combs [], chief counsel & lead investigator for C.U.A.C.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
Republican Walker survived the June 2012 recall election by spending $30M in mostly out-of-state
contributions for a 53% to 46% win; he was re-elected in 2014.
Scott Walker Investigation & John Doe Scandals
"The Governor's Story" book
The Walton Clan
Boycott Wal-Mart !!
Wal-Mart, Inc. Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
Jack Welch
   professional conspiracy theorist Diana West
![]() | "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault On Our Nation's Character" [2013] by Diana West a chronicle that pits Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, and other American icons who 'shielded overlapping Communist conspiracies' against the investigators, politi-cians, defectors, and others (including the America First movement and demagogue Sen. Joseph McCarthy) who 'tried to tell the American people the truth'; "A frustrating mixture of incontrovertible facts and dubious speculation." — Kirkus Reviews Kindle Edition from St. Martin's Press [5/2013] for $12.99 St. Martin's/Griffin 9¼x6¼ pb [9/2014] for $16.99 St. Martin's Press 9½x6½ hardcover [5/2013] for $38.90 |
![]() | "The Red Thread: A Search For Ideological Drivers Inside The Anti-Trump Conspiracy" [2019] by Diana West professional conspiracy theorist West produces 'fascinating ideological profiles of well-known but little understood anti-Trump actors, from James Comey to Christopher Steele to Nellie Ohr - and the rest of the Fusion G.P.S. team; from John Brennan to the numerous Clintonistas still patrolling the Washington Swamp after all these years, and more' 156-page Kindle Edition from Bravura Books [6/2019] for $3.99 131-page Bravura Books 9x6 pb [6/2019] for $9.99 |
   actor James Woods
Woods has 1.73 million followers on Twitter; he tweeted a hoax meme in July 2018 and was asked to remove it for violating the rules; he refused to do so and so Twitter
locked him out of his account in September; the offending tweet featured a hoax meme/graphic claiming to be from Democrats that told men not to vote in the midterm elections;
Woods is claiming free speech rights (ignoring the fact that identity theft is a crime) •
IMDb listing •
entry at Wikipedia
Las Vegas casino owner Steve Wynn [b. 1942]
after allegations of a 'decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct' against female employees at his casino empire,
Steve Wynn resigned from his role as Republican National Committee finance chair in late January 2018.
billionaire Jeffrey Yass - the richest man in Pennsylvania
registered Libertarian, priority issue is school vouchers
co-founder of Susquehanna International Group [est. 1987]
in 2002, Yass joined the executive advisory council of the right-wing Cato Institute [1977]
major investor in Bytedance [est. 2012], the Chinese parent company of TikTok [released 2017-18]
Yass formed shell company Digital World Trading Co. [est. 12/2020] and merged it with Trump's Truth Social, which was final in 3/2024.
vulture investor Sam Zell of Chicago
![]() | "The Deal From Hell: How Moguls and Wall Street Plundered Great American Newspapers" [2011] by James O'Shea The Tribune Company conglomerate of Chicago merged with Times Mirror of Los Angeles in June 2000, doubling the company's size. Chicago investor Sam Zell bought out the company in April 2007 for $8.4 billion. But by December 2008, the company filed bankruptcy. Former Chicago Tribune managing editor O'Shea reports on the behind-the-scenes meetings and dealings that helped destroy the newspaper industry in America. Kindle Edition from PublicAffairs [8/2012] for $9.99 PublicAffairs 8¼x5½ pb [8/2012] out of print/used PublicAffairs 9½x6¼ hardcover [6/2011] for $20.89 |
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