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The WMail Newsletter
Volume II   [Year 2001]   Part 2

Issue #9 April: "Reason-Based Taxation"
Issue #10 May: "Being Pro-Choice"
Issue #11 June: "A Third Theory of Relativity (Part 1)"

Issues #6-8 • Issues #12-14 • Issues #15-18

Volume I   [Year 2000]
Issues #1-5

Volume III   [Year 2002]
Issues #19-21 • Issues #22-24 • Issues #25-27 • Issues #28-30

Volume IV   [Year 2003]
Issues #31-33 • Issues #34-35 • Issues #36-38

Volume V   [Year 2004]
Issues #39-41 • Issues #42-44 • Issues #45-47 • Issues #48-49

Volume VI   [Year 2005]
Issues #50 & beyond

Issue #9: "Reason-Based Taxation"
[April 2001]

"Anyone who fights for the Future lives in it today."
— Ayn Rand [1905-82] (in "The Romantic Manifesto", 1969)

"The political calling of the intellectual [lies in] the
unmasking of lies which sustain irresponsible power."
— sociologist C. Wright Mills [1916-62]

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."
— Albert Einstein [1879-1955]

"What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
— Goethe

" R E A S O N - B A S E D     T A X A T I O N "

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        What was brilliant about the creation of the United States of America, beginning from the Declaration of Independence in 1776, was the boldly inventive statement that the individual always has the right to act in his/her best interest.
        This is also the root of Objectivism.
        But Man's inherent right to the good services of his/her government, along with other basic and unalienable rights, is prevented by the intentions of the extant Political System, in each & every country across the globe, in each & every hamlet, across each & every national border.
        Present government institutions seldom get the job done, whatever their stated purpose: the most grievous misfeasance here in America has been in the schools and in the Legal Industry. An entire generation are now adults who on average cannot read or write effectively and cannot think their way out of a paper bag. The American Legal Industry's top leaders recently handed over the U.S. Presidency to a usurper who sold his term of office to the oil & timber monopolies, and to who knows what other special interests.

*          *          *          *

        One percent of the population owns 50 percent of everything in America. Fifteen years ago, they owned only 35 percent of everything in the country: in the fifteen years since Dr. Ravi Batra established the base-line, the One Percent – the Oligarchy that rules this country, also known as 'The People Who Count' – accrued 15% more of the totality of the assets in this country.
        But they do not have enough: they want it all.
        This One Percent, the Oligarchy, has spent millions of dollars to prevent any levy that might approach having them pay their fair share, the result being the Bush Tax Giveaway presently being fast-tracked thru the U.S. Congress.
        What is the Oligarchy's fair share? The calculation is quite simple and direct:
        The U.S. Defense Department spends certain monies for doing their job. which includes protecting the 50% of all the land and property and assets owned by the Oligarchy, so therefore the Oligarchy should pay 50% of the Defense Department budget every year.
        The Oligarchy would insist that they are good patriots, so they should be willing to pay a 50% share of the Interior Department budget every year.
        The Oligarchy owns 50% of all business concerns, big and small, so they should pay 50% of the Commerce and Transportation and Energy and Agriculture Department budgets every year.
        The Department of State probably goes overboard in fulfilling the wishes of the Oligarchy, but I say that the Oligarchy need only pay a 50% share of the State Department budget every year as well.
        The Oligarchy, the One Percent, should be paying 50% of the entire federal budget every year. The same calculation applies to every U.S. federal department and bureau and section.
        This principle applies also to each and every country, to each & every state or province or canton or arrondissement, to each & every local government entity, down to each & every school and water district.

*          *          *          *

        The Oligarchy that rules this and other countries owns fifty percent of everything, so they should pay 50% of the taxes required to supply the benefits that they derive from government in all its overlapping jurisdictions. Any other plan or assessment will concede to them the means to achieve their ultimate intention, which is to own one-hundred percent of everything. After the Oligarchy has achieved that intention, they have only your 'soul' – your Self – to take away from you and yours.
        The Oligarchy has already taken away your vote, "without firing a shot", in the recent ChadGate fiasco: the U.S. Supreme Court anointed George Dubya as President of the U.S. of A. in complete disregard for due process or for the will of the people, based on the wrong-headed certainty that it was right to do so and in the clear knowledge that no one could stop them.
        They ignored the U.S. Constitution in a 'dog and pony show' that was broadcast on national television and radio. Most Americans made no effort to watch or listen to this show, settling instead for the 'sound bite' camouflage served up by – you guessed it – the media conglomerates owned by the Oligarchy.

*          *          *          *

        Previous iterations of class are disappearing, and are being replaced by a structure of Economic Class. The Oligarchy has replaced the Aristocracy, while assuming the same attitude of Divine Right that triggered the French Revolution of 1789.
        The lower economic classes, the 'proletariat', are defined as those who have no capital, nor means of production, and thus are required to sell their labor in order to survive. The Upper Middle economic class deals with the lower classes only while the latter are employed as servants.
        The entire economy works – or does not work – on the backs of the middle and lower classes, whose primary role in the latter XXth Century evolved into that of the Consumer Class: Notice that virtually every middle class American household is in constant debt (even disregarding housing payments), which means that they are encouraged – maybe 'required' is a better term – to spend more than they earn, so that the Oligarchy can reap their Divine Right profits on goods that the Consumer Class does not need and cannot in truth afford. The Consumer Class has an envious lifestyle, but in actuality owns less and less: because the Oligarchy owns more and more.
        This is not exactly news. The system of Economic Class ensures the giving away of power to the Oligarchy, in the form of debt, under the constant and compelling threat of job loss. If the middle class worker does not purchase 'the latest', then the economy will collapse and the Consumer will be out of work and thrown into survival among the lower economic classes. The Consumer Class has been taught to spend in order to earn.
        This is in effect worse than the 'indentured servitude' that was common around the time of the U.S. Revolutionary War. A British or other freeman could get passage to America or an apprenticeship in a trade in exchange for an agreed-upon term. The difference between indenture and today's economy is that the Consumer Class owes the Oligarchy and there is no expiration date on the deal: The Consumer Class is required to stay in debt by the pressures of the consumer economy, of which the primary beneficiary is the Oligarchy. (Think not? Did your real net worth – exclusive of housing – increase by anywhere near 50% since 1985?)
        The Oligarchy has done such a good job of fulfilling their devious intention that labor union membership in the U.S. has been down to 15% of the work-force for a long time. President George Dubya just honored his idol, Ronnie Reagan, by ordering the Northwest Airlines mechanics union not to strike, just as Ronnie busted the air traffic controller walkout in August of 1981. {{**}} And the media are already reporting that George Dubya will prevent a strike at Delta Airlines.
        Until the structure of the Economic Classes is redesigned so that the middle class, the now 'Consumer Class', is able to acquire wealth as a result of their labors, then matters can only get worse. The only remedy is to increase the taxation levied on the Oligarchy so that they pay their share for the government services that they receive, all down the line.
        The One-Percent, the Oligarchy has already acquired half of this country's total assets, the Supreme Court coincidentally put 'President-For-Hire' George Dubya in office, and the rest is predictable. The Oligarchy and the Supreme Court perpetrated a 'New Day of Infamy' that will be recorded as such in the history books.
        Mark it well: It is the beginning of the Economic Class War.

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** = {{See the October 2000 Issue #3 for my prediction that George Dubya would quickly do exactly that.}}

        There are several websites where you can obtain and-or click on the phone & fax & email addresses for incumbent U.S. Congressional Representatives and incumbent U.S. Senators.
        The WebslingerZ site at http://www.webslingerZ.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html has a good list: begin by clicking on your state on the frame on the left.
        The nifty Congress.org website at http://congress.org/congressorg/dbq/officials provides your federal & state & local elected officials per your ZIP+4 Code, or by state.
        But our Representatives in Congress do not make it easy: One third of the Ways & Means Committee use the standard 'Write Your Rep' page which accepts input ONLY from constituents.

        The official homepages and-or email addresses for the 100 U.S. Senators are listed alphabetically at http://www.senate.gov/contacting/index.cfm, while the folks at NorthernWebs have a very current list in order by state at http://www.northernwebs.com/senate. {{ dead link 11/2003 }}

        The University of Michigan maintains a .TXT file for the U.S. House of Representatives at http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/congdir.html [last update just days ago] that is perfect for cut-&-paste into your Outlook Express or Eudora or other address book files, for those who intend regular communication with Congress.
        I have already sent this essay – the part BETWEEN the orange Objectivist dollar sign lines – to local Congress people and to both my U.S. Senators. I also sent the essay to the members of the House Ways & Means Committee (via http://waysandmeans.house.gov/members.asp) that I could find email addresses for: I started with Ways & Means, checked WebslingerZ by state in a different window, back & forth – it took a while, but the job got done. In the next few weeks, I will send this essay to all the U.S. Senators with email addresses and thereafter to maybe ten or a dozen House members per day.

        For those of my readers who strongly agree with this essay, you are invited to do likewise. If you strongly dis-agree, write your own thoughts and email them to Congress: Go right ahead, this is nominally still a 'free country'.
        Folks in other countries live under the rule of the same Oligarchy – the names and titles are all that is different. Citizens elsewhere will have to websearch on their own for access to their government. And anyone can cut-&-paste the essay – the part BETWEEN the orange Objectivist dollar sign lines – for printout and distribution as letters or handbills.

        Discover that you still have power as a Voter and as a Citizen, wherever you live: Simply by USING that power you recreate its existence. By retaining your Natural Power, you keep the Oligarchy – the Culture Structure in its various forms – from stealing from you the Natural Power that was established by the Declaration of Independence and is the basis of the U.S Constitution, and the most precious gift of America to the world.

[copyright 2001 by Gary Edward Nordell, all rights reserved]

In March 2009, this essay was updated & reprinted as Essay #86 "Reason-Based Taxation (Redux)" on the 'Dateline Chamesa' blog, and also added to Chapter 20 of the "Working Minds" A Philosophy of Empowerment" book manuscript.

==>  For readers who have practical solutions that warrant exposure,
        apply to the Rolex Awards for Enterprise (application is free):

==>  BRAND NEW page about C. Wright Mills added to the WM website:
     UPDATE 2003: That page has been consolidated with the larger C. Wright Mills
        page at Maison d'Κtre Philosophy Bookstore
: click here

==>  The Ayn Rand page has been updated: http://www.working-minds.com/AynRand.htm

==>  No kidding: Here is a website that calculates the U.S. National Debt 'to the penny' each day,
        from the U.S. Treasury Dept. http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpenny.htm
     NOTE Jan 2003: If that site is not working, try http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpdodt.htm
     NOTE Jan 2010: Treasury website changed again, go to TreasuryDirect: The Debt To The Penny

==>  Civil Disobedience Dept.
        Do not buy a car this year; do not buy a house this year.
        Pay off all of your credit card debt before making any further large purchases.
        And when you have paid them off, use check or DEBIT card only thereafter.
        [This has the potential of starving the Oligarchy if enough people participate.]

N E X T    M O N T H : "Being Pro-Choice" [excerpt from Chapter 7]

Issue #10: "Being Pro-Choice" (from WM Chapter 7)
[May 2001]

"Everyone has the right to make his own decision/s,
but none has the right to force his decision on others."
— Ayn Rand [1905-82] (in "The Virtue of Selfishness", 1964 in Chapter 12)

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is
not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
— William Jennings Bryan [1860-1925]

"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
— Chinese proverb

" B E I N G     P R O - C H O I C E "
[This is the final section of Chapter 7 of the book "Working Minds", following
sections entitled 'False Cause', 'False Choice', 'Free Will', and 'Free Choice'.]

        The ideas presented here will be attacked by False Minds galore, and by the pervasive Culture-Structure, on the basis of their originality anyway, so I do not need to court controversy. (The "Working Minds" philosophy is heresy to the Culture-Structure, and intended as such.) But the nasty fight over abortion rights is not so much an issue of right-wrong or of morality as it is actually a matter of Choice – Free Choice [or not]. The folks on the Anti-Abortion side of the issue are choosing what is 'right' for other people, based not on Logic or Reason, but on a package of righteous False Values that happen to be truly and simply held to be false by the other, the Pro-Choice, side.
        Dare I shed light on the loose sand upon which the Anti-Abortion side has built its edifice? Sure, why not? Somebody might be Empowered.

*          *          *          *

        Here is what the Working Mind can do should the subject of abortion – or any similar controversy – be brought up in conversation:
        Ask the Anti- [anti-abortion or whatever] person whether they eat pork. Then remind them that both the Jews and the Muslims are told by their various prophets that to consume pork is a terrible sin in the eyes of their respective gods. And then there are the vegetarians, who condemn all eaters of meat, of animal flesh, for more secular reasons.
        To Muslims and Jews and vegetarians, the eaters of pork are committing a Major Sin; it is only a matter of luck that the pork/meat issue has not generated the heat that the abortion issue has, that Jews and Muslims are not so militantly righteous about the pork issue as are opponents of abortion, that the Anti-Pork contingent do not demand that all non-believers live according to Jewish and Moslem and 'vegan' beliefs.
        Per the pseudo-logic of the Anti-Abortion folks, eaters of pork must then stop doing so, because loudly righteous others believe the act of eating pork to be seriously immoral. Be clear that the pork/meat issue and the abortion issue have precisely the same positions: one side holds that their moral belief eliminates everyone else's Free Choice in the matter.
        Per the pseudo-logic of the Anti-Abortion folks, those who eat pork or meat are wrong; only those who abstain are morally right. The side of the righteous cannot allow their issue to be decided by non-believers – non-Muslims or non-Jews or non-vegetarians – for themselves, but instead demand that the entire world obey beliefs that they do not in fact hold. Nor can the morally righteous Anti-Abortion side allow the issue to be decided by non-Catholics or non-fundamentalists who are independent of the righteous position on abortion.

        But here's the deal – based in Objective Reason: Nobody has the right to prevent another from eating pork or veal or beef, or from staying up all night, or from having sex with a consenting adult of one's choice, as long as no civil laws are broken – and maybe not even then. The morally righteous would change such behavior by Force; I say that they cannot rightly prevent others from doing this except by Reason. I might reduce or modify my meat intake because my cholesterol is high, but never will I alter my personal practices or behavior based on somebody else's righteous and irrational moral or religious beliefs.

        So tell your Anti-Whatever person that they have to give up eating pork, in fact all meat, before they can dictate the choices of other individuals on any matter. They won't agree to it, and will likely wander off or change the subject. But you will have given them – and possibly others – something to ponder.

*          *          *          *

        Nobody has the right to decide the moral choices of the rest of Mankind, on any issue – also, except by the use of Objective Reason. Should the orthodox Muslim insistence that women always cover themselves with the chador garment dictate fashion in America? Surely not. Should the Hare Krishna belief in head-shaving dictate your hairstyle? No way! So also, other morally righteous meddlers cannot take away your Free Choice on any matter – unless and until you give away that right to them.
        The animosity and even deadly violence perpetrated by the Anti-Abortion crowd, their use of Force, is literal proof that they are not basing their position on Objective Reason at all. Belief will do this to people; belief is anti-rational at its base. Belief and Objective Reason cannot occupy the same Existential space.

        Note also that one need not pick one or the other side of the issues used here as example, when you have developed an operative Working Mind. Neither of the two militant sides of the abortion issue can see empowering solutions that are available to the Working Mind: The decision of the possessor of an operative Working Mind, for the Right Action to be taken in a particular case concerning a particular issue, is that Choice which generates Empowerment.

        Free Choice is based on Objective Reason, it comes from the intellect, which is the under-used and widely-stifled best chance for the survival of Mankind as Mankind, as something higher than the animals. Free Choice is the natural enemy of the Culture-Structure and of your False Mind, and the enemy of all dogma and righteousness. Free Choice empowers.

        Whosoever is righteous or violent – or both – is the enemy of Objective Reason and Free Choice and Empowerment.

[copyright 2001 by Gary Edward Nordell, all rights reserved]

==>  Visit the BBC's fun "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" site at

==>  Use this quote in conversation: "The US steel industry is flat on its back."
        Rep. Philip S. English (R-PA), member House Ways & Means Committee

==>  The Center for Democracy & Technology has up-to-date info on
        internet privacy & legislation concerns at http://www.CDT.org

        plus another good method for contacting the U.S. Congress at

==>  Content & concerns of literary quarterly "The Baffler" parallel WM ideas,
        so check out Issues #13 or #14; their website lists bookstores & newsstands where sold
        (U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan). The building where "The Baffler" was located caught
        fire last week, but just after Issue #14 went to the printer.

N E X T    M O N T H : "A Third Theory of Relativity (Part 1)"

Issue #11: "A Third Theory of Relativity (Part 1)"
[June 2001]

>+<    G.E. Nordell, editor    >+<

"Truth should put a light in your eyes and a skip in your step."
— Audry J. Seman of Copper Center, Alaska

"My humanity [is] the only thing that makes me different from a machine
... the effort of will to take control of myself and change."
— Alan Watts [1915-73]

"The resistance to a new idea increases as the square of its importance."
— Bertrand Russell [1872-1970]

"We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness, it is always urgent, here and now without any possibility for postponement.
Life is fired at us point blank."
— Jose Ortega y Gassett [1883-1955]


        My first mentor in learning to be a writer was Frederick Kohner. Though he wrote many produced screenplays and many novels, he was most famed for writing a book based on his daughter's teen years on the beach at Malibu. That first book is being re-published by Berkley Books on June 12th.
        For those of you living in Southern California, his daughter Kathy – a.k.a. 'Gidget' – helps run the Broadway Bar & Grill [not the Deli] on Santa Monica's Third Street Promenade. The food & service there are splendid, and if you ask real nice, she will be most glad to autograph your copy of any of her father's books.


{The following and Part 2 – see August issue – are each excerpts from
Chapter 35 of my book "Working Minds: A Philosophy of Empowerment"}

        Science has recently gotten more certain that Newtonian physics does not provide an entirely accurate view of the Universe. Newtonian physics does indeed work very well in the strictly physical world – engineering, mechanics, energy, electronic communications – but does not coincide with the rules that operate inside the subatomic or interstellar realms of quantum physics. In quantum physics, scientists take atoms apart, experimentally and theoretically, and eventually the measurements describe a universe where light is a wave AND a particle, depending on the experiment, which defies Newtonian law.
        And recent advances in satellite data-gathering have reconfirmed the sticky parts of Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity, even a couple of ideas that he gave up on due to the then-impossibility of empirical proof. (Remember that Einstein's first paper on the Special Theory of Relativity was published back in 1905, and the General Theory of Relativity in 1916.)

        Well, I have developed a personal notion that I call the Third Theory of Relativity. This Third Theory posits that:
         a) the reason that the speed of light in Einstein's Relativity formulae is a constant is that that speed is our frequency of existence in the Universe: We are defined by the speed of light which we are able to perceive;
        and b) the Universe is made up of a band of frequencies, like the radio or wireless telephone spectrum: We live at (are locked into) a 'station' whose frequency is 186,000 miles per second [the official, local speed of light] and cannot observe the other frequencies, just as you cannot get broadcast television on an A.M. radio or vice versa: the other frequencies are designed out of the hardware.

        This notion, the Third Theory of Relativity, connects to several other as-yet-unproven possibilities:
        1) Carlos Castaρeda describes the access provided by Yaqui sorcery to various numbers of parallel worlds. The number of worlds in this 'Separate Reality' [his term] is specified in his books variously as six or seven or ten or eleven. One of these parallel worlds that he experienced is depicted as desert-like, and given as a realm easily accessed by 'mystics', suggesting that this particular separate world is the very desert where the historical mystic Jesus of Nazareth spent 40 days being tempted by 'Satan'. The other described parallel worlds are NOT places that you or I would want to visit.
        2) There is an increasingly-dominant department of quantum physics called 'string theory', which holds that sub-sub-sub-elements of atoms are strings of force. And guess what? The monster equations that prove string theory are equally valid when solved for six or seven or ten or eleven dimensions. Put those concepts together and you have the multiple dimensions of string theory being accessible by means of the non-technical traditions of Yaqui sorcerers!
        3) Recent data from observations of supernovae has verified the mysterious 'repulsive force' that occupies empty space, a function of Einstein's cosmological constant. That such a force, and what is termed 'dark matter' are occupying 'empty space' sounds paradoxical, but physicists keep finding more data confirming the matter.

        The next step in the Third Theory of Relativity is to suggest that the long-missing theoretical mass of empty space is invisible to Mankind's instruments because this mass is comprised of the other dimensions. These non-standard dimensions – besides our standard four: Length, Width, Breadth, and Space-Time – are those which exist inside worlds that operate on different frequencies of the speed of light than this local frequency-world, and these parallel worlds are made up of the non-normal (to us) other dimensions described in both string theory and Yaqui tradition.
        Somehow the psychedelic-soaked practices of Yaqui sorcery provide access to alteration of human perception such that visits to the other [non-normal] frequency-worlds are both possible and consistent over time. (Were these visits pure fantasy or hallucination, they would not be consistent among so many objective observers.)

        What does all this have to do with the 'Working Mind' philosophy? Well, the above dissertation of concepts are illustrative rather than instructional. The whole idea of my Third Theory of Relativity may be pure claptrap: I am NOT going to win fortune or acclaim for having produced the above. (But if offered the Nobel Prize, I will accept.)

        The Third Theory of Relativity is an example of letting my mind stroll thru all sorts of highways and byways, on whatever subject I choose or allow. There is this extraordinary Freedom available when I seek advice, not from the False Mind 'voice-in-my-head', but from the Silence surrounding the Working Mind. So the advice that I seek and receive does not push me into negative-karmic activities designed for Survival, and besides, Thinking about my Third Theory of Relativity is FUN!

        The Thinking of the Working Mind is never the basis for righteousness. The standard False Mind reaction to any such nebulous conclusion – or of Received Information that enters one's perception – is to be righteous about 'My Idea' or about 'The Truth' and to act like a Creationist or Flat Earther and become an activist in behalf of My Idea. Note how the majority of those who believe in crop circles and UFO's and Atlantis act so very strange and unbending in the face of Reason: Reason is a threat to righteousness.

        This exercise in considering the Third Theory of Relativity is good practice at Thinking. A small satisfaction accompanies the synthesis of ideas, even if the Thinker knows them to be wild notions. From exercising and developing this ability will come synthesis of useful and not necessarily radical new ideas – in business, in technology, in relationships, in artistic achievement. If you have the Freedom to Think creatively, then you will cross frontiers, you will follow paths that go nowhere, you will have to double back sometimes, you will get your feet wet, you will stumble. But the end of such a journey will be a new sum, the synthesis of your creative adventure, not a copy of everybody else's Culture-Structure-led forced march to mediocrity and oblivion.

        Perhaps all that my Third Theory of Relativity amounts to is a possible fiction, just a made-up tale that passes the time entertainingly in the telling. I do not need to pound people over the head and convince them of the 'rightness' of My Idea, in order to prove to the world my worth or brilliance. I have a Working Mind, which is a quality, a talent, an attribute of great value – to myself, to the 'common weal', to Mankind. It is the ability to generate possibilities that is important.

        And partly, also, the fiction of the Third Theory of Relativity is a means to introduce the Distinction 'Wonder'. Can you get how incredibly wondrous and unknowable the Universe is? Albert Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." Think about it. This blindly careening machine we call the Universe has the grace to allow rainbows and sunsets and the fantasies of Mankind, like unicorns and time travel. And the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, carved out of the living rock. And the vine-covered beauty of Angkor Wat.
        Fireworks above the high school athletic field on a warm Fourth of July night – and the smell of the gunpowder floating in the air. Sea-grass moving with the waves in a tidal pool under a metallic sky. The grasp of a baby's hand around your finger. The aroma of garlic or wisteria, or the dusty smell kicked up by the first few drops of rain after a long dry spell. And a vast Universe made up of teeny-tiny string-thingies.

        The Third Theory of Relativity could be true. The Universe is that complex and that wondrous. It does not matter if the Third Theory of Relativity is ever proven – either way: true or false. If one has the ability to create Reality rather than to fight or avoid it (which the Culture-Structure teaches), then each new idea need NOT be hoarded. One idea out of a dozen or a hundred might be worth serious pursuit, but the real benefit of opening oneself to creative Thinking is in the Freedom to run about in the rich fields of Objective Reality like a newborn calf or deer or foal, gamboling [mentally] as one's intentional personal expression, a gambol of discovery.

         Richard Bach presents the idea that Mankind's true design is the same as the sea otter, one of the Planet's most playful creatures. Are not children of every race and nationality naturally playful until the Culture-Structure stuffs them full of dis-empowerment? Let's cut out all this False-Mind-driven, Culture-Structure-based animosity and despair and dis-empower- ment, and learn to experience the deep joy and Wonder of this crazy, absurd world circling around a star-sun hurtling thru the near-emptiness of Space-Time. The freely-creative product of the Working Mind can be freely shared, whether commercially or academically, or over a cup of tea or schnapps. When your Working Mind is strong enough, when it reaches maturity, you will not need permission to contribute, whether by hard effort or by gamboling example.

        Freedom exists in the exercise of it.

2007 version "A Third Theory of Relativity"

[copyright 2001 by Gary Edward Nordell, all rights reserved]

==>  Check out the semi-serious online 'Journal of Mundane Behavior' at
        Cal State Fullerton: http://www.MundaneBehavior.org/index.htm

==>  Use the internet acronym TUSK ["thought you should know"] to advise other folks
        of bad links, missing gifs & jpegs, dead pages [Error 404] and so on.
        Consider this a form of empowerment.

==>  For those wanting to delve deeper into quantum physics and string theory,
        visit the WM Quantum Physics Page at http://www.working-minds.com/quantum.htm
        for cool links and several readable books

==>  For details & solutions on the energy crisis & global warming: http://www.safeclimate.net

N E X T   M O N T H : "Independence"
I N    A U G U S T : "A Third Theory of Relativity (Part 2)"

==>  Visit and-or bookmark the Working Minds website:
        http://www.working-minds.com     [note the dash!]

NOTE: Software is being tested for conversion of the 'Preview Edition' into M/S Reader
        (dot-lit format) and Palm (dot-pdb format) versions; and just yesterday I found a site
        that will apparently convert it - and my detective novels - to Adobe Reader (dot-pdf
        format) for free .... more news on this next month

==>  Forward this e-mail to anyone who is into philosophy or economics.

==>  Participate in these philosophical webrings:

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