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“Anyone who participates in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is an enemy of the United States of America.
Any American who participates in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a traitor.”
— G.E. Nordell
“T.P.P. is about putting corporate and investor rights above the rights of regular people.”
— Dave Johnson, blogger at, in September 2013
“Fast Track is nothing more than Congress pulling a fast one on the American people. It's a plan for lawmakers to abdicate
their Constitutional responsibility to regulate international trade.” — labor leader Leo W. Gerard, in December 2014
“Trade should be done right – not just fast – to protect our families and neighbors from pollution and climate disruption. Fast-tracking
flawed trade pacts is a deal-breaker. With fast track, we would be trading away clean air, clean water, and safe communities.”
— Michael Brune, Sierra Club’s executive director - in January 2015
Sen. Bernie Sanders Speech to U.S. Senate on 22 April 2015 "T.P.P. Is Bad For America"
watch speech [9:21] online at YouTube
“The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.) is now public. I've reviewed its major provisions . . . this job-killing 'free trade' agreement has
a dismal lack of protection for U.S. workers and consumers. I'm more convinced than ever that we must stand together against the T.P.P.”
— U.S. Senate candidate Russ Feingold - in November 2015
          The North American Free Trade Agreement (N.A.F.T.A.) became effective on January First, 1994. As Ross Perot predicted, "The giant sucking sound [that] you hear is American jobs going to Mexico." The three signatories to the treaty were Canada, the United States (President George H.W. Bush), and Mexico. C.A.F.T.A. (the Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement) was passed by Congress on 28 July 2005 and signed by President George W. Bush on August 2nd. The controversial vote in Congress was not for a treaty (requiring a two-thirds majority in the Senate only) but as a 'congressional-executive agreement' requiring a simple plurality in both houses; the House tally was 217-215, the Senate tally was 54-45. Current members of CAFTA-DR are Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the U.S. of A.
          The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Treaty was signed in July 2005 by the oil-rich Muslim kingdom of Brunei, then-Socialist Chile, free-trade New Zealand, and rights-deprived Singapore. Negotiations to expand membership and add treaty elements began in 2010; the project name was shortened to Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty.
          Nations that are currently negotiating membership terms include Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. (South Korea declined an invitation to participate.) Other countries that have expressed interest in T.P.P. membership are Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand.
          There are two central problems with the existence of the T.P.P. process. One is that details of the treaty's text and of the negotiations themselves are secret. (Where are whistleblowers Julian Assange and Edward Snowden when you really need them?) The second problem is that a few tiny leaks have revealed plans for the T.P.P. organization to dictate policy to member nations, without any legal recourse except to appeal to the T.P.P. courts, who have a history of rejecting appeals. (See Details Section below.)
          What this means for the United States is that an outside agency designed to reduce competition in international trade will have absolute power to cancel any state and federal laws of the U.S.A that they don't like, such as labor laws, environmental laws, food & drug labeling laws, and motor vehicle standards. The T.P.P. organiza-tion will be able to levy fines and order actions that they deem necessary, including trade sanctions.
          Is there any part of this that sounds good for America?
ADDED November 2013: Wikileaks has posted what it claims to be the intellectual property rights chapter from an August recap of discussions held during the 19th negotiating round in Brunei; "the document whipped up groups opposed to the pact, saying that it confirmed many of their worst fears".
ADDED June 2014: As if the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty is not enough to worry about, details of the secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Financial Services Annex negotiations were recently revealed on Wikileaks; law professor Jane Kelsey of New Zealand has posted an analysis of the treaty there, and Dave Johnson posted a scary article on Campaign for America's Future.
ADDED January 2015: The Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and forty more environmental groups sent a letter to Congress opposing both Fast Track and the secret contents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty.
ADDED March 2015: The New York Times and Wikileaks got their hands on some T.P.P. text, and it is bad. 'Now We Know Why Huge T.P.P. Trade Deal Is Kept Secret From The Public'. The New York Times story on the contents of a leaked chapter of the T.P..P showed that it’s as bad as many of us feared: It would let firms 'sue' participating governments for loss of 'expected future profits'. Let that sink in.
ADDED June 2015: The folks at WikiLeaks released seventeen secret documents from the T.I.S.A. negotiations that parallel the T.P.P. agreement. Participants include the United States, the European Union, and 23 other countries whose combined economic activity comprises 53 percent of worldwide G.D.P. This release defines specific plans to deregulate the financial sector and 'standstill clauses' that will prevent legislative response to changing environmental conditions. The release also defines previously undisclosed areas such as air traffic, maritime, professional services, e-commerce, delivery services, transparency, and domestic regulation.
ADDED June 2015: U.S. Senator and independent candidate for President in 2016 Bernie Sanders gave a 4-minute speech on June 3rd outside the House office building in Washington, DC specifying reasons why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty and Fast Track are 'bad agreements following other bad agreements' and disastrous for America and for the middle class • Bernie's speech [4:00] on YouTube
ADDED June 2015: After the U.S. Senate passed a version of Fast Track, the U.S. House of Representatives made changes, withdrew some, added others; Speaker Boehner attempted to force the issue though many members of Congress were not telling the vote counters where they stood. On Friday June 12th, the T.A.A. bill 'went down in flames' with 302 against and 126 for the proposal; just a few hours later, the Fast Track bill was passed 219 to 211 – however, without the T.A.A. bill, the Fast Track vote means nothing (standard nonsensical G.O.P. posturing: 'Yeah, T.P.P. did not happen, but don't blame me because I voted for Fast Track').
ADDED April 2016: U.S. shoemaker New Balance blew the whistle on the Pentagon, saying that New Balance was asked not to speak out in opposition to T.P.P. a year ago and were offered in return a contract for military sneakers; the whistle is now blown because said contract did not materialize.
ADDED May 2016: France rejects the T.T.I.P. Treaty — Both President François Hollande and Trade Minister Matthias Fekl issued public statements on May 3rd that France will not sign the T.T.I.P. because France will never accept challenges or restrictions to its farming and environmental and cultural practices.
ADDED June 2016: There will be a free concert in Denver, Colorado at Summit Music Hall on Saturday July 23rd to mobilize opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.) agreement. This concert will kick off a national "Rock Against The T.P.P." roadshow tour.
ADDED January 2017: Emperor Trump signed a series of executive orders including one that withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  ADDED Nov 2017: Ministers of the remaining signatory countries announced that they have agreed on the core elements of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Actual Horrible Details of the T.P.P. Treaty
Books About The T.P.P. & T.T.I.P. Treaties
browse bestselling books on International Politics at Amazon
![]() | "The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Free Trade Agreement" [2015] by Congressional Research Service CreateSpace 9x6 pb [10/2015] for $13.98 |
![]() | "T.T.I.P.: The Truth About The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" [2015] by Ferdi De Ville & Gabriel Siles-Brügge Kindle Edition from Polity [11/2015] for $14.20 Polity 8¼x5½ pb [11/2015] for $14.95 Polity 8½x5¾ hardcover [11/2015] for $40.80 |
L i n k s
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership entry at Wikipedia
12/2011 text of proposed T.P.P. Treaty [400kb .PDF file] posted on the Federation of American Scientists website
official website of the Secretariat of N.A.F.T.A.
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative official CAFTA-DR website
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative official website
Ambassador Michael Froman, [sworn June 2013]
official USTR bio page • entry at Wikipedia
This is the guy who is in charge of giving your rights away to foreign corporations in the name of 'free trade'.
Tell Ambassador Froman to stop TPP: click here to send email
'Stop The Internet Trap' anti-TPP campaign
Copyright Fair Deal anti-TPP campaign
Citizens Trade anti-TPP campaign
Open The T.P.P. anti-TPP campaign
Public Citizen's 'Expose The T.P.P.' campaign
Public Citizen's 'Expose Fast-Track' campaign
Public Citizen's 'Globalization & Trade Watch' campaign
Peace Team Action Page: Reject Fast Track For The Trans Pacific Partnership
Doctors Without Borders [est. 1971] anti-TPP webpage
Progressives United P.A.C. 'Say NO to a Rubber Stamp for New Trade Deals' campaign
"Economics or Else!" Pages at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
News & Commentary
August 2012 article on The Guardian (U.K.)'s Economics Blog by U.S. macro-economist Dean Baker
July 2013 article on The Guardian (U.K.)'s Economics Blog by U.S. economist Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Devious Enemy
the secretive & falsely-named Progressive Coalition for American Jobs [est. 2015]
Dave Johnson's rebuttal on C.F.A.F. gives P.C.A.J. four 'Pinocchio Awards' (for lying)
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